Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Harmonius Cycle

I have begun to see a harmonious cycle formed by our Faith in the One who created us as we abide by His plan to save us from death and adversity. He had to do all of this because Satan became a thorn in His Side which will eventually be removed. And Doubt is a thorn Satan tries to stick into our thoughts continually.

As you know, Satan caused Eve to Doubt the Instructions of Yahweh way back when, and paradise was placed just out of reach. If we want to get back to the Garden we must choose Life and all the rules and regulations that go with it according to the Creator who had it all recorded in His Owner's Manual = Scriptures.

He has told us the end from the very beginning.


Thursday, April 11, 2019


There were those who pretended they didn't know Y'shua after he had been captured and sentenced to death. They didn't want to end up being thrown in jail themselves, or killed. When asked, they denied knowing him.

In the end times scenario folks will be reporting perceived 'believers' to the authorities to save their own skin, whether they are Christian or Jewish or Mormon etc.... because by then the Image of the Beast will be the god folks are commanded to worship, bow down to or die. There will be 'believers' who will worship the beast in order to save their own lives. This includes 'taking the mark' in order to buy or sell.

If we truly are Set Apart Believers we must resist temptation in order for the devil to flee from us. It has been foretold that some of us will go to jail and be tormented ten days before being executed. Some of us will go to war against this final world system and die on the battle field. Some of us will perish because of the plagues that scourge the earth. Then there will be those who flee, head for the hills and are protected in the wilderness for those final three and a half years.  Whichever group we end up in it will be by our faith in Yahweh, the One True Elohim that we will be able to endure until the return of Yahshua, whether dead or alive.

The truth of His Instructions found in Scriptures is what gives the understanding we need in order to endure until the end. Yes folks, there is a dooms day yet to play out and the doom and gloom will be for anyone who rejects Yahweh as the Creator and denies the existence or purpose of His Son Yahshua.

There have been famines, wars and rumors of wars going on for a long time. Nations and kingdoms have risen up and fought each other as the years go by. There have been plagues and diseases then as well as now. The only thing different is that all these 'signs' have been getting worse, like labor pains which begin with a twinge now and again, becoming closer together and building in intensity as time goes by. Things are bad now, and will get worse. 

Through all that is yet to come, we must continue to stand strong in our faith in the Creator and not be afraid to share the Good News of the Kingdom to Come and not be deniers of Y'shua as the Son of our heavenly Father.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

What Does 'being saved' Mean

Have we been misled by the doctrine of 'eternal security'?
Have we been mesmerized by the chanting of 'once saved always saved'?
It has been taught that  "... eternal security is that work of God in which He guarantees that the gift of salvation once received is possessed forever and cannot be lost."
If we take the time to read Scriptures for ourselves we learn that this is not the case.  We cannot continue to 'sin' and expect that our salvation won't be affected. We continue to have personal responsibility in our relationship with YHWH as per coming into covenant with Him.
Hebrews 3:13 - But look deeply into yourselves all the days, during the day which is called today and let none of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have part with the Mashiyach, if we endure in this firm confidence, from the beginning to the end, as it is said, Today if you will hear his voice, and do not harden your hearts, to anger him.
Jude 1:5 - Let me remind you that Elohim, after once rescuing (saving) the people from Egypt, again destroyed them who did not believe.

Guess that kind of flies in the face of 'once saved always saved', don't it?

So what is salvation and what are we saved from?
Acts 2:38 tells us in order to be saved (from the curse of eternal death) that we are to repent (return to Yah, turning away from our old sin nature) and be immersed (ritually cleansed) so that we may receive the Ruach haKodesh (The Set Apart Spirit of YHWH). 

This goes all the way back to Exodus and Deuteronomy in regards to choosing between the Blessing and the Curse:
​Exodus 15:26 - If you will diligently listen to the voice of ​YHWH your Elohim, and do that which is right in ​H​is eyes, and give ear to ​H​is commandments and keep all ​H​is statutes, He will put none of the diseases on you that He put on the Egyptians, (for I am ​Yahweh​, your healer).

Deuteronomy 11:26 - See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you listen to the commandments of YHWH your Elohim, which I am commanding you today; and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of YHWH your Elohim, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you have not known.

Deuteronomy 30:15 - See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity. For I command you this day to love Yahweh your Elohim, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His laws, and His rules, that you may thrive and increase, and that He may bless you... But if your heart turns away and you give no heed, and are lured into the worship and service of other gods, I declare to you this day that you shall certainly perish... I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Chose life by loving Yahweh Elohim, heeding His commands and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and shall long endure...

Deuteronomy 30:19- I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life if you and your offspring would live by loving Yahweh Elohim, heeding His commands, and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and long endure.
In these verses we are being told we have a choice to make between the blessing and the curse = eternal life in His Kingdom or eternal death spent in Fire Lake. If we choose life we place our Creator first and foremost in our lives and teach our children well.  Because of our love for our heavenly Father we obey His Instructions and in return we receive the blessing.  That sounds like 'salvation' to me and we achieve it by Faith - committing ourselves to our Creator.

We are not automatically 'filled with the spirit' nor 'baptized in the spirit' but are made ready to receive it. We prepare for the indwelling of Yah's Set Apart Spirit by spending every day in the Word of Elohim, reading and studying and learning Scriptures. Even the apostles who were taught by Y'shua face to face for three years were not filled with the Spirit until 50 days after the death of Y'shua - specifically ten days after the resurrected Son of Elohim was taken up and placed at the Right hand of the Father (Shavuot). Being baptized by a preacher in any church does not make one 'saved' but does show an outward appearance of one's desire to accept Y'shua and walk the Path of Righteousness from then on forward.  If we fall for temptations afterwards, we will loose our footing and salvation becomes a mute point. Being tested by difficult times is for the sake of our refinement.  

