Saturday, April 9, 2016

What She Said

This is wonderfully stated and expresses my own feelings of who I have become over the past few years. Roger agrees it describes 'his walk' as well.
I share it here with permission given by the
'author', Karen G. Hunnicutt.

We have relinquished/extinguished pagan celebrations/holidays that do not honor Him, and instead embrace His instructed and appointed Moedim/Feasts and Sabbaths. We receive His instructions in Torah- not as a historical reference, but as a living, breathing Word that brings LIFE and Blessings... to those who walk in it, with the power of His Ruach haKodesh to guide and instruct us. We see relevance and pertinence in everything He says, and do so because our Messiah lived and taught it. We see Israel as a "cautionary example" to those of us alive today- descendants through either biology/faith and we don't want to repeat their errors. We believe prophecy referred to believers -scattered Israelites - in the Last Days, when He would restore us to our Father's Way.

Our desire to walk in His Torah is not for justification, but rather sanctification. We are justified through faith in Messiah Y'shua, and because of the indwelling (of His Spirit) Ruach haKodesh, we are led to obedience which then deepens our love and knowledge of the Father. We have left behind religious traditions of men and ritual, in favor of an intimate, day by day walk with our Creator, through the mediation of our High Priest, Y'shua ha'Mashiyach.

Our walk is very different than it was in Christianity, because we are no longer trying to fit square pegs (doctrines) into round holes (His Word), but will let go of those beliefs that do not FIT. Our instruction book is the entire book of Scriptures- from Genesis to Revelation. Our beliefs are defined by reading Scripture IN ORDER, so that we understand the context and discover our identity through that simple, step by step process. When the veil is removed (idols, justifications, love of lawlessness, false doctrines all veil our vision), then we are free to see our Creator for WHO He is, and who WE are in His eyes.

His HolySpirit/Ruach haKodesh magnifies His Word and gives significance to everything He tells us. He reveals His plan of salvation for mankind from the Beginning, and it is BEAUTIFUL how much He loves us! It moves our hearts to love Him more- never as much as He deserves, but more and more as we learn to love by trusting His instructions (Torah) on what love is. We do this because Messiah did it perfectly, and we follow Him. He stood in the gap for us to reconcile us from sin/selfishness to our Father-...

Our walk is one of Love and Trust and dying to our flesh daily. We do this because we love Him and our Messiah instructed us to Love YHWH by guarding His commands. The Apostles teach us HOW to overcome our sinful nature- by putting on the mind of Messiah and walking in righteousness. We have learned what it means to call Him: Master, and His yoke is EASY, and His burden is LIGHT. We walk this path flawed and sometimes we stumble, but He is faithful to lift us up and hold our hands to help us become more steady (Grace). Our perfection lies in HIM, and HE alone accomplishes the completed work in us, which I trust will be done by the time He returns.

We choose Him as (our Elohim), and as the sheep of His pasture, we know His voice. Our Messiah shows us the Father, reconciling us to Him through no merit of our own. His Ruach changes our hearts of stone (rebellion) to hearts of flesh and surrender, filled with an overwhelming love and willingness to follow His instructions. We have come to understand that they are for our GOOD- to be a blessing and not a curse. As former gentiles, through faith in Messiah we are grafted into the promises of Abraham, and as children of promise, and we gain our identity from Scripture. Now we know where we came from, and where we are going. We are no longer confused about who we are, and who HE IS. We belong to HIM.

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