A Mother and Her Harlots
Come out of her My People
In Revelation 18 we read of the demise of Babylon. She, Babylon the Great, has Fallen ... it has become a cavern of demons, and the home of every unclean spirit, and every unclean and hateful bird and every unclean and hateful beast of prey. All nations have drank the wine of her wrath and the kings of the earth have practiced whoredom with her... the merchants of the earth have been enriched by the abundance of her luxuries. We are warned to 'come out of her' so as not to participate in her sins, which have reached high heaven, nor should we be subject to her plagues because The Creator has remembered her wickedness.
In an attempt to understand who and what the end times Mystery Babylon represents, we'll take into consideration that most (if not all) events in the Tanakh (Old Testament) are types and shadows pointing towards what is happening in our day and age. Imagine it similar to the skin of an onion peeling away. It's the same onion, just another layer being removed.
Lets take a look at the original City of Babylon, it's history, lifestyle and religious mindset. Genesis 11 is a short reference to this city, but sets the ground work:
Lets take a look at the original City of Babylon, it's history, lifestyle and religious mindset. Genesis 11 is a short reference to this city, but sets the ground work:
Everyone on earth had the same language and the same words. And as they migrated from the east they came upon a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said, "Let us make hard bricks and build a city and a tower with its top in the sky, to make a name for ourselves..." When YHWH came down to take a look, He said, "If these people of one language can come up with an idea like this, then there is nothing that they set their mind to that will be out of reach. Lets go down and confound their speech so they won't be able to understand each other" (thus putting an end to such behavior). Yah scattered them from there over the face of the earth and they stopped building the city. It is called Babel (Babylon) because it was there Yahweh confounded their speech and scattered them.
Out of their pride and arrogance they came together for the sake of their own glory... they wanted to make a name for themselves. Not only did Yahweh confound their speech but He scattered them. Years later the House of Israel was scattered, part of which was exiled to Babylon in Nebuchadnezzar's day. During those seventy years living among the Babylonians many bad habits were picked up by those dispersed Israelites, and they brought them back to Judea whence they returned. During this time line is when the religion of Judaism became woven with mysticism and man's own pride and arrogance, the Babylonian Mindset.
Cain, a condemned murderer had started the first cities before the Flood. Nimrod builds the first post-Flood cities. Nimrod's name is from the root word which means "let us revolt." He is said to be a mighty hunter in the sight of Elohim. He becomes a tyrant leading an organized rebellion against the rule of The Creator. He hunts not only animals, but the souls of men.
Here is more information I gathered
from the website of L. Dolphin:
Nimrod is the founder of both Babylon and Nineveh, the two great cities of antiquity which became, ultimately, enemies of Israel. Nimrod evidently gained a great reputation as such a hunter, but he was more than a hunter of wild animals. By the founding of Babylon and Nineveh we have a hint given of the nature of this man. We are told here that he was "the first mighty man on earth," i.e., after the flood. That phrase, "mighty man," takes us back to Genesis 6 where, in that strange story of the invasion of the "sons of God" into the human race, there resulted a race of giants called Nephilim. We are told that "these were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown." This demonic invasion of the race .... brought into being a race of giants that were morally degraded. These also appear later on in the Canaanite tribes. We have found this suggestive line of thought running through the Scriptural account up to this point. Nimrod apparently was one of these "mighty men," and therefore introduced a perverted, degraded form of religion into the world. It began at Babylon, spread to Nineveh, and can be traced in history as it subsequently spread throughout the whole of the earth. Thus, in this man Nimrod, we have the seed of idolatry and false religion coming in again after the flood. In the Babylonian religion, Nimrod (aka Marduk) held a unique place. His wife was Semiramis. Marduk and Semiramis (became known as) the ancient god and goddess of Babylon. They had a son whom Semiramis claimed was virgin-born, and they founded the mother and child cult. This was the central character of the religion of ancient Babylon, the worship of a mother and child, supposedly virgin-born. You can see in this a clever attempt on the part of Satan to anticipate the genuine virgin birth and thus to cast disrepute upon the story when Y'shua would later be born. (end quote)
Our Creator was never about religious groups, churches, denominations or 'other gods' and as He states later in Exodus 20. It is important enough that it is one of the first things on the list that our Father explains during His meeting with Moses on Mount Horeb.
Exodus 20:
I am YHWH your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall have no other gods besides Me. You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. I Am your Elohim, impassioned, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children upon the third and the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
We are not to have any other gods, idols, deities, icons, likeness or images of what we think god or 'Jesus' looks like or angels, nor are we to have fetishes like good luck charms, nic-nacs or statues of earthly things or of things in the waters. No 'fish symbols' or dream catchers, peace signs, obelisks, crosses, crescent moon, pentagrams, hexagrams...
