Showing posts with label paganism truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paganism truth. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Y'shua to Zeus

I have avoided the Name Game discussion which many choose to involve themselves, who are armed with concordances, interlinears, charts, commentaries and traditions, even though I do believe there is a Name above all Names and it is in the Hebrew language.  
This is all part of our learning process and should not be a topic of contention. Each of us will come to the realization sooner or later.  But what spurred this post was another comment elsewhere about the letter "J" which isn't part of the the Hebrew alphabet, so how could the Son of God be named Jesus? ðŸ˜‰ A person responded saying the name Jesus.... "which is a Spanish pronunciation of His German Name, which is a German pronunciation of His Greek Name, which is a Greek pronunciation of His Hebrew Name" -- so you see, I needed to expound a bit.

The following is quoted from the Aramaic English New Testament appendix:
While it is true that Iesous became the Greek substitute for Yehoshua (Greek Septuagint translation of the Tanakh), it is also true that the Greek language is capable of reproducing the name of Yehoshua with exact sonic pronunciation.  However, an etymological link evolved between Iesous, Zeus and Jesus, pronounced: Ie-soos; Zoos; and Jee-zuhs.  
Regardless as to whether one recognizes sonic similarities or not, there are many other factors that connect the Christian worship of Jesus to Zeus. Historians have noted that for many centuries busts of Zeus were prominently displayed in many Christian churches throughout Europe. The original busts of Zeus were imported into the most prominent front and center parts of Christian sanctuaries. In the year 230 A.D. the Christian 'church father' Tertullian wrote: "By us Gentile Christians who are strangers to Jewish Sabbaths, new moons and festivals once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia, the feasts of January, the Brumalia and the Matronalia are now frequented with gifts begin carried to and fro."  
Early in Roman church history it was very fashionable to syncretize pagan worship into Christianity. One of the most evident pagan elements is the sun-child of Dec. 25th who became the son-child of "Mary the mother of God."  Ishtar, from where the fish symbol originated, was also a carry-over into Christianity, and transubstantiation is another rite that was ripped right out of paganism and dropped into the .... wafer in which most Christians indulge.
Caligula considered himself 'god' and demanded worship as a physical god, not unlike the Catholic pope who postures himself as being infallible and in the place of god. The Catholic Church demonstrates all manner of demonic spirit that Caligula enjoyed including pedophile sex crimes. Those who are not Catholic, however, need not point their fingers because every Christian who erects a Christmas tree or attend church on Sunday or celebrates Easter or Valentine's Day is blindly following Roman Catholic authority. 
Y'shua Mashiyach is the government of YHWH, he is altogether righteous, just and lawful, but most Christians are adamant that 'Jesus did away with the Law'.  The greatest slap in the face to Yahshua is when Christians are presented with the truth about him and instead of repenting and turning to God, most choose to ignore Truth and continue to follow pagan customs. Most ask "what difference does it make?" because they see no difference between the absolute Truth of the Perfect Messiah versus a false religious system that invented Je-Zeus according to a mixture of truth and paganism. 
Yahshua used many parables and metaphors to bring the point across that the carnal nature of man must die so the spiritual man can live within him. There are no religious substitutes that can be given in exchange for living a righteous lifestyle in the Anointed One who came to do the will of the Father.