Showing posts with label who's attacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label who's attacking. Show all posts

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Is it the Adversary or YHWH...

There are those who claim the more they stand up and fight for God, quote Scriptures, and preach repentance because the end it near, the more Satan will attack them.  I'm not seeing that scenario in Scriptures. As a matter of fact, Yahweh tested the mixed multitude of people who left Egypt. He tested them for 40 years to see what was in their hearts, whether or not they would obey Him. It wasn't Satan attacking them. And Satan couldn't even challenge Job without Yah's permission.  So are those folks who claim the Adversary is attacking them simply blind to or not taking responsibility for what's going on in their own personal lives and blaming it on Satan?

"The devil made me do it." 
~ Geraldine

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The Flip Wilson Show

We have read that Satan is the prince of this world and the power of the air.  We know there are unclean spirits left over from the Nephilim.  We know giving in to various temptations opens the door for demonic oppression. These are the dark forces that exist, but we are the children of light. If we resist temptation the devil will flee from us. So it should make sense to us that if there are problems arising in our lives right now, maybe it is Yahweh our Father testing us, trying to get our attention again, before that door opens so wide that Satan can lay claim to us. Satan may not be the attacker but he readily waits to devour anyone who strays from the straight path.  

Stop right now and review yourself, your home, family, loved ones and friends. What needs to change?  Are we being 'attacked' or is our Loving Father trying to get us to see something. When we recognize stumbling blocks lets work on removing them instead of covering them up with excuses. I was once guilty of the same tactics.  We are part of Yah's creation and Satan has been trying to get control of it since that day in the Garden; it is their battle and Satan will eventually be cast into the pit. But in the meantime lets live according to our Creator's Instructions so we do not slip and fall into that same pit.

Yah is our Warrior and our Shield - we trust Him to protect us as long as we continue to be part of His Everlasting Covenant.  When we step outside of this agreement we do become available material for Satan and his minions.  Those who claim they are being attacked (demons, evil spirits, Satan etc....) and then try to justify these problems by saying they are 'close to God' is just a cartload of road apples. What is happening is their faith is being challenged, tested, and they are missing the point, covering up the fact by claiming they are being attacked.  I think that mindset will eventually open a door for a demon to take up residence and one will finally know what it is like to be spiritually attacked.