Deuteronomy 8: You shall faithfully observe all the Instruction that I enjoin upon you today, that you may thrive and increase and be able to posses the land that YHWH Elohim promised on oath to your fathers. Remember the long way that YHWH your Elohim has made you travel in the wilderness these past forty years, that He might test you by hardships to learn what was in your hearts: whether you would keep His commandments or not.... Romans 2:5 - But because of your hard and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of wrath, when Yah's righteous judgment will be revealed.
If we turn away from our old sinful ways and return to the Creator, learn His Teachings and be immersed symbolizing our intentions, then we are ready to receive the gift of His Set Apart Spirit. If we make the first move then Yah will follow up, giving us His unmerited love and favor. It is a process, not an end-all. We never stop learning until the day He restores all things! His Spirit continues to reveal and comfort us with His Truth providing we continue on His Path of Righteousness. He is our salvation through the testimony of His Son. 
Today means today for anyone in any day who reads this and chooses Life, and begins to obey the Instructions given by our Creator. The blessing or the curse is the result of our choice in this lifetime. People ask why there is so much pain and suffering in the world and why bad things seem to happen to good people. Read those above quoted Scripture verses again. We made the choice to obey the one who spoke creation into existence and we are expected to follow through, abiding by the terms of the covenant.

Hebrews 13:13- Look deeply into yourselves all the days, during the day which is called today; and let none of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Keep Searching for the Truth

How do we know if we are descended from the tribes of Jacob (The Sheep) or grafted in (Those Other Sheep) and does it matter whether we know or not? Is it pride and arrogance that gets in the way and drives one to the point of submitting their DNA without question? Really, we should just live according to Yah's Instructions in order to be part of His gathering at the sounding of the 7th shofar. Y'shua will make us all one flock, one people of one faith with one Master because His Father pays no attention to our background, genetic or otherwise, once we come into covenant with Him. 
John 10:11 (Y'shua says) ~ I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the flock. But a hireling who is not the shepherd nor are the sheep his, when he sees a wolf coming he leaves the sheep and flees. And the wolf comes and plunders and scatters the flock. 
John 10:14 ~ I am the Good Shepherd and I know those who are mine. And those who are mine know me. 
John 10:16 ~ And I also have other sheep, those who were not from this sheepfold. And also them, it is necessary for me to bring them and they will hear my voice and all the flocks will become one. And there will be One Shepherd. 

YHWH's Chosen People are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob along with those who have been adopted in.

Ask questions. Continue to search out the truth and always take what you hear back to YHWH by reading Scriptures in order to discern the truth of all things through His Set Apart Spirit.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The End from the Beginning

Many of us have heard this said:
"He has told us the end from the beginning..."

Can that statement be found in Scripture? 
Yes indeed:

Isaiah 46:9 ~ Bear in mind what happened of old; for I am YHWH Elohim and there is none else, I am divine and there is none like Me. I foretell the end from the beginning, and from the start, things that had not occurred. I say My plan shall be fulfilled; I will do all I have purposed.

This got me to wondering if I could find clues pertaining to what might be the 'strong delusion' that comes our way as part of the end times scenario. A delusion is defined as:
  • something that is falsely believed or propagated
  • a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs
This delusion will be such that even folks like you and me might fall for it. That's pretty serious, to think that our faith could be challenged in such a way. So lets go back to the beginning to see a glimpse of the end, shall we?

In Genesis chapters one and two we read that Yah sees that everything about His creation is good. Specific mention is made in Chapter 2 verse 9 of the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and bad. Yah tells Adam that he may eat from every tree in the garden except for the tree of knowledge of good and bad because as soon as he would eat of it he will die.  

We know the story well. That shrewd serpent said to the woman: Did God really say you shall not eat of any tree of the garden?  She explains to the serpent that they may eat of the other trees of the garden, but it is only the tree in the middle of the garden that God said not eat of or touch it, lest we die.  (Notice here that she added to the Word of God saying 'or touch it').  The serpent caused her to doubt the command of YHWH Elohim when it further influenced her by offering assurance that she wouldn't die but even God knew that if they ate of this tree their eyes would be opened and they would be like the divine beings who know good and bad. Well, their eyes were opened and they saw their own nakedness and tried to hide themselves from the Creator.

After Yahweh learned of their disobedience, He cursed the serpent, made child bearing for the woman a painful experience and cursed the ground so the man has to work for a living.  He said, "Now that man has become like one of us, knowing good and bad, what if he should also eat from the tree of life and live forever!" So he banished them from the Garden and stationed cherubim along with the fiery ever-turning sword to guard the way to the tree of life.
  • Shrewd: mischievous; abusive; dangerous; marked by clever awareness
  • Dupe: to misguide or mislead; delude; string along
  • Doubt: to call into question the truth of; to be uncertain; lack confidence in
  • Deception: the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid
The example in The Garden is of one doubting the command given by the Creator and causing another to do the same, so would it be fair to apply that tactic to us? I would say Yes because that exact thing has been going on for years: Christians believe The Law has been nailed to the cross in effect making Torah, Yah's Instructions in Righteousness, null and void and teaching others this same false doctrine. They have called into question the truth of our Father and caused people to be uncertain of what is written in Scriptures.  Many Christians teach that the New Testament is for new believers.

