Showing posts with label emotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emotions. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Reality of Demons

Ephesians 4:26 ~
Be angry, but do not sin. Do not let the sun go down upon your wrath and give no place to the Accuser...

Anger is one example, but is it the only thing that could allow a demon entry? Anger (or wrath) is mentioned as a “work of the flesh”, and it seems likely that any work of the flesh, in which sin takes place, or is held on to over time, may also give room to a demon.
Galatians 5:19 ~ Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Adultery, impurity and lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, treacheries, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelry, and all such things. Those who do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim.
If a person is sinning, whether in anger, or by adultery or idolatry or by holding onto and keeping emotional things inside like anger, bitterness, hatred etc... this is what opens a door up for demons to gain entry, get a room, and oppress someone.

A person under demonic oppression has the authority, in the name of Y'shua the Anointed One, by the power of Yah through the His Set Apart Spirit, to command a demon to get out and stay out, and refuse to let it influence them any longer. It is their choice to kick the demon out, and to repent of whatever sinful work of the flesh opened the door to let the demon get in their house in the first place. Always fill that space the demon left with the Word of Elohim, the Truth of His Spirit and the testimony of His Son so as not to allow reentry of any unclean spirit. And if at all possible, have 2 or 3 fellow believers with you as reinforcements and reassurance.

Our most prominent weapon is the Word of YHWH, which is the sword of the Spirit, and we learn to use it by reading Scriptures. Often the battle with demonic oppression is in the mind, and the best weapon to use against excuses and false reasoning which hold onto sin, is with the Word of Elohim. And we have the authority Y'shua gave believers in him to cast out demons, if we allow the Spirit to do it's job.

First John 4
Do not believe all spirits but discriminate among the spirits whether they are of Elohim; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this the Spirit of Elohim is known: every spirit that confesses that Y'shua the Mashiyach has come in the flesh is of Elohim. Every spirit that does not confess that Y'shua the Mashiyach has come in the flesh is not of Elohim but he is of the false messiah of whom you have heard that he comes and now is already in the world. But you children are of Elohim and you have overcome them because greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world.

If we are truly Set Apart believers we will be able to discern false prophets by their teachings, what they confess to be 'true', by taking it back to the Word of Elohim and allowing His Ruach haKodesh to reveal the truth. We allow His Spirit to reveal the intentions of those spirits. 

They who are of the world speak worldly things and the world hears them. We who are of Elohim and know Him recognize one another by His Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. By the Ruach haKodesh we recognize the spirit of error: false prophets.

First Timothy 4
But the Spirit says explicitly that, in the latter times, some will depart from the faith and will go after deceptive spirits and after the doctrine of demons. These will seduce by a false appearance and will speak a lie and will be seared in the conscience and will forbid to marry and will require abstinence from meats which Yah has created for use and for thankfulness by them who believe and known the truth. 
Second Corinthians 2:10And whom you forgive, I also forgive; for that which I forgave to anyone, for your sakes I forgave it in the presence of the Mashiyach; or else Satan should overtake us; for we know his devices.
Second Corinthians 4:4
There are those whose minds have been blinded by the god of this world in order that they will not believe, for if they did believe, the light of the flame of the glory of Y'shua who is in likeness of YHWH, should dawn upon them.
James 2:19You believe that there is one Elohim; you do well; the demons also believe and tremble.
Who is presently the 'god of this world'? 

Ephesians 2
You who were dead in your sins and in your offenses in which you once walk, according to the worldliness of this world and according to the will of the prince and power of the air (Satan), that spirit which is active in the children of disobedience: in which deeds we formerly spoke of in the cravings of our flesh and we found pleasure of our flesh and mind, and we were altogether the children of wrath like the rest of them. But Elohim who is rich in His mercies because of the great love with which He loved us when we were dead in our sins, gave us life with the Mashiyach and rescued us by His grace; and revived us with him and seated us with him in heaven, in Y'shua the Anointed One; that He might show to the coming ages the magnitude of the riches of His grace and His goodness towards us in Y'shua. For it is by His grace we are rescued, through faith; and this is not by our own doings, but it is the gift of Elohim.

