Showing posts with label sacrifice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sacrifice. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Clean or Unclean

Definition of unclean:
1: morally or spiritually impure 
2: infected with a harmful contagion 
3: prohibited by ritual law for use or contact

The Book of Leviticus is not an easy read.

Chapter 5 teaches about incurring guilt through sin, either intentionally or unknowingly, according to the Teachings of Yahweh; and provides the appropriate action to be taken to remedy oneself.

In regards to coming in contact with anything 'unclean', when one realizes his guilt, he acknowledges his wrongdoing and provides the required offering to the priest who makes expiation on his behalf, and all is forgiven. (It is the feeling of 'guilt' that creeps in after we have done something wrong. It's as if wearing 'filthy rags' instead of 'fine linen')

Leviticus 5:5 teaches when he realizes his guilt in any of these matters, he shall confess the circumstance of the sin which he is guilty of and bring his penalty (sin offering) to Yahweh (via the priest). If we transgress any of His Laws = His Instructions in Righteousness = this is considered as sin.

Unintentional sin is forgivable once we realize what we have done and pray for forgiveness. Y'shua is our high priest who intercedes on our behalf and we are forgiven. The Instructions still apply to us today but the remedy has been changed from bringing offerings to the temple and priest, to accepting the death of the Son as our covering and salvation from eternal death.

Hebrews 10 (lightly paraphrased)
We choose to accept Y'shua as our High Priest who offered a one time sacrifice for sins, who sits forever at the right hand of Elohim where he waits until his foes are placed as a footstool under his feet. For, by one offering (himself), he has perfected forever them who are sanctified (set apart) by him. And the Ruach haKodesh also testifies to us by saying: This is the covenant which I will give them after those days, says Master YHWH: I will put my Torah into their minds and inscribe it on their hearts and their iniquity and their sins I will not remember against them. Now, where there is a forgiveness of sins there is no offering for sin demanded. We have therefore my Brothers assurance of entering into the sanctuary by the blood of Y'shua and by a path of life.

Another misunderstanding about clean and unclean shows up when folks point out that God told Peter all food was acceptable to eat, Acts Chapter 10, but they don't read the entire chapter.  Peter's vision is clarified when we read beyond the part about the food vision and take into consideration his standard of not meeting with people who were not of the House of Israel (tribal descendants). Cornelius the Centurion was a believer in Elohim who saw a vision and was told to send some men to go get Simon Peter and bring him to his house. The next day Peter was in prayer and was feeling hungry. He saw a vision of what looked like a linen cloth coming down from heaven full of all creatures and creeping things and birds. He heard a voice say Slaughter and Eat! But he did not because he had never eaten anything defiled or unclean. The second time this happens a voice said "That which Elohim has cleansed, you should not consider defiled." This vision happened a third time.... Peter was standing there marveling at this when the 'three' men from Cornelius showed up at this house. The Spirit tells Peter to go with those three men without being indecisive because it was The Spirit who sent them. Peter goes with them men to Caesarea. Acts 10:28 explains the unclean food vision - "... it is not Lawful for a Yehudean man to associate with a foreign man who is not a son of his tribe, but Elohim showed to me concerning a man not to say that he is unclean or defiled. So I came to you...."  (food was used as a visual metaphor; this vision was about Gentile believers).

Click here to go to my study: Substitutes

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Form or Function?

Physical or Spiritual?

Why do the modern day Jews and supporters of the state of Israel think they need to build another temple in Jerusalem? They certainly have overlooked First Corinthians 3:16 "Do you not know that you are the temple of Elohim and that the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you?" 

The Temple Institute's ultimate goal is to "see Israel rebuild the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem". They have already chosen the priests and have bred red heifers, and have made many of the utensils required for temple service.  If they succeed, don't they realize Satan will stand in it and call himself 'god'? These people believe they are commanded to build this temple according to the vision given to Ezekiel. How can you choose to act on one vision then ignore prophecy?

That may be the key... they are fulfilling prophecy. 

In the second chapter of Revelation we read about Jews who call themselves Jews but are not, they lie, they are of the synagogue of Satan, thus doing the work of Satan, preparing the stage for the final seven years of life as we know it.

The act of building this 'third temple' isn't so much according to the vision Ezekiel had (which the Institute claims is their command to build), but is very much in line with the end times events, especially the final seven years.

