I share this information for your further research and study as we begin to see the puzzle pieces coming together to fit with the end times prophecies ~ Candus
After Signing One-World Religion Covenant, Pope Francis Makes His Next Push - 2/13/2019 MICHAEL SNYDER

Just days after the pope signed the most important interfaith document in history, he had the opportunity to address global political leaders by video at the World Government Summit in Dubai. During his remarks he once again stressed the need for global unity, and he encouraged those attending to embrace "sustainable development", but he also stressed that sustainable development will never succeed without "solidarity".
Of course most Americans don't even know that a "World Government Summit" even exists because the mainstream media in the U.S. doesn't really talk about it, but it is actually a very big deal.
World leaders (met) at the World Government Summit, (which took) place in Dubai from 10-12 February. -- The World Government Summit is an annual event, and it attracts leaders from all over the globe who are interested in a more integrated planet. Here is a little blurb about the summit from Wikipedia:
The World Government Summit is an annual event held in Dubai, UAE. It brings together leaders in government for a global dialogue about governmental process and policies with a focus on the issues of futurism, technology and innovation, as well as other topics. The summit acts as a knowledge exchange hub between government officials, thought leaders, policy makers and private sector leaders, and as an analysis platform for the future trends, issues and opportunities facing humanity. The summit hosts over 90 speakers from 150 participating countries along with over 4000 attendees.
(The pope) emphasized that "we cannot really speak of sustainable development without solidarity." He concluded his message with by thanking those taking part, and with the prayer that the Lord might bless their commitment "for a more just and prosperous world for everyone".
The phrase "sustainable development" has become a shorthand way of referring to the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals. It is a 17-point plan, and if you read the entire thing, you quickly realize that it encompasses just about every realm of human activity that you can possibly imagine. It is not just a plan to fight climate change. It is actually a comprehensive blueprint for global governance, and it envisions a much larger role for global institutions such as the U.N. in the years ahead.
But in the context of speaking about "sustainable development," the pope once again used the term "solidarity." This is a word that he has been using a lot lately .... he almost always uses this buzzword when speaking of the need for global religious unity.
.... the pope and the highest imam in Sunni Islam signed a covenant which boldly declares that Christians and Muslims worship the same God, and that it is God's will that all of the various major religions in the world co-exist peacefully. For much more on this, please see (Micheal Snyder's) previous article entitled "The Pope and Islam's Most Important Imam Just Signed a Covenant That Pushes Us Much Closer to a One-World Religion".