Showing posts with label towers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label towers. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

What Evil Lurks in our Own Backyard

A few years back I continued to research this event after watching the original Loose Change video.  The original Loose Change video is better than the remakes or updated ones in which they have cleaned up and lost some of the original news clips recorded on that day. None the less, all clear evidence points to this not being an attack from outsiders and proves that our own govt. agencies were involved, to various degrees. The link provided below will take you to a website with in depth investigative coverage that I highly recommend.  It is astounding to discover how deceptively evil people truly are while smiling and lying straight to our faces.

Aluminum and Steel 
If you've never given it any thought...
...on 9/11 not one single piece was identified. No large significant wreckage at all i.e wings, engines, landing gear, tail section, wheel etc. The reason? There were no real planes on 9/11.
An aluminum plane hitting a thick steel beam will have the same effect as steel beam being swung at the same speed and hitting the plane. It makes no difference which one is moving as to the effect on the plane and the beam. In both cases the thick steel beam will do damage to the plane and the beam will emerge relatively undamaged. The faster the speed at the point of impact, the more damage that will be done to the plane.