Y'shua is aware of this future temple. He tells us in Matthew 24 that the "sign of uncleanness" (abomination) and desolation will eventually stand in the Set Apart place (commonly known as the holy of holies). He also refers us to Daniel 9:27
During one week he will make a firm covenant with many. For half a week he will put a stop to the sacrifice and meal offering. At the corner of the altar will be an appalling abomination until the decreed destruction will be poured down upon the appalling thing. Also in Daniel 11:31- Forces will be levied by him, they will desecrate the temple, the fortress, they will abolish the regular offering and set up the appalling abomination. And noted in Daniel 12:11: From the time the regular offering is abolished and an appalling abomination is set up will be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
The sacrifices mentioned are the regular offering and the meal offering.  The regular offering is made along with the meal offering which includes drink. Exodus 29:38 and Numbers 28:3 tell us what these offerings consist of: 2 yearling lambs as burnt offerings, one to be offered in the morning and one at twilight; choice flour mixed with pure olive oil as the meal offering and the drink offering of wine. This should put to rest the argument that Y'shua was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices; his blood was shed as Atonement for Sins, not as a regular every day sacrifice.

Hebrews 10 (lightly paraphrased- Dusty) 
We choose to accept Y'shua as our High Priest who offered a one time sacrifice for sins, who sits forever at the right hand of Elohim where he waits until his foes are placed as a footstool under his feet. For, by one offering (himself), he has perfected forever them who are sanctified (set apart) by him. And the Ruach haKodesh also testifies to us by saying: This is the covenant which I will give them after those days, says Master YHWH: I will put my Torah into their minds and inscribe it on their hearts and their iniquity and their sins I will not remember against them. Now, where there is a forgiveness of sins there is no offering for sin demanded. We have therefore my Brothers assurance of entering into the sanctuary by the blood of Y'shua and by a path of life.
Getting back to that abomination, Y'shua tells us, as it is written in Mark 13:14 - So when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it should not be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

and Matthew 24:15 - So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination of desolation,’ described by the prophet Daniel (let the reader understand)

Daniel describes this 'abomination' as one who will make a firm covenant with many, who will eventually put a stop to the sacrifice and meal offering. At the corner of the altar will be an appalling abomination until the decreed destruction will be poured down upon the appalling thing.

This can read as the final world leader who brings peace to the world, gets many to sign an agreement and allows Jews to reinstate their tradition as a gesture of good will. He shall (after 3-1/2 years) bring an end to these rituals, having an image of himself placed in the temple and entering the 'holy of holies' claiming that he is 'god'.  All this being said, it becomes obvious that a temple will exist in the end times scenario, but is not the temple of Ezekiel's vision.

