Showing posts with label symbolism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label symbolism. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Symbolism - Real and Perceived

Over the years I have come across many ideas attached to the Lamp Stand, also known as the Menorah, and, although none of them seem derogatory most come from man's imagination without backing it up with the reality of YHWH's Word. Most illustrations that go with these ideas do not even use the proper representation of said lamp stand. In all this decorative talk, The Lamp Stand has been risen to idol status. We have been warned not to worship the created thing: Romans 1:25.  There are folks who desire a 'deeper meaning' searching for that mystical experience that will empower and feed their own self esteem. This sort of self serving attitude is what Y'shua taught against when he called the scribes and Pharisees 'hypocrites' more than once.

So, what does this lampstand look like? 
Turn now to Exodus 25 beginning with verse 31.
You shall make a lampstand of pure gold; the lampstand shall be made of hammered work; its base and its shaft, its cups, its calyx and petals shall be of one piece. Six branches shall come out of its sides: three branches from of one side of the lampstand, and three branches from the other side of the lampstand. On one branch there shall be three cups shaped like almond blossoms,  each with calyx and petals, and on the next branch there shall be three cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with calyx and petals; so for all six branches coming out of the lampstand.
And on the lampstand itself are four cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with calyx and petals: a calyx  of one piece with it under a pair of branches, and a calyx of one piece with it, under the second pair of branches, and a calyx of one piece with it,  under the last pair of branches, so for all six branches coming out of the lampstand. Their calyxes and their stems shall be of one piece with it, the whole of it a single hammered piece of pure gold.
Make its seven lamps, they shall be mounted so that they give light on its front side, and its tongs and firepans of pure gold. It shall be made, with all these furnishings, out of a talent of pure gold. Note well, and follow the pattern for them that are being shown you on the mountain.
Note: “And you shall make seven lamps for it, and they shall mount its lamps so that they give light in front of it".

Many moons ago, when I began this journey and was becoming familiar with Scriptures, this is the image that came to mind from reading the description of the Lamp Stand in Exodus:
I got it wrong more than once
~ I've never seen the pattern shown Moses ~

I looked up the definition of calyx and looked at various pictures of almond blossoms.  In years gone by I was an assistant to a jeweler and have experience in hammering gold, albeit in a decorative manner. Hammered gold reflects light in every direction.  It makes perfect sense that YHWH would want the lamps placed in front of this piece of work so as to reflect and give light inside the tabernacle and not be near the wall of the tent. I missed that point in my design as you see I put fire in each of the almond blossoms totally overlooking the instruction for mounting seven lamps in front of this stand. My design might have caused the tent to go up in flames! These lamps were not made of one piece with it but separate lamps that are mounted onto or in front of this stand. 
Exodus 40:37 ~ the pure lampstand, its lamps- lamps in due order (in a row) -and all its fittings, and the oil for lighting...
The instructions read: on the lampstand itself are Four Cups shaped like almond blossoms. These are to be under each set of branches where they meet at the shaft, but there are only three sets of branches, so the fourth blossom shaped cup could be either at the top of the main shaft or at the base. I chose to place it at the top. I also chose to place the three blossoms upright and next to each other on the six branches because I thought they were to hold the olive oil and wicks for burning. Only Moses was shown the pattern while he was on the mountain and the people made the menorah accordingly.  I am just giving the best representation I can to compare with what is commonly accepted. As mentioned earlier, this is a design from several years ago.  When I get around to reworking the image (removing the flames and adding lamps) I will include it in this study.

Here is another design I came up with using the popular version of the menorah, shining light on a scroll representing the written Word of YHWH Elohim:
I was starting to understand the concept of 
Light and the Word of Elohim
yet I was still under the influence of  man's imaginations.
This lampstand was not made according to Yah's pattern - 
the tops of each branch are lit 
and cannot give light to the front in this manner

The detailed pattern sets it apart from any ordinary household lampstand. It's main purpose was to give light inside the tabernacle. Lets look at the main details again and see if we can discern the intended symbolism of this piece of work:

