Showing posts with label chip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chip. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chip off the Old Block

We've been talking about 'how to buy or sell' techniques that won't require cash or carrying a credit card, and it was brought to my attention that a law has been passed that requires all Americans to be chipped - meaning to have the Radio Frequency Identification microchip implanted beneath the skin, permanently.  I was told this law has been included in the health care bill on page 1004 - I'm still looking for it. (Maybe I didn't copy the page number correctly... I may end up deleting this post if I cannot verify info!) It seems that ID implants could be buried beneath legit medical devices: Medical Devices Concerns

After further review.... 
RFID Implants are not specifically mentioned in Sections 2561 of HR3200 or 2571 of HR3962. What is written could be interpreted to include tracking devices in humans, so it is left open to our imaginations.  Go here: H.R. 3200 and scroll down to bottom of page 1192 for Sect. 2561 if you want to read this part of the bill yourself... National Registry of Medical Devices.

I don't trust TPTB to look out for us so I have no doubt this section of the bill lays the ground work for some sort of system to eventually account for us all, an expansion of Big Brother surveillance system.
Revelation 13:16 ~ And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.