Ezekiel was shown extraordinary visions.  He was called  by Yahweh to be a watchman for His people, the House of Israel. Could it be he was shown a representation of another reality - the 'what could be' if those who claim to be Yah's People would actually repent and return to Him - accept the covenant and terms of that covenant by actually obeying those Instructions. They had that very opportunity when the exile ended and they were free to return to Jerusalem.
The first House of Elohim was the Tabernacle. Yahweh moved from the mountain to the tent, to be in the midst of His people. Later, Yah approved His House to be built by Solomon. Yahweh moved from the tent into a permanent location, the last place where He attached His Name. Solomon's Temple was destroyed by the siege of Nebuchadnezzar and the armies of Babylon in 586 BC. Some seventy years later the exiles were allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple, again by the will of Yahweh who used King Cyrus to make it so. Although modest in comparison to the First Temple, the Second Temple was later enlarged and expanded by Herod the Great. This latter temple was the one which existed during the time of Y'shua.
I came across this while reviewing my other studies which gave me one of those 'ah-ha!' moments. The writings of Paul recorded in Ephesians seem to shed some light and possibly confirm this vision Ezekiel was shown as being something so glorious and wonderful - something mere man cannot grasp or imagine in size or magnitude. Let us remember Ezekiel's other visions were also very detailed and powerful although difficult to imagine. It is possible that Ezekiel was being 'shown' the results of Man's Hope in The Good News of the Kingdom to Come and the awesome power and Love of the Father when He restores all things.
Ephesians 1:6 - That the glory of His grace might be glorified which He poured upon us through His Beloved One; by whom we have redemption and the forgiveness of sins by his blood, according to the riches of his grace which abounds in us, in all wisdom and all spiritual understanding. 12- That we should be the first who hoped in the Mashiyach, to the honor of his glory - in whom you have also heard the Word of Truth which is the Good News of your life 18- And that the eyes of your hearts may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Set Apart believers; and which is the excellence of the majesty of his power in us who believe; according to the efficiency of the strength of his power which He put forth in His Son and raised him from the dead and seated him at His right hand in heaven.  Ephesians 2:7- That He might show to the coming ages the magnitude of the riches of His grace and His goodness towards us in Y'shua the Mashiyach. 18- Because by him there is access for us both, by one Spirit, to the Father. Wherefore you are not strangers nor sojourners but are fellow-citizens with the Set Apart believers and of the household of Elohim. And you are built upon the foundations of the Apostles and the prophets; and Y'shua the Mashiyach has become the head of the corner in the edifice. and in him all the edifice is framed together and grows into a Set Apart temple in Master Yahweh; while you also are built in him for a habitation of Elohim through the Spirit.  Ephesians 3- To me, Paul, who am the least of all the Set Apart believers, has this grace been given that I should announce among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of the Mashiyach, and should show to all men what is the architecture of the mystery which for ages was hid in Elohim the Creator of all things, so that by means of the assembly (of Set Apart believers) the manifold wisdom of Elohim might become known - which He arranged ages before and worked it through Y'shua our Master. Therefore I pray - and I bow my knees to the Father of our Master Y'shua from whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit; that in your inner man the Mashiyach may dwell by faith, an in your hearts by love while your root and foundation increases  greatly in strength; and that you may be able to explore, with all the Set Apart believers, what is the height and depth and length and breadth, and may know the greatness of the Mashiyach's love and that you may be filled with all the fullness of Elohim.
That we may be able to explore with our fellow believers, learning together as one from our study of Scriptures, the greatness of His Love, that we shall know the expanse: the height and depth and length and breadth of that Kingdom to Come and the mystery of the New Heavens, New Earth and the New Jerusalem. We can only be part of it if we become set apart from this world's system and false religions.
In Revelation 21 we read about the restoration of all things: new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem = the bride of Y'shua.  There was no temple to be seen in it for Master YHWH Amighty is its temple, and the Lamb.
I saw new heavens and a new earth for the former heaven and earth had passed away; the sea was no more. And I saw the Set Apart city, the New Jerusalem, descending from Elohim out of heaven, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice from heaven, which said: Behold, the tabernacle of Elohim is with me; and He dwells with them; they will be His people; and Elohim will be with them - their Elohim. And every tear will be wiped for their eyes; and there will be no more death, nor mourning, nor wailing or pain because the former things are passed away.
He who sat on the throne said: Behold, I make all things new. I am Alef and Tav, the Beginning and the Completion: to him who thirsts I will give of the fountain of living water, freely. He that overcomes will inherit these things; and I will be his Elohim. But to the timid and unbelieving, and to the sinful and polluted, and to manslayers and whoremonger, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and to all false persons, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.

There are several similarities when one compares Ezekiel's temple vision with the restoration descriptions recorded in Revelation. This time frame is after the Kingdom of Y'shua, after Satan's last attempt to war against Yahweh; after Satan has been tossed into Fire Lake forever and ever- When our Creator restores all things.

Ezekiel’s Temple compared with John’s Revelation

Both Ezekiel and John views are from a high mountain:
Ezekiel 40:1 - He brought me, in visions of Yahweh, to the Land of Israel and He set me down on a very high mountain
Revelation 21:10 - And he bore me away in the spirit to a mountain great and high and showed me the Set Apart city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from Elohim

They both record the measurements that were taken:
Ezekiel 40:3 - A 'man' who shown like copper had a linen cord and measuring rod.  Revelation 21:15 - A Messenger/angel had a golden reed with which to measure the city, gates and walls 

Ezekiel 40:5 - Along the 'outside' of the temple area ran a wall on every side (one rod deep and one rod high) Square in shape. (Many other measurements are recorded) Ezekiel 48:30 - The city is square, each side measures 4,500 cubits.  
Revelation 21:16 -The city is measured and stood up four square

Ezekiel 43:13 - diminsions of the altar, trench and rim are given and is used for burnt offerings.
Revelation 22:26 - The nations shall bring their glory and honor into it (as offerings?)