Worldliness is sin. Following the world's religions, customs and materialistic values is making void the Instructions from YHWH, making one dead in their sins.
"Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). So we should guard against temptation and opening doors that would give the devil legal access to influence our lives. For many of us, this means there are certain places we should not go. And obviously we should not participate in occult rituals. But greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world (1 John 4:4).  There is a difference between vigilance and paranoia. Vigilance in spiritual warfare is rooted in confidence in our Creator and His Word and the authority we have in Him. Paranoia is rooted in fear. Vigilance is offensive; paranoia is defensive." (end quote)
If you allow yourself to become paranoid about demons, you'll constantly be looking for them. Y'shua didn't worry about demons, and the disciples weren't living in that kind of fear. The apostle Paul allowed a demon-possessed girl to follow him around for several days before finally casting the demon out of her. And when he did cast it out, he took only an instant to do so.
Acts 16:16 ~ On one occasion, as we went to the place of prayer, a servant girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, shouting, 'These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.' She did this for many days. But becoming greatly troubled, Paul turned to the spirit and said, 'I command you in the name of Y'shua haMashiyach to come out of her.' And it came out at that moment.
After reading all of this, you may begin to wonder about the movies and shows you've watched, books you've read etc.... about demon possession and exorcism and how horrified and fearful they taught us to be. They taught us only a priest, if not only a Catholic priest, had the power to save us. As we have come to learn, Hollywood is not set apart to Elohim and their tools of persuasion have been used against us for many, many years. Fear is the biggest factor used to keep us unbalanced. Ignorance of what is written in Scriptures is a weapon used against us. Doubting the Word of YHWH gives Satan the same opportunity that he used against Adam and Eve who were kicked out of the Garden because of it, and keeps us unstable.

By no means are my intentions aimed to belittle demonic encounters for anyone. This is serious business. I myself have experienced the presence of an entity, in my younger years, long ago. Once you start playing around with new age mysticism and various occult practices you open a door for demonic activity in your life, which can affect those sharing your living space. I had been enchanted by new age mysticism in the 70's and 80's. I was able to have 'out of body' experiences; I could hold an object and tell you how it related to it's past; I could influence people with my strong concentration on the desired outcome. Thankfully one OOBE scared me so badly I never attempted them again. Unknowingly I was a plaything of Satan. I had no idea YHWH was fighting for me then, and I never fully realized it until many years later.

Folks who 'channel' are being duped by an unclean spirit, demonic in nature. These spirits are left overs from the Flood as we were told the Nephilim existed then and after the event. The Flood destroyed the flesh but the ungodly spirits survived. There have always been those who innocently enough experiment with this realm (channeling; automatic writing; remote viewing; esp;) and there are those who, after experiencing this 'power' intentionally enter the realm and will become deeper in debt to Satan. Most folks have been led to believe the one they channel is a spiritual leader, a higher up, an alien full of worldly knowledge coming back to save us from ourselves.  YHWH has already made provisions for our salvation through His Son, Y'shua.  If you don't believe that, then nothing else matters.

Demons are real. They are the left over unclean spirits from the soul-less Nephilim whose flesh was destroyed at the time of the Flood. They began to manifest again during the time of Nimrod. They appear in any form which influences the desired outcome. These forms can range from the likeness of people known to be dead (ghosts, familiar spirits), to the popular images of extraterrestrials (grays, reptilian, Annunaki, beings of light etc...)  In Revelation 16 three of them look like frogs. Demons can influence people. Their 'king' is Abaddon, the angel of the abyss.  We shall have nothing to do with these unclean spirits; we shall not speak to them so as not to invite them in ("What do you want from me!? -- don't ever say that). If by some other behavior they enter our personal space, get right on it and by the authority and power given by Y'shua the Anointed One, command said demon to leave, go back to where it came from and never return. Fill the place it just vacated with Scriptures and prayers to YHWH the Most High.  Give Him thanks and ask for Forgiveness and Protection. Ask Him to shine His Light brighter on the straight path that leads to the narrow gate so you may see all stumbling blocks, snares and rabbit trails Satan has cast in our way hoping to snag as many as possible. Stand strong in the Faith and fight the good fight!