Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts

Monday, December 14, 2020

Dec 2020 Conjunction

Nibiru - Blood Moon - Revelation 12 Sign -
and now....

the Star of Bethlehem

C'mon man!


Deuteronomy 4:19--
​​"And when you look up to the sky and behold the sun and the moon and the stars, the whole heavenly host, you must not be lured into bowing down to them or serving them. These Yahweh your Creator allotted to other peoples everywhere under heaven; but you He took out of Egypt... to be His very own people.

The Astronomical Event
Quote from Time and Date:
Generally speaking, a conjunction is when two objects appear close to each other in the sky. A conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn—which only happens about once every 20 years—is called a great conjunction.
Since September 2020, Jupiter has been moving closer and closer to Saturn in the early evening sky. Wherever you are in the world—even in light-polluted urban environments—the two planets are an impressive sight, and easy to find after sunset. On Dec. 21st the pair of planets will become visible at twilight, close to the southwestern horizon in the Northern Hemisphere, or the western horizon in the Southern Hemisphere. This is the closest great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 397 years.
(end quote)
Some folks call this conjunction the “Christmas Star” or the “Star of Bethlehem” which is meaningless since the Son of our Creator was not born in December, let alone on the 25th day of the month. In addition, Yahshua was near two years old by the time the Magi arrived at the house.  
The Star was not present at the 'babe in the manger' scene and neither were the 'wise men'.
There are always folks who get excited about current day events and try to force them to fit Scriptures in an attempt to prove a prophecy or two. While some may have good intentions in their quest, many rise to the top with their theories passing them off as the truth to anyone who will listen. The way we discern the truth is to read the Word of our Creator for ourselves. He has told us these things beforehand so we would know the times we are in.

The Birth of Yahshua
We read in Luke Chapter 2 that the reason Joseph and Mary, who was pregnant, traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem in the first place was because Augustus Caesar decided to have a census taken of all the people in his dominion.  Each man went to the city of his clan to be registered. Joseph was of the house of Ephrath (Bethlehem), least among the clans of Judah.  During their time in Bethlehem is when Mary gave birth.  Because of the census underway there were many people in town and all the usual lodging places were booked up, so she ended up laying her newborn son in a manger.  A messenger of Yahweh appeared to the shepherds who were out that night watching over their flocks and told them about the birth of the Savior and where to find him.  The sign they were told to look for was that they would find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.  The messenger went back up to heaven and the shepherds made haste to get to town to see this thing they were told about.  Two years go by before the 'wise men' from the east show up.
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In order to get to the general time of conception for Yahshua, one must look to the time of Zachariah’s ministry. In my studies I have learned the priests were divided into 24 classes and each class officiated at the Temple in turn for a week. With further research we learn the time each of the priests officiated and then can trace the time of the succession of courses.  This process is how we learn of Zachariah's time at the Temple and the clue is revealed when we learn  Zechariah's course was called "Abia".
In reading the good news according to Luke we learn that Mary's cousin Elizabeth was married to Zechariah who was a priest during the course of Abia. While on duty he was visited by an angel and told him that his wife was to have a son to be named John (who later became known as John the baptist). After his obligations to the ministry ended, he departed to his house. Shortly thereafter he and Elizabeth conceived a child.

During Elizabeth's sixth month of pregnancy (4th week of December), the angel Gabriel visited Mary and informed her that she was going to have a son to be named Yahshua. Mary goes to visit her cousin and stayed with Elizabeth about three months.

Using these facts: Zachariah’s time of ministry, Elizabeth’s pregnancy and Mary’s visit at the start of Elizabeth's sixth month of pregnancy, we discover the spiritual conception of Yahshua would have been in the last week of December and his birth occurring sometime in September.

 The Star
By reading Matthew Chapter 2 we learn of the Magi who came from the east to Jerusalem.  They ask: 
"Where is he who has been born the king of the Yehudeans? For we saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
The Magi were astrologers/astronomers from Babylon who were originally taught by Daniel during the time of the exile and that knowledge had been passed down.  These Magi were believers in Yahweh and were aware of the prophecies telling of the birth of His Son, so when they saw 'this star' they recognized 'the sign' and traveled following this sign, bringing gifts worthy of a king, and to bring the good news back to their homeland.
There are many prophecies in the Old Testament in regards to the Son of the Creator, and here are a couple that the Magi recognized: The Star and the territory of Judah.
The prophecy of Balaam, Numbers 24:
I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near.
A star will come forth from Jacob (Israel),
and a scepter (king) will arise from Israel.
The prophecy in Micah 5:
And you, Bethlehem of Ephrath, least among the clans of Judah, 
from you one shall come forth to rule Israel for Me