Ezekiel 44:4-14 - Instructions for all the laws of the temple are given and Yahweh points out to the House of Israel all the abominations they have committed and allowed in His Sanctuary.
Revelation 21:27 - Nothing shall enter the city that is polluted, impure and false, but only they who are registered in the Lamb's Book of Life

Ezekiel 48 - Twelve exits from the city; gates named after the sons of Israel
Revelation 21:12-13 - And it had a wall great and lofty, which had twelve gates and names inscribed on them - the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel.

Ezekiel 47:1 - water was issuing from below the platform of the temple - eastward - but flowing out at the south side of the altar, gushing out from under the south wall. 9 It will be wholesome and everything will live wherever this stream goes.
Revelation 22 - A river of living water, clear as a crystal, ran from the throne of Elohim and the Lamb and in the middle of main street (broad avenue) on both sides was the tree of life.

Ezekiel 47:12 - All kinds of trees for food will grow on both banks of the stream - they will yield new fruit every month - their fruit will serve as food and their leaves for healing.
Revelation 21:2 - In the middle of the broad avenue, near the river, spanning both sides, was the tree of life which bore twelve sorts of fruits yielding one of its fruits each month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Ezekiel 48:35 - The name of the city from that day on shall be "Yahweh is There. Revelation 21:22 - And I saw no temple in it for Master Yahweh Almighty is its temple, and the Lamb.  And the city has no need of the sun or the moon for the glory of Elohim enlightens it, and the Lamb is the lamp of it
I conclude at this time that Yahweh gave this vision to Ezekiel to illustrate the awesome power and glory of the heavenly realm. Ezekiel was shown the Hope we have in the Good News of the Kingdom to come! He was told to share this 'vision' to those who had grown hopeless. This sharing of the Good News is echoed throughout the Renewed Covenant writings (ie: New Testament). Ezekiel, the Watchman for the House of Israel, shared this Good News with those people. Ezekiel is the type and shadow for Set Apart believers in this day and age, sharing the Good News of the Kingdom to come- a joyous time we can only try to imagine and hope for. How on earth could we describe it?

Yah's timing once again was very appropriate because this was during the Babylonian exile while the rest of the Israelites had scattered northward and beyond. 
Around 605 B.C. Nineveh and Assyria had fallen. It was just Egypt and Babylon who were seeking world supremacy. The young new king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, went out and defeated the Egyptians at Carchemish. He marched on to Judah, during Jehoiakim's reign, and took thousands of Hebrews back to Babylon (including Daniel, who became one of the greatest prophets). Nebuchadnezzar made two more attacks when he heard of rebellion in Judah. Each time he took captives (including Ezekiel the prophet). Only a remnant of the weakest, poorest, and least threatening Hebrews in Judea remained. King Nebuchadnezzar set up a puppet king (Zedekiah) of David's line to sit on the throne of Judah and made him swear an oath of allegiance (2 Chr 36:10-12). Zedekiah was as faithless as the rest of the evil kings of Judah. He then rebelled and allied with other enemies. When Nebuchadnezzar heard he came back for the last time (586 B.C.) to reduce Jerusalem to rubble and send the Temple up in flames. Zedekiah was forced to witness the slaughter of his sons, then his eyes were put out, and he himself was carried off to Babylon. The Babylonian Captivity lasted exactly 70 years as predicted, from the burning of the Temple to its reconstruction, 586 BC - 
516 BC.
***The following I gleaned from a study by Steve Gregg:
When Ezekiel was given this vision (573 BC), there was no temple standing in Jerusalem. Solomon’s temple, which had previously stood there, had been destroyed earlier by Nebuchadnezzar, when he conquered Jerusalem and deported the citizens to Babylon. This means that Ezekiel was not seeing Solomon’s temple. Nor was he seeing the rebuilt temple during Zerubbabel's time. That temple ended up being much smaller, and less elaborate, than the one Ezekiel describes.
In chapter 40 of the book of Ezekiel, "in the 25th year of our exile, the 14th year after Jerusalem had fallen, at the beginning of the year, on the 10th day of that month - on that very day " the prophet is transported in vision by the Hand of Elohim from his home among the exiles in Babylon to the Land of Israel, and Yahweh sat him down on a very high mountain. He saw what seemed to be the outline of a city on the south side. Yah brought Ezekiel over to it and standing at the gate was a a man who shone like copper, holding a cord of linen and a measuring rod. This 'man' tells Ezekiel to pay close attention to everything he was going to be shown so as to report everything to the House of Israel. 
My note: You see, there is no "command" that this temple is to be built, but everything was to be reported to the people of the House of Israel. Was Yah telling them this is what you could have, if only you would obey Me?
The response of the Jews to their opportunity to return and to rebuild their temple was notoriously tepid. Only a small remnant opted even to return to Jerusalem, while the rest were content to remain in Babylon. As a result, the temple they built proved to be inferior to the one that Ezekiel described. 
Though the Jews did not meet the conditions to have such a temple as Ezekiel’s, the pattern preserved in these chapters stands as a description of an intended order, which, had it materialized, would have testified, as the tabernacle once did, as a type and shadow of “heavenly things” (Hebrews 8:5). This, we may assume, was the long-term purpose served by the vision.