Do we read Scriptures and take them to heart or do we ignore the truth, treat some of it as story-telling and teach our ideas to others? Are we truly trying to abide by His Commandments or making excuses, teaching others it's alright because we're all on different parts of the path.  When the serpent steps up and asks us 'Did God really say...' we better know the answer. Our Faith should be so that no doubt would be able to enter. For example, remember when Y'shua was seen walking on the water and called Peter to come out of the boat to him. Peter did but once he realized what was happening he began to sink.  Y'shua says "Oh you of little faith! Why did you doubt me?" (Matthew 14:30)

If the Pope asked the world Did God really say those things recorded in our Bibles, and then offered an alternative ear-tickling version, how many people do you think would believe him? I can see it already happening in today's world with various religious leaders and politicians joining together with the Pope, calling all beliefs the same under the New World Religion (World Council of Churches). He believes it doesn't matter which 'god' one believes in because they are all just different names for the same God and all roads lead to heaven...  This Is A Lie and could be The Lie.

Folks who do not love the truth will fall for this lie, and perish.

Doubting YHWH Elohim and His Son will be the chink in our armor which will give way, letting that strong delusion cause us to falter - if it is possible. We might want to consider the book of Job as well. It was YHWH who removed His hedge of protection from Job so that Satan could test him, trying to make a liar out of Yah. Job had everything a good life could consist of and lost it all but never once blamed YHWH or doubted His Word. He was later restored to a better life than what he had lost. We, too, will inherit a better life if we endure these days trusting our Creator to do as He said He would.

We have some trying times ahead, my friends, and our faith, our commitment to YHWH Elohim will see us through.

Never doubt the Commandments given us by our Creator as they were given for our benefit; abide by them best you can, have the testimony of His Son and continue to love and search out the truth.
2 Thessalonians 2:9
For the coming of that Evil One is the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all the deceptiveness of iniquity in them that perish because they did not receive the love of the truth by which they might have life. Therefore Elohim will send upon them the strength of a deception that they may believe a lie, and that they all may be condemned who believe not the truth but have pleasure in iniquity. 
2 Thessalonians 2:7
For the mystery of the Evil One already begins to be operative and only if that which now hinders will be taken from the midst, then at length will that Evil One be revealed who Master Y'shua will consume by the breath of his mouth and will bring to nothing by the visibility of his coming.
Matthew 24:24 ~ False Messiahs and lying prophets will arise and they will produce signs and great wonders in order to deceive if possible even the chosen... I have told you beforehand.... 
Mark 13:21 ~ If at that time a man should say to you Look! Here is the Messiah! or Look! There he is! do not believe him for false Messiahs and lying prophets will give signs and wonders and will deceive even the elect if it is possible. But you take heed - I have told you everything beforehand.

We have been told the end from the beginning so we would know what to expect and be able to discern the truth from the lies.  Those of us alive during the final years of the end times scenario will see things that will blow our minds and pierce our hearts. Remember to stand strong in the Faith once delivered to the Set Apart believers. By this we shall know that YHWH Elohim most certainly Did Say.... 

Jude 1:3 ~ While I take all pains to write to you of our common life, it is needful for me to write to you, encouraging you to maintain a conflict for the faith which was once delivered to the Set Apart believers.
What does that mean, the faith once delivered, and why do we need to fight for it?  Keep reading:
Jude 1:4 ~ For some have obtained entrance who, from the beginning, were registered beforehand under this condemnation: wicked men who pervert the grace of Elohim to impurity and deny Him who is the only MarYah (Master YHWH), and our Master, Y'shua the Mashiyach.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

It's A Learning Process

It has taken me over twenty years to get to where I am today, both physically and mentally but most of all spiritually.  Today is the first day of Sukkot in this year 2018. Six years ago my husband and I celebrated all His Set Apart times with the Hebrew Roots Group that helped us learn to read Scriptures as a whole and understand that His Instructions are for all of us, not just for the "Jews". Equipped with that valuable information we came into covenant with our Creator and the study of Scriptures became a big part of our daily life.  This is how we learned about man-made tradition being mixed and mingled with His Instructions by folks today who have been side lined by Judaism.

When we begin this journey on His Path of Righteousness, His Spirit begins to reveal and comfort us with The Truth. Once we dump the usual 'holidays' it is easier to continue having our eyes opened. When we realize we've pretty much been brainwashed from birth then the call to 'come out of Babylon' makes more sense. It is a learning process. The Light Goes On and we see more of His Word as He intended -- both He and His Son never stopped teaching us with those parables! I, on occasion, have experienced the feeling while reading a verse that I could hear the written word - that's like having that Light Go On.; the Ah-Hah! moment; and later realizing it was His Spirit that made the connection for me.  I will never go back to those old pagans ways!

As I look back at my own learning curve I can see many who have the same desire to understand Scriptures and know what it means to come into covenant with our Creator. I can see the same rabbit trails and stumbling blocks that weren't so obvious to me early on which are snagging folks now.  My desire is to share knowledge gained just as the Apostles pointed out Scriptures were written for their benefit so they would not make the same mistakes that those people did.  It is true! His Word has survived over six thousand years albeit damaged by some translations but it is His Spirit who will let the truth shine through as long as we continue to read it, no matter which version you have (although I will suggest tossing out these two stumbling blocks: the King James versions, and the New Living Translation).

