Showing posts with label tomb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tomb. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Story

 That evening, Yahshua ate a meal with his Apostles.

After this pass-over meal was eaten, Yahshua and his Apostles took a walk to the Mount of Olives. The sun has already gone down, so according to Yah's perfect timing, it is now the 15th day of this month (still dark), this also being the 1st day of Unleavened Bread.

While they are at the Mount of Olives, Yahshua tells his Apostles things that will happen soon and they can't believe they could ever be offended by him. He tells them there is sadness in his soul. They continue walking to the place called Gethsemane. The Apostles eventually fall asleep during the time Yahshua is praying to his Father.

This record of events makes it possible to conclude that Yahshua was not killed during the time that the pass-over offering lambs were being slaughtered. Otherwise he could not have eaten with his beloved twelve that evening, taken a walk afterwards and had more time in fellowship with them. 

When they arrived at Gethsemane, Judas came back and betrayed Yahshua to the chief priests and elders. After a scuffle all the Apostles left their Teacher - they ran away. Those who seized Yahshua wanted to take him to Caiaphas (Matthew 26:50-59) but they could not find him. So they took him to Pilate.

We read in Matthew 27 when it was morning the chief priests and elders took Yahshua to Pilate, who tries to argue for his life as he finds no guilt with him. Pilate realizes the accusers do so out of envy. The angry mob wins. Yahshua is scourged with whips and delivered to be put to death on a stake. He dies around the 9th hour.

When we read the accounts recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we can sum up the day's events.  Please read Scriptures for yourself when you have time.
(Matthew 26:57; Mark 14:53; Mark 15:15; Luke 22:54; John 18:28; John 19)
The chief priests and elders with scribes were taking Yahshua to Caiaphas who was the high priest, but they could not find him.  Scribes and elders were gathered trying to find witnesses against Yahshua, but only false witnesses came forward.  At daybreak, the chief priests and the elders all took counsel against Yahshua, bound him and delivered him to Pilate.
Pilate sent Yahshua to Herod to deal with because Yahshua was from Galilee. Herod was in Jerusalem in those days. Herod questions Yahshua but gets no answers, gives him back to Pilate.
Pilate calls to the chief priests and rulers of the people and says to them: You brought me this man as a deceiver of your people - I have examined him and have not found any fault with him nor has Herod... nothing that is worthy of death has been committed by him. Pilate desired to let Yahshua go but the people were crying out and saying 'Nail him to the stake!' 

Pilate tells the mob to take Yahshua and judge him according to 'their own' Torah and the Yehudeans reply, 'it is not lawful for us to kill a man' this day..... (it was a Shabbat, the 1st day of Unleavened Bread, so of course those religious men couldn't kill him that day.)
Pilate went as far as to offer them a choice of 'criminals' to be executed.  They chose to let Bar Abba (Barabbas) go free.  Yahshua was scourged, and delivered to be executed on a stake.
The Son of God was scourged and mocked. At about the 6th hour Pilate turned him over to be executed. In Matthew it reads Yahshua died about the 9th hour.  The 6th hour is equivalent to mid-day, the 9th hour would be 3:00 pm.

The pass over meal was eaten at twilight, the 14th day of the first month on God's calendar. The accounts agree it was morning, as the day dawned, when Yahshua was bound and brought before Pilate. It is now the 15th day. The 9th hour when Yahshua died is during the 15th day.
This year, 2023, the pope inspired Gregorian calendar days equivalent to the Hebrew calendar days of Passover and Unleavened Bread are April 4th at evening and April 5th with the following six days as the Days of Unleavened Bread.  Do you see how various religions have totally corrupted the events surrounding the death of our Messiah?  There is no Palm Sunday or Holy Week; no Good Friday or sunrise worship; no Passover Seder or stations of the cross.  Just remember how our God freed that mixed multitude from slavery in Egypt by the blood of the lamb; and by faith believe our freedom from our old sin nature was made possible by the shed blood of our Messiah. We observe God's Set Times best we can in this day and age without inventing rituals we think are a good thing to do.
Matthew 27:57 - Now when it became evening, a rich man from Ramtha whose name was Joseph, who had been taught by Yahshua, asked Pilate for the body, to be removed from the stake.  And he wrapped it in a shroud of fine linen and laid it in his new tomb.
Yahshua the Anointed One was placed in a tomb before sundown on that 15th day; where he spent three days and three nights before being resurrected.  He now sits at the right hand of God until the day he returns to gather up believers on the last day.  Then we inherit the promised land on this old earth with the Son of God as our king.
Did you know after his resurrection:
Acts 1:3With numerous signs for 40 days he was seen by them, and he spoke concerning the Kingdom of God ... And while he ate with the 12 Apostles he commanded that "You should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, He whom you have heard about from me. John immersed with water, and you will be immersed by God's Set Apart Spirit.  When His Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power and be witnesses for me in Jerusalem and in all Judah and also among the Samaritan and to the ends of the earth."  After these things he was taken up and a cloud received him and he was hidden from their eyes. 

Ten days later during the set time of Shavuot (Pentecost) the Apostles were immersed (baptized) by God's Spirit, as promised.