Ezekiel 44:6 - to the rebellious House of Israel, says Yahweh, Too long have you committed all your abominations, admitting aliens, uncircumcised of spirit and flesh, to be in My Sanctuary and profane My very Temple, when you offer up My food - the fat and the blood. You have broken My covenant with all your abominations. You have not discharged the duties concerning My sacred offerings, but have appointed them (uncircumcised strangers of spirit and flesh) to discharge the duties of My Sanctuary for you. The Levites who forsook Me when Israel went astray from Me to follow their fetishes, shall suffer their punishment for making them stumble into guilt (the priesthood lineage now shifts to the descendants of Zadok. II Samuel 8:17 tells us Zadok was one of the priests who maintained the service of Yah's Sanctuary, the temple, when the people of Israel has gone astray.) 
Yahweh specifically mentions the priest descended from Zadok - Take a look at this chart (from bible maps) to follow the order of the priesthood over the years:

We learned from reading the first five books of Scriptures that the plan, the pattern of the Temple is to train His people on how to approach Him.  Ezekiel's vision drives this point home!

Yahweh has always desired to be in the midst of His people
From the Heavenly Realm to The Mountain, then to the
The Tent, where they traveled together 40 years
Then His House was built by Solomon
and that is the last place Yah attached His Name
His Son, Yahshua taught us
The Body is now the Temple
wherein dwells the Ruach haKodesh
Then comes
The Earthly Kingdom
where we shall be perfected until
The Restoration of All Things

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Offerings and Sacrifices

For the most part, the practice of sacrifice stopped in the year 70 AD, when the Roman army destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, the place where sacrifices were offered. The practice was briefly resumed during the Jewish War of 132-135 AD, but was ended permanently after that war was lost.

We read about these laws pertaining to the reasons for and the handling of sacrifices recorded in the books Genesis through Deuteronomy, Leviticus in particular.  It stands to reason that if certain requirements no longer exist then we cannot follow through on the physical doings of those rules Yah said were everlasting. The rules, laws, regulations and commandments still pertain to us today but mostly by spiritual observance, in anticipation of the Kingdom to come. The temple- House of Elohim -no longer stands, hence the priesthood no longer exists so offerings cannot be sacrificed.

Hebrews 10... in (Yah's Instructions for His Creation) there was a shadow of the good things to come; not the substance (reality) of the things themselves. Therefore, although the same sacrifices were offered every year, they could never perfect those who offered them. For, if they had perfected them, they would have, long ago, stopped making offerings because they (would have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins. But in those sacrifices, every year they recognized their sins). For the blood of bulls and of goats cannot purge away sins. Therefore, when Yahshua came into the world, he said:

“Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
but a body you prepared for me;
with burnt offerings and sin offerings
you were not pleased.
I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll—
I have come to do your will, O Elohim"

Hebrews 10:11
For every high priest who stood and ministered daily, offered again and again the same sacrifices which never were sufficient to purge away sins. But this Priest (Yahshua the Anointed One) offered one sacrifice for sins, and forever sat down at the right hand of Elohim (where he waits for his kingdom to come). For by one offering he has perfected forever, them who are sanctified by him. After which the Ruach haKodesh testifies by saying, This is the covenant I will give them after those days; says Master Yahweh... I will put my Torah/Instructions into their minds and inscribe it on their hearts and their iniquity and sins I will not remember against them.

Now, where there is a forgiveness of sins there is no offering for sin demanded.