YHWH has established Himself as the Only Living Elohim and instructs us right off the bat to have nothing to do with 'other gods' from the imagination of men which they make for themselves. There is only "One God" and His Name is YHWH (Yah-weh) who made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them. It is by Faith that we believe what He says is true. Spending every day reading His Word helps to reveal this Truth. Anything else is a false god, idol, image that has its origins in deception and its purpose is to distract us from our Father and His Instructions in Righteousness.
If you do not believe this,
then nothing else will make sense to you.
Satan wants to be worshiped as 'god' and he's been working a very long time at achieving this status.
Babylon is the setting for Daniel and his dreams and visions which tell about the time of the end when a final king would arise and attempt to conquer the world. We'll start with Nebuchadnezzar's dream about a large statue.
Daniel 2:32
The head of that statue was of fine gold; its chest and arms were of silver; its belly and thighs of bronze; its legs were of iron, and its feet part iron and part clay. A stone was hewn, not by hands, and struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them. All at once, the iron, clay, bronze, silver and gold were crushed and became like chaff of the threshing floors of summer; a wind carried them off until no trace was left. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that YHWH Elohim in heaven reveals mysteries and has made known to the king what is to be at the end of days, and proceeds to interpret the king's dream:
The head of gold represents Nebuchadnezzar's current reign as king of Babylon. After his kingdom one represented by the silver, inferior to gold, arises, then yet a third kingdom, of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. But the fourth kingdom, strong as iron, will smash and crush those before it. The feet which were part iron and part clay means it will be a divided kingdom. And the toes which are mixed iron and clay means that kingdom will be part strong and part brittle.
:43 You saw iron mixed with common clay; that means: they shall intermingle with the offspring of men, but shall not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clay. In the time of those kings, YHWH will establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed nor transferred to another people. It will crush and wipe out all these kingdoms and itself shall last forever, just as the stone hewn from the mountain, not by hands, crushed the iron, bronze, clay, silver and gold.
Make a note here, verse 43, "they shall intermingle with the offspring of men..." sounds an awful lot like what what was going on in the days of Noah when those divine beings left their station in heaven to defile themselves with the daughters of men resulting in genetic mutants known as the Nephilim. Y'shua also warns us about it 'being like the days of Noah' as one of the signs prior to his return. Who are 'they'? Non-humans? Trans-humans? Demon-spirits posing as extraterrestrials? These all exist in today's world, whether real or imagined, the kingdom of iron mixed with clay, the last one before the return of Y'shua. Iron mixed with clay could represent Artificial Intelligence (robotics) mixed with human beings = Transhumanism.
Nebuchadnezzar's dream of this statue was while he was king of Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar's dream of this statue was while he was king of Babylon.

Babylon is located south of Bagdad in Iraq
It is hard to discuss the end times government and religious system without including Daniel's visions and prophecy, but those details are many and I don't want to branch off of our Babylon study, so here is the link to the rest of that story in a study I posted couple of years ago: Future Govt
Babylon is in the same area known as Chaldea, and Ur is near the location of Babylon. Ur is where Yah called Abram to come out of. Abram's dad was into paganism. What do these things have in common? They ALL have their roots in paganism. They put other gods in place of the Living Elohim. They made images and worshiped them. Coming 'out of Babylon' seems to be a call to leave paganism behind, just as Abram was called out.

What is paganism?
Any thing, thought, practice, tradition, behavior which is opposed to the Instructions set forth by our Creator, YHWH.
In Nimrod, we have the same pride and arrogance within that seed of idolatry and false religion coming in again after the flood: Sun God, Virgin Mother and Child worship. (This is rather evident in the Roman Catholic Church and carries through in other religions.)
Did Nimrod carry the demon spirit of the Nephilim? Genesis 10 records the lines of Shem, Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah, who were born after the flood. Verse 6 tells us the descendants of Ham and verse 7 lists the descendants of Cush. Interestingly, verse 8 reads: "Cush also begot Nimrod", as if making a special side note about it. Stay tuned for yet another study in regards to Nimrod.
It is possible for me to come to the conclusion that Mystery Babylon represents the entire religious political order of the world today, rooted in paganism, seeking to gain earthly honor by means of religious authority. This is Satan's plan. He wants to be 'god' and he uses religion and churches, temples and synagogues, shrines and mosques, and those who teach lies, as part of his counterfeit to YHWH's Instructions in Righteousness. Many have sold their souls to the Dragon for the promise of wealth and prestige. Many thrive on their pride and arrogance. This is the Babylonian mindset.
There are interesting things in current events that seem to mirror what we have read in Scriptures in regards to the end. For example, the pope has been meeting with world leaders and establishing an agenda for a one-world-system. Indeed, those in dark rooms have had this planned for centuries and it is the same old story as the tower of Babel. The cycle repeats. And I agree... "They" just need to get the right puppet leaders in place. The stage is being set.
Now, consider this possible connection:
Out of their pride and arrogance the UN has come together to form the final world governing system. Modern technology has brought all languages back as one, so all can understand each other and continue planning and building as they rebel against YHWH. The final world leader will take his position as the head of this organization in the near future.... Welcome back, Nimrod.