Showing posts with label prophecy in today's world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prophecy in today's world. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2017

Seeing His Word in Today's World

I am strongly aware of a continued awakening that has been spurred on in part by the Hebrew Roots phase of our journey. We are seeing the words we've been reading in Scriptures coming to light in our day and age. By faith, Abraham the Hebrew obeyed Yahweh and today, we who consider ourselves Set Apart believers, by that same faith, obey the Instructions of our Creator, although appropriately adapted to the current world system. And every step of the way Satan tosses out his counterfeits which are those stumbling blocks we desire to turn into stepping stones before they become a permanent comfort zone for others. 

Through our continued studies we have gained a better understanding of every word spoken by Y'shua the Son who speaks for Yah the Father. And in gaining that understanding we exercise the wisdom in how to abide by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of Elohim. This would not be happening unless the Ruach haKodesh was dwelling within His chosen - those sheep who recognize the Good Shepherd's voice.

We have learned to recognize and sidestep traditions so as not to be snared and delayed upon yet another rabbit trail.  All religions are snares.  All denominations cause division. Our Creator was never about religions. His Instructions for all mankind are for our health and well being no matter what situation we find ourselves in, from governments to family and affairs of the community.  Religion is something to be wary of and it is even used in the end times scenario to fool people into believing the final world leader is a man to be trusted with our lives. Being aware of this tactic helps us to discern the times we are living in. 
Just because someone claims to be a 'christian' does not make them a 'believer' and this is the same example we read of in Revelation, that there are Jews who call themselves "Jew" but they are not, they are of the synagogue of Satan. Yahweh wants us to be Set Apart because He is Set Apart. When we choose to follow the Way, the Teachings, the Rules and Laws of our Creator we find ourselves on His Path of Righteousness. We get strange looks from friends and family. We get accused of 'going Jew' when in truth we are simply obeying the Instructions of Yahweh Elohim, something even today's "Jews" don't do. Our Creator was never about religions, church, denominations and other traditions that cause division. Once we start reading Scriptures for ourselves we realize His plan is for all creation and that includes all humanity.
For as long as we can remember, there has always been war somewhere on this planet, revolutions and rumors of war. There has always been sickness, disease, food shortages and famines. And there have always been earthquakes along the fault lines and elsewhere. In this modern age we are more aware of their occurrences. There has always been the rich and the poor. Believers have always been persecuted, especially since Yahshua came on the scene, although, the number of Set Apart believers to be killed has yet to be fulfilled. When that number is reached then Seal Six will be opened.  I'm saying that, to the best of my understanding, Seals One through Five have been opened and we are currently experiencing the onset of Seal Five. 

Yes, we are in the time Yahshua called The Beginning of Sorrows. As each year passes these 'labor pains' increase. All the things that The Son spoke of must happen and are happening, but it's not the end, yet.
Then we will be hated, delivered to afflictions and killed because we believe in Y'shua, Son of Elohim. Many stumble, hate each other and will report 'believers' to the authorities to save their own lives (betray one another). Many false prophets arise and deceive many. Because of the spread of wickedness, lawlessness, the love of many grows cold. 

Now is the time to separate from those evil ones and associate with those who are truly walking the Path and doing their best to obey the Father.  It starts with love and putting Yah first in all aspects of our lives.
Galatians 5:19
For you know the works of the flesh, which are these:
adultery, impurity and lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, treacheries, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelry and all like things.

Those who do things like these, they will not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim. 
The fruits then of the Spirit are these:
Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control.
There are no instructions against fulfilling these fruits of the Spirit, although Yah does instruct against the lusts of the flesh. Flesh desires a thing that is against the Spirit. Yah's Instructions in Righteousness, teach us 'right from wrong' so that we may make an informed decision when choosing how we want to behave, and assume responsibility for our actions. Know the difference, see the difference and know the times we are living in.  Choose to obey the Father by Faith, receive the Blessing: 

The life of your soul.