1. A talent of Pure Gold is around 60-70 pounds and was the amount used to shape the lampstand and make its utensils including the seven lamps. Pure gold has been described in appearance as 'glass', shiny and reflective.
2. Hammered and Shaped: results in a dented surface allowing light to reflect in many directions when lamps are mounted in front of it.
3. Six Branches issue from the main shaft and represent an Almond Tree. Jeremiah 1:11 ~ Yah asks Jeremiah "What do you see?" He replies, "I see a branch of an almond tree." Yahweh says he saw correctly, for "I am watchful to bring My word to pass."
4. The cups were shaped as almond blossoms, detailed with Calyx and Petals: A calyx is the sepals of a flower, typically forming a whorl that encloses the petals and forms a protective layer around a flower in bud. There was a total of 22 almond blossoms shaped into the design of the lampstand. Three cups on each branch plus four on the shaft.
5. Seven Lamps: Most of us know that the number seven is one of Yah's favorite. The description of these lamps are not given, but they are separate from the stand on which they are mounted and they give light.
6. Pure Olive Oil: In Exodus 27:20 we read that 'clear oil of beaten olives' was used for lighting and kindling the lamps regularly. Pure olive oil was also used in the making of anointing oils and was part of various offerings. This pure oil can also represents the Ruach haKodesh: The Spirit Wind of Elohim.

Lampstand - Lamps - Pure Olive Oil
Three parts that function together as a whole
YHWH - Y'shua - Ruach haKodesh:
The Father- The Son - His Set Apart Spirit

The symbolism of the almond tree, revealed to Jeremiah (1:11), is that YHWH watched a sinful nation walk away from Him and declares there will be consequences. This carries through to today's world. He will fulfill His promise of either the curse or the blessing. When immorality engulfs nations, we should remember: Yah is watching. His time to avenge His people has yet to come, but we have not been forgotten.

The Menorah, described by The Creator and shown to Moses as part of the pattern for the Tabernacle, represents the Light of the World = The Word made Flesh = Y'shua haMashiyach (the Anointed One). There are six branches that should not be confused with a mystic "life force" within a person who seeks to release his kundalini... (yep, that's one I heard about a while back). The gold is pure, the oil is pure, the priesthood was set apart by YHWH to care for these duties. Y'shua is pure, without blemish, no sin was found in him. Through him we receive the Spirit, who comforts us with the truth of all things, effectively shining that Light into the darkness. We are being refined as gold, to remove our impurities. 

We are to rejoice and be glad because our reward in heaven is great. Just as folks persecuted the prophets of old for speaking the Word of Elohim, we too, shall be persecuted for our faith and following the perfect example set by His Son. We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Because we follow the Instructions of the Father our behavior- our light -shines in view of all people. We become the 'light of the world' by example. That example is evidenced by our lifestyle, which is according to the Instructions given us by our Creator and not by some mystic light show happening within our bodies. 
John 8:12 - Once again, Y'shua spoke to the people and said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.
A thought to ponder: Six branches come out from the main shaft, so I wonder why or when it became seven branches? Yah did not describe the 'shaft' as a 'branch'. The menorah does have seven lamps mounted so their light shines on the front of the lampstand... got a little head scratching going on here. Can you now see the distortion caused by man's imagination in regards to the menorah? 
Colossians 2:8 - Beware lest any man rob you by philosophy, or by empty deception, according to the teaching of men and according to the principles of the world and not according to Yahshua the Mashiyach.
Psalm 49:13 - This is the destiny of fools, and of those who approve of their philosophy.
Definition of "Philosophy":
  • pursuit of wisdom 
  • a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means 
  • an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs 
(it's a Greek kind of thing....)

Yahweh tells us not to be taken in by those who teach by speculation, who hand out empty deceptions concocted by men according to worldly desires; those who ignore the teachings of Y'shua, the Son of Elohim. In our day I believe if we are not using Scripture to interpret Scriptures we can be taken in by those who speculate and ignore the teachings of Y'shua, recorded in the Renewed Covenant. We survive by every Word that comes from YHWH Elohim. That means we read Scriptures, from Genesis through to Revelation - more than once. It is a learning process and some points take longer than others to sink in. Some of us may no longer be stiff necked, but still hard headed.

With that being said, I will not speculate on any further symbolism of the seven lamps. We know that the number seven is a recurring number and that we find 'types and shadows' throughout the Old Testament. We know His Son is the Light of the world, and it is the Ruach haKodesh that shines within us as we become Set Apart to YHWH.

I will continue this study and let His Spirit reveal the truth as Scriptures ties it all together for us.

Please leave your comments in the section below as we continue to study this out.
