Showing posts with label master's voice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label master's voice. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Do Not be Deceived

Y'shua says we are 'His Sheep', that we should not follow after anyone who claims to be a prophet or teacher of YHWH unless we can recognize the Good Shepherd's Voice.  In order to recognize His Voice we need to be reading Scriptures every day/night for the Ruach haKodesh to teach us discernment. If we know Scriptures we'll be able to recognize a falsehood.  Y'shua gave us the Set Apart Spirit as a Comforter and Revealer of Truth.  We need them both in order to return to the Father, YHWH Elohim. Therein understanding and wisdom are gained. 

Recognizing the Master's Voice means we study Scripture to show ourselves approved - we learn His Truth and know when some one is lying or twisting Yah's Words.

The warning given by Y'shua haMashiyach as recorded in Matthew 24:
  • Beware, let no man deceive you
  • Many will come claiming to be the Anointed One and many will believe it
  • Many false prophets will become popular and deceive many people
  • If anyone says they know where the Messiah is, that they've seen him 'here or there' don't believe it
  • False messiahs and lying prophets will come on the scene and will have the ability to perform signs and wonders in order to deceive, if it were possible, even the chosen

Y'shua makes it clear that even as all people can see the sun rise and set (east to west), so shall all people recognize him when he returns, all eyes will see him and know that Day has arrived.  He gives us a list of what will be going on in the days before he returns which are part of Satan's plan to deceive us into doubting the Word of the Creator.  If we doubt YHWH then we are open to deception.

Christianity is part of the deception, the twisting of Scriptures to fit man's ideas of salvation. Same goes for Judaism and Islam and all other religious belief systems. Yahweh was never about 'religion'. His is the perfect governing system for His Creation. Man's laws have pretty much made the Creator's Laws seem against the law!  The world today reflects what it must have been like during the days of Noah as well as the behaviors of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Lawlessness = without Yah's Instructions in Righteousness

Those Instructions are written in Scriptures, Genesis through Deuteronomy.  From there we are given many examples of what happens if we obey and what happens if we choose to become outlaws.