Folks have been conditioned to follow the leader because the leader seems to be so smart.  The leader has pointed out many things that didn't make sense before, but don't forget that he is on the same learning curve as the rest of us. None of us will know and understanding everything until that day comes and He inscribes His Instructions on our inmost parts.  Many leaders stop or get stuck in the 'know it all' mindset because they have become entrenched in the concordances and interlinears and trusted yet misleading commentaries, and have quit relying on Scriptures and allowing His Word to interpret itself. Some have been snared by pride and arrogance. This is not to say that I am against a little outside help now and again - that nudge in the right direction - for example gaining some understanding of the original texts and cultural idioms is very helpful in understanding the bible you read and clarifies the errors of some Greek interpretations which have carried through hundreds of years. Over those hundreds of years folks have adopted traditions along with the Instructions given us by the Creator. It's time to separate the truth from the deception.  Just keep searching for YHWH, the Truth, as if looking for treasure and His Spirit will respond within you.

Once you've learned the Hebrew origins of Scriptures the next step on His Path is to come out of the Hebrew Roots movement into the Faith Once Delivered.
Jude 1:3 ~ While I take all pains to write to you of our common life, it is needful for me to write to you, encouraging you to maintain a conflict for the faith which was once delivered to the Set Apart believers.
What does that mean, the faith once delivered, and why do we need to fight for it? Keep reading:
Jude 1:4 ~ For some have obtained entrance who, from the beginning, were registered beforehand under this condemnation: wicked men who pervert the grace of Elohim to impurity and deny Him who is the only MarYah (Master YHWH), and our Master, Y'shua the Mashiyach.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Faith and Salvation

Isaiah 12:2- Yahweh Elohim is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid. For Yah is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation (deliverance)."

What is salvation?

Definition from the Webster Dictionary-
  • deliverance from the power and effects of sin
  • liberation from ignorance or illusion
  • preservation from destruction or failure
  • deliverance from danger or difficulty 

What has Yahweh told us about being delivered from sin, liberated from ignorance, preserved from destruction and delivered from danger? 
Deuteronomy 4:35- YHWH has clearly demonstrated that He alone is Elohim and there is none beside Him - He is Elohim in heaven above and on earth below - there is no other. Observe His laws and commandments that it may go well with you and your children. 
Deuteronomy 6:3- Obey willingly and faithfully 
Deuteronomy 6:21- We obey His instructions because we were once slaves (to the world system, habits, traditions, doctrines of men etc...) and He freed us with a Mighty Hand... and will give us the land He promised to our fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). 
Deuteronomy 6:24- We are to observe all the laws, to revere YHWH our Elohim, for our lasting good and for our Survival, as is now the case. It will be therefore to our merit before YHWH our Elohim to observe faithfully this Whole Instruction (found in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) as He has commanded us. 
Deuteronomy 8- Yah tests us by hardships to learn what is in our hearts: whether we will keep His Commandments .... or not.

Here is an example in regards to the behavior of those who seem to choose to remain ignorant of His Word:
Ephesians 4:18- They (Gentiles/non-believers) are darkened in their understanding and alienated from the life of Yahweh Elohim because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardness of their hearts. Having lost all sense of shame, they have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity, with a craving for more.…

Acts 17:30
Although Yahweh Elohim overlooked the ignorance of earlier times, He now commands all men everywhere to repent.

What is repentance?
Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible, Herbert Lockyer, Page 908 – “REPENTANCE – a turning away from sin, disobedience or rebellion and a turning back to God (Matt. 9:13; Luke 5:32). In a more general sense, repentance means a change of mind (Gen. 6:6-7) or a feeling of remorse or regret for past conduct (Matt. 27:3). True repentance is a ‘godly sorrow’ for sin, an act of turning around and going in the opposite direction. This type of repentance leads to a fundamental change in a person’s relationship to God.”

Before Y'shua began his 'ministry' there was John, as prophesied by Isaiah (40:3) in the wilderness immersing folks in the Jordan River, and preaching the immersion of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People came from Jerusalem as well as other areas in the region of Judah. He told about the coming of Y'shua who was more powerful than himself. He said "I immerse you in water, but he will immerse you by the Ruach haKodesh." (Mark 1)
In the book of Luke, chapter 1, we read that John was the son of a Levi Priest, Zechariah, and his wife Elizabeth who was descended from the daughters of Aaron (brother to Moses and Miriam, Levites). Elizabeth, by the way, was cousin to Maryam, mother of Yahshua. Both John the 'baptist' and his cousin, Yahshua, were descendants of the tribe of Levi, making them both qualified to be priests.
So here we have John, son of a Levi Priest, teaching about the "immersion of repentance for the forgiveness of sins" - as he makes people aware of the arrival of Yahshua. Is it safe to say that John has been taught Torah by his father? Immersion was not uncommon among those who followed Yah's Instructions.

John’s 'immersion in the river' was an adaptation of the mikveh, or ritual immersion bath, that had been part of obedience to Torah for generations and symbolized a spiritual cleansing. It was part of the preparation for undertaking a new beginning. Yahshua came to John for a mikveh at the beginning of his ministry.

