Several months ago the topic of dance came up within the Torah Study Group I was attending. A sister came across a website which went into the pagan origins of what some today refer to as Hebraic Dance, or Davidic Dance, or praise and worship dance = Circle Dance. I followed up this topic with my own study, both within scripture and via resources on the web. Bottom line - Acceptable dance, whirling and twirling (dancing) is Spontaneous Reaction to Joy, not something planned, choreographed and taught to others.
Examples of Joyful Dancing in Scriptures:
Exodus 15:20,
Exodus 15:20,
1 Samuel 18:6-7. 2 Samuel
Jeremiah 31:4,
Psalm 30:12, Psalm 149, 150:4,
Judges 11:34 (mixed emotions here)
Judges 21:21-23
Psalm 30:12, Psalm 149, 150:4,
Judges 11:34 (mixed emotions here)
Judges 21:21-23
In a rush to embrace the Hebraic Roots/Messianic movement, some good hearted gentiles are overlooking some facts. Just as we have learned about the origins of the holidays and have quit partaking in them, learned dance steps have pagan origins, too. We cannot tolerate what is wrong in an attempt to make things right. We cannot mimic pagan ways and think we are honoring our Creator as He Himself said we cannot take something unholy and make it holy.
Here are some links that delve into the origins of what is being passed off as praise and worship:
Dancing Biblical?
What does Scripture Say?
Mayim Mayim
this site (Israeli folk dance) has a pdf showing the particular steps called the 'grapevine'
which is what ties in with paganism...
What does Scripture Say?
Mayim Mayim
this site (Israeli folk dance) has a pdf showing the particular steps called the 'grapevine'
which is what ties in with paganism...
There is so much deception in our life which is a tool used by Satan to keep us from gaining knowledge, to keep us from YHWH our Elohim. I am thankful for Jamie who brought this topic to my attention to begin with! Time to take the blinders off! Be Set Apart because He Is Set Apart :-)