Showing posts with label meet and greet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meet and greet. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Spit out the Bones

Did Jesus go out to "meet and greet" people, getting to know them before he started to teach the Word of God? Did he sidestep issues of the day so as not to be labeled a "Torah Thumper"?
I don't think so.

Did Yahshua mix and mingle lies with the truth in order to attract people to him? Did he share ideas and theories to entertain and entice folks to join him?

I think not.

He came loaded with knowledge, understanding, love and truth and wasted no time with 'ear tickling' as a tactic to win people over.

Y'shua was known by his reputation. From a young age he was very knowledgeable of Scripture. Later he became known as a teacher and a healer, and some speculated he was possibly the son of Elohim - others knew without a doubt. People were drawn to him, some out of curiosity, some to hear his teachings for themselves, or to be healed of their ailments, or because they recognized the Good Shepherd's Voice and responded to the calling.
John 14:6 - Yahshua answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life...."John 8:12- Yahshua spoke to the people and said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life."1 John 5:11-  And this is that testimony: Yahweh has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.

Why do people think it is O.K. to share teachings from folks who are not 100% in line with the Word of Yahweh as a tool to "bring others to Christ"?  This is no different from mixing pagan customs with the religion of Christianity in order to bring more folks into the 'church'.  It is a stumbling block for many and a snare for others. They say folks can "eat the meat and spit out the bones" meaning we can visit these sites, read these books, watch those videos so we can glean nuggets of truth from them.  But what else are we gleaning, even if it was not our intention?  What bad seeds are being planted with the good?  Are we really to go through all that trouble when we could simply read Scriptures daily and allow our Father's Set Apart Spirit to reveal all truth, without the risk of entertaining demons...