During the time of Yahshua, did he ever 'baptize' anyone? His teachings about how to have a relationship with the Father are recorded in the Renewed Covenant writings, but in none of those accounts does he tell anyone that they must be baptized. Yahshua never immersed anyone to our knowledge, although he had his disciples perform the ceremony:
Matthew 28:18 (after Yahshua's resurrection he meets with his disciples) "All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth. And as my Father has sent me, I send you. Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations and immerse them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Ruach haKodesh (that one name is Yahweh) and teach them to keep all that I have commanded you."
Yahshua often sent people off after being healed without any mention of immersion, and he told His disciples to immerse in "The Name".... Yet, read this:
1 Corinthians 1:14 (Paul is speaking) I thank my Elohim that I immersed none of you except Crispus and Gaius; and therefore that not any one should (accuse me of) immersing in my own name. Moreover I immersed the household of Stephan, but further, I know not that I immersed any other. For Mashiyach did not send me to immerse, but to preach.... 1 Corinthians 2:13- And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. 
Did a water baptism become a tradition among religious leaders of his day? Is that what Paul was being careful about? The Gentile church was rising and already perverting The Word and trying to destroy the teachings of Paul. Is being immersed in water necessary when we were told by John, written in Mark 1: "I immerse you in water, but he will immerse you by the Ruach haKodesh."   Did we miss the trade off from water to the Spirit of Yahweh? Yahshua said to immerse people in the Name, he replaced John's immersion in water to the immersion by the Ruach haKodesh.  As John's act was an adaptation to ritual mikvehs, being immersed by the Spirit is an adaptation of that example of ritual cleansing.  Like everything else, Yahshua raised the bar, expanding definition on the Word of Yahweh.


John 3 in Context

Yahshua answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Elohim." Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" Yahshua answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of Elohim. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you, "You must be born again.' (John 3:3-7)

Note: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." Being born of water is referring to being born physically (the water referring to the amniotic fluid that breaks as one is born). This is why he said "You must be born again." The first birth is the birth from the flesh. The second is to be born of the Spirit, which is of Yahweh.

In all of his interactions with people, Yahshua was never recorded as commanding anyone to be baptized, although he often commended people for their faith. It would seem that if baptism were required for salvation, Yahshua would have made some mention of it.
I John 1:9- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  John 6:38- For I came down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of Him who sent me...  John 6:40- For this is the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him, will have life that is eternal. And I will raise him up on the last day.

Yahshua talked often about faith:

Matthew 8:10- I say to that not even in Israel have I found faith like this. 

Matthew 8:26- Oh you of little faith! Why are you fearful?

Matthew 9:2- Y'shua saw their faith and said to the paralytic, "Take heart, my son, your sins are forgiven."

Matthew 9:22- "Be comforted, my daughter, your faith has made you alive."

Matthew 9:28-29 ...the blind men approached him. Yahshua asks if they 'believed' he could heal them. They said yes. Then he touched their eyes and said, "As you believed let it be to you" and their eyes were opened.

Matthew 14:31- "Oh you of little faith! Why did you 'doubt' me?

Matthew 15:28- "Oh woman! Great is your faith. Let it be as you desire." And her daughter was healed. 

Matthew 21:21- Y'shua said, if you have faith and no doubt you can perform miracles, and move mountains 

Mark 4:40- Why are you fearful and why is there no faith in you? 

Mark 10:52- See! Your faith has made you whole. 

Mark 11:22- Let the faith of Elohim be in you.

Luke 7:50- Your faith has given you life. Go in peace.

Luke 8:25- Where is your faith? 

Luke 17:19- Arise. Go. Your faith has given you life. 

Luke 18:8- Nevertheless, the Son of man will indeed come, and will he find faith on earth?

Luke 22:32- And I have prayed over you that your faith may not weaken.

Could it be that Faith is the key to Salvation and not baptism by water? It appears that being immersed by the Ruach haKodesh would be to be immerse into the Name which is Yahweh, via the Son who told us no one comes to the Father except by him... and he gave us the Spirit of Truth as a Comforter as we wait for his return .... a lovely harmonious interaction as we repent and return to the One who created us.
Now faith is the persuasion of the things that are in hope as if they were an actual fact, and it is the manifesting of the things not seen. For by faith we understand that the worlds were shaped by the Word of Elohim and that things seen originated from those that are not seen. (Hebrews 11)
We read in Matthew 19:16 that a certain man came and drew near to Y'shua asking what he should do to gain eternal life. Y'shua tells him to obey the Commandments (don't commit murder, nor adultery, don't steal and don't give false witness... honor your parents and love your neighbor as yourself). The young man says that he has obeyed these things since he was a boy - what else? Y'shua tells him if he desires to be perfect/complete to sell off his possessions and provide for the poor, then he will have treasure in heaven - "come, follow me!" That young man went away sad because he had many possessions and apparently he wasn't ready for a yard sale. Many of us have material possessions that we deem important because of sentimental value or actual monetary value.... we drag 'em with us each time we move. I say it is time to get rid of the baggage - clean house and make yourself presentable before Elohim. Part of that 'baggage' we carry around consists of false teachings, traditions and behavior unacceptable to our Creator.  Let's stop being ignorant of His Word, lighten that load and continue to move along His Path of Righteousness!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Jonah son of Amittai

We don't know who we really are - only the Creator knows all things.

With that in mind, it makes sense that we should all, by Faith, trust in Him and obey His commands and live according to His Instructions, otherwise we might fall into that 'once saved always saved' trap - thinking we are one of His Chosen and later hearing Y'shua tell us to go away from him, he never knew us.

Jonah is an Example: 
Yah tells Jonah to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and proclaim judgment upon it because of their wickedness. Jonah decides to ignore this request and run away from being in service to Yahweh. He found a ship going to Tarshish, paid the fare and sailed off. He left because he thought he already knew what Yahweh was going to do regardless, knowing that Yah is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness, renouncing punishment - but Jonah missed the point: he disobeyed a command of Yahweh and things got pretty troublesome for him until he finally acknowledged the powerful existence of Elohim and agreed to go to Nineveh and proclaim the judgment.  

