Showing posts with label Seven Seals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seven Seals. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

Jacob's Trouble

 Jeremiah 30

Yahweh is speaking to Jeremiah about the days to come when He will restore the fortunes of His people and Judah.  He will bring them back to the land of their inheritance.  This happens when His Son returns and sets up his kingdom on earth in the promised land - the land of Canaan.  This has nothing to do with the tiny nation-state of modern-day Israel and this did not happen in 1948.

We have learned from previous studies that the House of Israel (Jacob's descendants) is made up of all true believers.  

"That day will be awesome, there is none like it!   It is a time of trouble for Jacob, but he shall be delivered from it."  

Yahshua His Son is the king God will raise up for them.  This is what is meant by God telling us the end from the beginning.  This is also why we read Scriptures from the beginning - Genesis - through to the end - Revelation - and let His Spirit reveal the truth.

Verse 11: I will make an end of all the nations among which I have dispersed you; but I will not make an end of you! I will not leave you unpunished but will chastise you in measure.

This verse brings to mind Seals 1 through 4 as opened and Seal 5 in the process of opening when true believers are persecuted.

Verse 14: All your lovers have forsaken you, they do not seek you out, for I have struck you as an enemy strikes .... because your iniquity was so great and your sins so many.  I did these things to you because your iniquity was so great and your sins so many.

In this study I can see this foretold event the same as what Yahshua foretold in Matthew 24 which is called the Beginning of Sorrows.  From my studies I say we are more than halfway through the Beginning of Sorrows aka the time of Jacob's Trouble.  And this ties in with the Seals we read of in Revelation.  I see this as Three Witnesses to the same timeline.

Verse 22: "You shall be My people and I will be your God."

Continue reading into chapter 31 and in Verse 8 we recognize the gathering of the remnant.  This happens at the return of His Son on the last day at the sounding of the 7th trumpet.

31:10 - Hear the word of Yahweh .... Say: He who scattered Israel will gather them and will guard them as a shepherd guards his flock.

Yahshua refers to us as his flock which includes another flock he will gather at his return.  The flock is from the House of Israel, descendants of Jacob who remained faithful to the one living God and the other flock is all who turned from their old pagan ways to our God Yahweh, accepted Him and live accordingly.  

Here are the links to other studies I shared in this blog relative to this study: