Showing posts with label digital society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital society. Show all posts

Friday, May 31, 2024


 I read this article, May 4, 2024, and I quote:
What Is the 50-in-5 Campaign? 
According to the 50-in-5 website, “50-in-5 is a country-led advocacy campaign. By 2028, the 50-in-5 campaign will have helped 50 countries design, launch, and scale components of their digital public infrastructure.”

The digital public infrastructure essentially combines all the different means of digital personal collection into ONE central infrastructure.

From the website: “Digital public infrastructure (DPI) – which refers to a secure and interoperable network of components that include digital payments, ID, and data exchange systems – is essential for participation in markets and society in a digital era.”

Alex Newman explains, 
The U.N. and Bill Gates are building ‘a giant digital gulag for humanity’ to assert digital control from the top down....

The 50-in-5 campaign aims to have 50 countries—or governments—impose some major elements of this digital public infrastructure on their population within five years, by the end of 2028.
It is going to be packaged as something that is for our benefit.
They’re going to draw us in with the benefits. 
They already are

According to the United Nations Development Programme:

All countries, regardless of income level, geography, or where they are in their digital transformation journey, can benefit from being a part of 50-in-5. Joining the campaign helps ensure countries don’t have to tackle DPI implementation alone or start from scratch. By implementing DPI components, participating countries can stimulate innovation and local entrepreneurship, enhance access to services and opportunities for all people, and pave the way for more interoperable technologies and collaborative global communities.

Then, they are going to say it is something needed, and without it, you will suffer.

It is not for our benefit. It is for THEIR benefit.

The Facets of Digital Public Infrastructure
A microchip implanted in your hand can tell the government everything it needs to know about you, from your personal identification information to how much money you have in the bank or on your charge card. 
Digital IDs:
Each individual is given a digital ID by providing biometric identification, such as fingerprints or facial scans on your phone.  Using this biometric identification, the government will issue and manage your digital ID.  You will be told that this will make it more convenient and easier to bank, travel, get healthcare, and more. You will also be told to keep a digital ID on your smartphone—with all your data including your SSN, insurance numbers, and bank accounts—and get rid of anything physical.
Currently, fourteen states in the United States already have some form of digital ID.

Central Bank Digital Currency
A CBDC is a digital form of currency that centralizes all of a country’s citizens' financial information in a digital database controlled by the government. 
According to Reuters, “A total of 130 countries representing 98% of the global economy are now exploring digital versions of their currencies,....”  A CBDC takes the control of money from banking institutions into the government's own hands. 

Digital Health Certificates
The World Health Organization (WHO) has created the Global Digital Health Certification Network as “the first building block of digital public health infrastructure.”

Universal Blockchain Ledger
Another facet of the Digital Public Infrastructure is the Bank for International Settlements's ability to implement tokenization with a universal blockchain ledger.
The Bank for International Settlements is an international financial institution fostering monetary and financial cooperation.  The Bank of International Settlements is already working on this universal blockchain ledger and attempting to tokenize every asset in the universe. Every farm, every car, every house, everything.  The goal is for citizens to be able to interact with the blockchain ledger using their biometric digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currencies.
In clearer terms, if you want to buy something, you connect to this blockchain system and transfer CBDCs.

The Foundation Is Already Laid
The foundation for digital public infrastructure is already being laid.
It won’t be too far in the future where your digital device will tell the government everything about you.
It may not just be a digital device with your biometric data.  Some countries, such as Sweden and Germany, already have tons of citizens implementing microchips into their hands.
In fact, this started before the pandemic. However, when Sweden announced that the coronavirus vaccine passport requirement would be implemented, “the number of people who got microchips inserted under their skin rose.” The microchips had already allowed Swedes to access their apartment buildings without a key fob, get into their local gym without a membership card, ride public transport, and more.

Don’t get it wrong. This is 100% about control.

Newman explains, “The architecture being laid down is where a situation could emerge where people could be prevented from buying or selling [or entering other countries] if they won’t participate.”  (end quote)

See how this ties in with prophecy:
Revelation 13:13 (The end times False Prophet has been bringing about great signs, even to make it appear that fire comes down from heaven) - And he seduced them that dwell on the earth to erect an image to the beast who had the wound from a sword and recovered from it. And it was given to him to put life into the image of the beast and to cause that all who would not worship the image of the beast should be slain; and to (instruct that) all people should receive a mark on their right hands or upon their foreheads so that no one might be able to buy or to sell, except those who had the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom: let him that has intelligence compute the number of the beast of prey for it is the number of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty and six.
It ain't the end yet, but 
things are coming together
and will eventually fit this timeline.