Yahweh cast a mighty wind upon the sea causing a great tempest putting the ship in danger of breaking apart.  The sailors cried out, each to their own god but Jonah had gone below and fell asleep.  They cast lots and the lot fell upon Jonah - he confessed he was a Hebrew and worshipped Yahweh Elohim.  When they learned the stormy seas were a result of his attempt at fleeing from the service of Elohim, they asked what must be done to calm the waters.  Jonah told them to toss him overboard.  The men continued to row hard towards shore but could not and the storm worsened.  They called out to Yahweh not to kill them on account of Jonah nor hold them guilty for killing him.  They acknowledge that Yahweh Elohim brought this about and then heaved Jonah overboard and the sea stopped raging.

Yah provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah where he stayed three days and three nights, and he prayed.  He acknowledged his troubles and that when near death Yahweh brought him up from the pit.  He gave thanks and vowed to do as He commanded.  The fish spewed Jonah out upon dry land.

This second time when Yah told Jonah to go at once to Nineveh, he did.  The people believed that Yahweh would do what He said He would, and they turned back from their evil ways. Yah saw what they did and renounced the punishment.  Yet, Jonah was displeased.
O Yahweh! Isn't this just what I said when I was still in my own country? This is why I fled to Tarshish. Please take my life - I'd rather die than live.
Jonah leaves the city and found a place where he made a booth where he sat in the shade while he waited to see what happened to the city.  Yahweh caused a ricinus plant (castor bean) to grow up over Jonah to provide shade for his head and save him from discomfort.  He was very happy about this plant.  The next day Yah provided a worm which attacked the plant and it withered. When the sun rose, Yahweh provided a sultry east wind, the sun beat down on Jonah's head and he became faint, begging for death.  Yah asks him if he is that deeply grieved about the plant.  (There was a lesson being taught Jonah)

Yah says: 
You cared about the plant which you did not work for and you did not grow, which appeared overnight and perished overnight.  Should I not care about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not yet know their right hand from their left, and many beasts as well!

These people did not know right from wrong and could not be held responsible for their actions - just as beasts cannot be held responsible for what they do. The people had to be made aware of their wrongdoings. Nahum the prophet made a pronouncement on Nineveh, a city of crime, utterly treacherous, full of violence, where killing never stops! He writes that it is because of the countless harlotries of the harlot, the winsome mistress of sorcery, who ensnared nations with her harlotries and peoples with her sorcery that Yahweh will deal with her. 
Nineveh was founded by Nimrod shortly after the Flood (Genesis 10:11-12); and as capital of the Assyrian empire, it rose to power about 900 B.C. Years later, Assyria began the process of conquering Israel, and Jonah clearly saw this nation as an enemy and feared what it would eventually do. By 721 B.C. the Assyrian army had destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel. The Assyrians were extremely brutal and cruel, even skinning their captives alive. The city of Nineveh eventually fell to the invading armies of the Babylonians and Medes (about 607 B.C.)
Here is a link to more info about Nahum's prophecy about Nineveh

When we know right from wrong we will be held responsible for our actions. This knowledge of right and wrong is written in Scriptures, namely Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


I see there is still much confusion about whether or not Yahweh means what He says, especially when He uses words like "forever and ever"; "throughout the ages"; and "for all your generations". 

Many people have been taught that Y'shua Messiah did away with the "Law of Moses", that the New Testament replaces the Old Testament and the only commandment that exists now is to "love one another as well as loving God". This mindset places the Son of the New Testament above the Father of the Old Testament and that is not the intention of the Creator. All praise and glory belongs to Yahweh.

Among other things, there is this 'law of christ' being taught by a man named Charles Leiter (friends with Paul Washer) that I've recently become aware of, so I am researching this fellow and found this snippet from a promo of one of his CDs:

In 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, the apostle Paul claims that he is not under the Law of Moses, but under the Law of Christ. Charles Leiter spends these three messages explaining the meaning of this assertion. The first sermon shows that the Law of Christ is not the Law of Moses and then explains the role of the Law of Moses in history. According to Scripture, the Law of Moses was part of the Old Covenant, and for that reason the Law of Moses was meant to guide God's people only until the New Covenant came to replace it. In the second message, Charles lists all the ways that the Christian has been freed from the Law of Moses, now that Christ and His New Covenant have come. Mainly, we are freed from the Law's curse on sin, freed from our inability to obey God, and freed from having to keep the Law of Moses as a covenant agreement. Finally, the third sermon describes the Law of Christ itself. It is the command to love God and love one another, following the example of Christ. Furthermore, it is a higher law than the Law of Moses, and Christians actually want to keep it, due to their new hearts. Theologically, they explain the relationship between the Covenant with Abraham, the Old Covenant, and the New Covenant—a problem which has caused much confusion in the Church. With regard to Christian living, these messages help us to understand how God wants us to live, now that we are not under the Law of Moses. 

What this guy is teaching is horribly wrong and will lead many astray! Paul never taught against Torah; Y'shua did not bring his own ideas to the table - he came to do the will of the Father; the 'new covenant' did not replace anything, it renewed the promise made by Yahweh to Abraham; we are totally able to obey our Creator; and if we choose to break the covenant we will not inherit the Promised Land. 

Yahweh Elohim, our Creator, is not the author of confusion, but of peace (First Corinthians 14:33)

It was never about religion, denominations or all the other various belief systems.  Yahweh gave us a Set of Instructions, the perfect governing system for our health and well being. Those Instructions are found written in Scriptures from Genesis through Deuteronomy.  These Instructions are referred to throughout Scriptures giving us a clear picture of what happens when we obey and follow those Instructions and what happens if we choose not to follow them.  All that is needed is Faith. We trust that Elohim our Creator knows what's best for His creation. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Obedience is Discipline

Obeying the Creator

By observing Torah, which is obeying the laws God gave all mankind, we demonstrate our love for Him. Most Christians are following Torah without knowing it! They keep about 1/3 of the commands simply by living moral, upright lives. We have the testimony of Messiah AND the choice to follow God's commands. If we've got Messiah and follow him and we allow the Holy Spirit to work inside us, YHWH will reveal Truth every step of the way.

