Showing posts with label rock n roll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rock n roll. Show all posts

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Devil's Music

I have never really gotten 'christian rock' and maybe that's because I grew up with rock and roll and later learned the origins of that music - the devil's music. I started thinking... how can you take something profane (sex, drugs and rock-n-roll) and call it holy unto God? You may change the lyrics but the rhythms are the same.
QUOTE: - The origin of rock music and the term "rock 'n' roll" are interesting ones. In the early 1950s, a disk-jockey named Alan Freed was one of the first white people to be involved in "rhythm & blues" music, which was the direct forerunner of rock 'n' roll. (The complete genealogy of rock 'n' roll music is: voodoo to jazz to blues to rock 'n' roll.)  Rock 'n' roll was a kind of fusion between rhythm & blues and country & western music. Freed was one of the first white people to play this new rhythm & blues/country combination on his radio program, and was perplexed as to what to call it since it obviously needed a new name. Freed had been receiving bizarre reports concerning kids' reactions to this new music, so decided to name it after a ghetto term that black people used for pre-marital sex in the back seat of a car-hence, the term "rock 'n' roll" was coined. End Quote

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Painful Story

Abortion is murder, but I didn't know it back then. This is all in hindsight, mind you, otherwise I would have a child enjoying life today.

It was the late 70's. Women's Lib had already freed us from many 'responsibilities' and I was determined not to have 'his' child, not assuming any of the blame. He didn't even offer to help me out when I told him what I wanted to do and that made me dislike him even more. I was acting selfishly by not accepting the role of motherhood and didn't think any man would want me if I had a kid. (I just shook my head as I typed that, Yashua forgive me Again!) I thought I was doing the right thing.

Back then I was nothing more than a plaything that belonged to Satan and that is because I didn't belong to anyone and disregarded our Creator. I didn't believe in anything so I fell for everything. I was a 'free spirit' blowing in the wind, without direction, a pot smoking, 'recreational drug user' who could party with the best of them! I dabbled in New Age beliefs, felt drawn to the 'spirit world', tried to find god in peyote and LSD all to the tune of rock and roll.

Sounds cool? I thought I was! But it was an ugly waste of years and a waste of my health and a loss of friendships. I was blind to reality, in a satanic delusion, if you will. I was in a big delusional escapism of life while all the time thinking I was living it. (I will go into an analysis of 'why' that was happening in a later post, again in hindsight, in regard to what we understand about ourselves as we get older).

Such was my mindset which allowed me to see an abortion as a reasonable alternative.

Several years later did I learn the truth, of many things, and not just the killing of unborn children. I saw frames from an 'x-ray' movie, of an abortion taking place, you could actually see the child's face express pain as it was being sucked out, torn to pieces. Oh How I Cried! and tears still appear whenever I think about this, that I took part in such a procedure and that people can actually support this procedure!

It is a fact that abortion is an act of murder. There is no excuse for it. Lack of education from parents to their children is a fault. Lack of YHWH our Creator in our lives is a fault. But there is no excuse for murdering an unborn child. It is so bad that I have to go as far as to say a 'partially born' child, as well... I have seen a diagram of that procedure (WARNING!! Diagram of partial birth abortion), too, and it is just awful that anyone can agree with it.

So, now that I have shed more light on this awful procedure, pass it on to others.  Children are a gift from Elohim and society has turned it around as a bad thing.