If you continue to study Scripture then Knowledge and Understanding will increase, baggage falls away, the narrow gate opens and the straight path is revealed. Halleluyah! and praise Elohim for His steadfast love that all would have the chance and choose to turn from sin and return to Him - the One who created us! 

This is the path we journey along towards our real home. We come across many stepping stones as well as stumbling blocks, but our Faith keeps us steady. Satan's goal is to knock us off that path of righteousness. Our goal is the Heavenly Kingdom YHWH told us about through His servants, the prophets of old.  Messiah confirmed all that God had commanded as it is written in the renewed covenant.  The message has been preserved and handed down through the ages. We are the lost sheep of Israel and those other sheep that have heard our Shepherd's Voice. That doesn't mean we stop learning and become content where we are, but we let the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter Y'shua gave us after he died, continue to guide us, teach us and reveal the Word of God to us. That is why he calls it A Path - we move along his path so as not to stagnate in a perceived comfort zone.

Torah reveals right from wrong. It is a set of instructions necessary for the behavior of mankind, not a tool to use to find favor with God (that's what hypocrites are guilty of). It is just as much a part of our lives today as it was in the days of Moses, and Abraham and Noah.

There is evil in the world today just as there was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and surrounding towns. The world we live in today is much as it was in the days of Noah. And it's going to get worse. Our heavenly Father's laws reveal sin and keep us from evil as we walk through that shadowy valley of Death. We recognize right from wrong because we have the definition of both good and evil described in the 1st five books of Scriptures.

Y'shua Messiah was killed and his blood of atonement 'justifies', or absolves us of the guilt of sin. This act 'sanctifies' or sets us apart unto Elohim. We trust and obey God and this will be credited to us as 'righteousness'. (Galatians 3:6)

Y'shua Messiah did not put an end to what our Creator began.

The Spirit is continually teaching us and God is testing to see what is in our hearts. That was the purpose of the 40 years in the wilderness after Moses led that mixed multitude out of Egypt - YHWH knew what was in their hearts yet tested them to see if they would obey Him like they said they would. Well, as you know, only 2 of the original generation made it to the promise land of Canaan - Joshua and Caleb.

Keeping Torah in today's World

Torah is not a religion but God's perfect governing system for all mankind. Of the 613 commandments, 221 apply only to the temple, priesthood and their duties, sacrifices and ritual purity. Since the the physical temple and all associated with it does not exist today these laws do not apply and no law is 'broken' if some thing doesn't exist.  That leaves 392 'laws', which are divided among the rest of us, according to our station in life.

For example: Over 50 laws apply to you if you are a farmer or running a business. Over 60 laws apply to  judges or those  involved in the judicial system. There are 45 laws that apply to us in regard to social behaviors, community and family affairs, and some of those are for just men, and some just for women.  
The laws of God YHWH are not a burden and they are able to be kept.  He would not give us anything that we could not bear.  His rules and regulations bring order to the affairs of man and teach us how to handle our own daily affairs. You and I don't lie, cheat, steal or murder but there are many who do. Yahweh protects us, gives us a legal leg to stand on, if these wrongdoings befall us.  He takes into consideration laws regarding 'Involuntary Manslaughter' as well as 'Premeditated Murder'.

Torah is not complicated and is provided for everyone. It represents the character of YHWH our Elohim and His values according to His will - it elevates human life by establishing justice and equality for everyone.

John 14:15 - Y'shua said if you love me keep my commands. 14:21- He who has and keeps my commandments is he who loves me and will be loved by my Father. 15:10 - If you keep my commandments you will abide in my love just as I have kept the commandments of my Father (Torah) and I abide in His love.

Revelation 22:14 - Blessed are those who do His commandments for they shall be given the right to the Tree of Life and will be allowed to enter into the city (New Jerusalem).

The Law is the Word of YHWH our Elohim, and His commandments are found in the first five books of Scripture. His Son confirms this by obeying the will of his Father. Throughout Scripture we are told to show we love Him by keeping His commandments then He will be our Elohim and we will be His people. God would not tell us to do something if we weren't able to do so.

Definitions from Webster's

Justification = the condition necessary for salvation; of being absolved of the guilt of sin.
Sanctification = set apart, consecrated, made free from (bondage to) sin, purified, dedicated.
Righteousness = acting in a just, upright manner, doing what is morally right.

Torah is the Hebrew word for Instruction; instructions for discerning what is morally right, and teaches us how to live in a just manner, advising us on how to be justified and become sanctified - it is the instructions which point us to the Promised Land.  God Himself chose His people to be Set Apart as He is Set Apart... this happens by obeying Him, everything He commands.

New Covenant, Old Covenant, is Torah a covenant?

Right off the get-go we are being gently led astray by a bad translation, the word 'New'. The original Hebrew word 'chadash' means to re-new or to make new or repair. It was never a New covenant but a Renewed covenant. Theologians have long used this term to steer the 'church' away from the rules and commands by God written in Genesis through Deuteronomy, aka Torah.

In the research of Andrew Gabriel Roth, he found that " post-apostlic church founder, Marcion (110-160 AD), who was considered a heretic by the early church, coined the terms 'Old Testament' and 'New Testament' suggesting that the old was done away with, replaced with the new.  His false anti-torah theology is still believed by most Christians today."

A covenant is a contract, a promise, a firm agreement, a pact, made in faith by which the parties involved are trusted to uphold their end of said contract. In every contract there is an exchange of value. In the Renewed contract/covenant Y'shua Messiah offers redemption for our lives but we must reciprocate (hold up our end of the contract) by being obedient.

Torah contains the Terms and Conditions of Yahweh's covenant between Himself and mankind. Torah demands the element of Faith to bring mutual benefits between the parties involved.
John 15:10 - IF you keep my commandments you will abide in my love just as I have kept the commandments of my Father Elohim and I abide in His love.

In reality, the new covenant (NT) is a renewal of the older covenant God had formerly made between Himself and His people. Y'shua Messiah and his apostles obeyed the Father, they were Torah observant. It is not a burden and it is not impossible to live by God's Commands.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Rest in Peace

We don't Die and go to Heaven

Once again Scriptures, the Word of God, answers our question about what happens when we physically die.

Quote from Life Hope and Truth:
While it may be comforting to those struggling to cope with the death of loved ones to think of them as 'looking down from heaven, this belief is false. Instead, God’s Word comforts us with the fact that there is no suffering in the grave. And since there is no thought for those in the grave, there can be no awareness on their part of the passage of time. When they are resurrected, it will be as though they have awakened from sleep.
End Quote

Psalm 146:3 Put not your trust... in mortal man who cannot save. His breath departs (physical death) he returns to the dust (in the grave) on that day his plans come to nothing
Ecclesiastes 9:5 ... the living know they will die but the dead know nothing, they have no more recompense, for even the memory of them has died. Their loves, hates, jealousies have long since perished and they have no more share till the end of time (when Y'shua returns) in all that goes on under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever is in your power to do,do with all your might. For there is no action, no reasoning, no learning, no wisdom in Sheol (the grave) where you are going.

John 6:39-40: (Y'shua is speaking) “This is the will of the Father who sent me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

It is appointed for all of us to die, but when Y'shua returns to the earth at the last day, his followers who have died will be raised from their graves and given eternal life.

1 Thessalonians 4:13 ... you should not mourn over them who have fallen asleep (died), like other people who have no hope... :14 For if we believe that Y'shua died and rose again, even those who sleep, will Elohim, by Y'shua bring with him. :15 and this we say to you by the word of Messiah, that we who may survive and be alive at the coming of Messiah, will not precede them who have slept. :16 Because our Master Y'shua will himself descend from heaven with a mandate and with the voice of the chief Messenger (angel) and with the trumpet of God; and the dead who are in Messiah will rise first and then we who survive and are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet our Messiah... And so comfort yourselves one another with these words...

We cannot 'rise' to meet Messiah when he returns If we are already in heaven... The dead rise first and the living witness this before they are gathered up as well.

Job 3 (he's about had enough and curses the day he was born and asks why he did not die at birth) ... :13 for now I would be lying in repose, asleep and at rest (dead and buried with those who have died before me)

Y'shua, Son of God, says in John 3:12 - I have explained earthly things and you do not believe. How then will I explain heavenly things? And no man has ascended into Heaven except he who descended from Heaven.

Quote from Bible Info: The Bible compares death to sleep more than fifty times. After death we are asleep, we are unconscious; we are not aware of the passing of time or of what is going on around us. That is what death is like as well. The Bible says, “for the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing… their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, NKJV, see also Psalm 146:4; 115:17). It makes sense that after Lazarus was raised from the dead, he doesn’t share what he saw or experienced. He didn’t have anything to tell, except that once he was dead, and now he is alive! He didn’t experience hell or heaven. He was simply “sleeping” in his tomb. Peter on the Day of Pentecost said the same of King David. “Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day…For David did not ascend into the heavens…(Acts 2:29, 34).

John 5:28 Do not marvel at this for the hour is coming when all those who are in the grave will hear his voice!

Once you realize we don't die and go to heaven but we Rest in Peace here in the earth for a time, some questions on other topics may arise. Let me know and we can do another study.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

YHWH will Tell Us What to Do


Noah is an example of a man who was told of impending danger and did what he was told. He was not concerned about how he might look to his neighbors. He did not put together a committee to discuss the issues. He did not even send the ark plans down to the closest engineer to see if the boat would be sea worthy or if changes should be made in its design. Noah simply acted on what he was told to do. He proved out his faith by putting it into action.
In the Book of Matthew, Y'shua tells us that there will be another day similar to those Mr. And Mrs. Noah faced. They would be days evil men and women following after every manner of sinful way they could devise. It would be a time in which man’s heart would grow so black and hard toward his Creator that judgment and annihilation would be the only way out. It would be a time to once again start over. The time spoken of would not be with another flood though, but rather with a time of great tribulation. This time it would not be a sudden event, but rather one in which man could have time to think about his actions. 
Noah reminds me that day by day I need to be consistent, and to put into action that which I believe. One man can make a difference to those around him if he never loses sight of what he has been called to do. His life is a reason to put our feet on the floor every morning with purpose and to know that we are given another day, not for ourselves, but to move one step closer to fulfilling His purposes for our lives. 
Noah did not see the concept of faith and preparation being two separate issues. Instead he seems to agree that faith without works is a rather useless thing. Noah did not hear the voice of Yahweh and decide to simply pray about it, but instead when he heard that voice he went to his workshop and began cutting the first board.
We can all be very thankful that Noah was not of the mindset that to prepare was a lack of faith. The earth would have been flooded, just as Yah had promised, but instead of Noah and his family living to tell about it, no matter how righteous they were, their lack of putting faith into action would have made them no more than another meal for some very full fish.