Hence they began their journey from their homeland traveling west towards Jerusalem, following 'the star'.
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Herod wasn't too pleased to hear about a king being born since he already was the king.  He gathered all the chief priests and scribes in Jerusalem and was asking the people where this Anointed One would be born.  They let him know it would be in Bethlehem, quoting prophecy. Afterwards he secretly met with the Magi and learned when the star appeared to them. He let them continue to Bethlehem but asked them to carefully inquire about the boy and come back and tell him where he was. Herod lied and told them he, too, would go and worship him. During this time 'the star' was not visible but reappeared and led the Magi to Bethlehem. It stopped and was above the house where the boy was. They entered the house and saw the boy with Maryam, his mother. They rejoiced and worshipped him and offered their gifts of gold, myrrh and incense.
The magi traveled from 'the east', the area of Babylon (in modern day Iraq) and that would be around 800 miles east of Jerusalem. They stopped in Jerusalem asking about the 'king', and then they traveled southward, another 7 miles or so, to Bethlehem. The 'star' they had been following showed up again after their time in Jerusalem, and led them south to Bethlehem where it stopped over the house where Mary, Joseph and their boy were staying.

As for Herod finding out when the Magi first saw the 'star' (that time not precisely recorded in Scriptures) we follow the clue that Herod ordered all boys in Bethlehem and its surrounding area be killed who were two years of age and younger; he wasn't taking any chances.  This tells us the Magi first saw this star two years before they arrived in Jerusalem which means Yahshua was near two years old by the time they came to Bethlehem.  After the Magi left Bethlehem, Yahweh told Joseph in a dream to get up and take the boy and his mother to Egypt because of Herod's plan to kill the boy.  Joseph got up and fled with his family that night.

We often read in Scriptures of situations that do not fit what we know of the world (physical realm), so we must be careful not to carry our own imagination and assumptions into what is written. The 'star' seen by the Magi was a sign given by Yah (spiritual realm). What they had learned from Daniel was becoming a reality and they traveled to bear witness to this 'king' and bring the good news back to their homeland. After first seeing 'the star' they made plans and prepared for the journey, to follow the star by faith and see the boy who would become a future king.

Note: None of this describes a planetary conjunction.

Interestingly enough, Saturn is mentioned in Scriptures, but not in a good way.
Acts 7:43 ~ But you have taken the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of the deity of Rephan that you made images to be worshipped.
Amos 5:26 ~ And you shall carry off your "king" - Sikkuth and Kiyyun - the images you have made for yourself of your astral deity...
Sikkuth and Kiyyun are two Akkadian names applied to Saturn which was worshiped as an astral deity. The six pointed star symbol (hexagram) is called the 'talisman of Saturn' which became known as the Seal of Solomon. 'Akkadian' was a semitic language spoken in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq and Syria) between about 2,800 BC and 500 AD.

David's shield, and ours, is The Creator.
Remphan's star is an astral deity, a pagan god.
Solomon's Seal is the talisman of Saturn, a pagan god.
Yahweh has used the spiritual realm more than once to get His peoples attention.  He went before them in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night leading them along the way after leaving Egypt. Paul of Tarsus was thrown on the ground when a light from heaven shown on him.  Yahshua spoke with him but Paul's traveling companions only heard a sound but did not see the man nor the light.  In Revelation a star fell from heaven and he was given the key to the abyss.  The star seen and followed by the Magi most probably was a messenger from the Most High and intended for the Magi to see and understand as no one else is recorded as seeing it. 
As always, don't take my word for it but read your copy of Scriptures for a more in-depth study of the topics I share to verify the truth of the matter.  I had never given the traditional nativity scene much thought until now and look what the Word of Yah has revealed.


Saturday, July 25, 2020

World News, Current Events and Thoughts to Ponder 2020

It is the end of the world as we once knew it. Things are ugly now but just wait until November 2020 rolls around - no matter who you vote for, no matter who wins - the response will be violent, hateful and dramatic. It wouldn't surprise me if the UN troops were brought in at that time to usher us into the NWO. Our Messiah told us things would be bad and then get worse but not to worry ourselves because these things must happen..... but it ain't the end yet.

My advice is for all good-hearted people to get ready to ride the storm out. Downsize, stock up, enhance security measures for you and your family, connect with like minded folks in your community so you know who to trust, get off 'their' radar, lie low and always trust God. He has told us the end from the beginning and we are seeing bits and pieces of prophecy coming true in these days.

Preparing for the days ahead is not a bad thing to do. Storing emergency supplies is not a bad thing to do. Stocking your pantry with assorted canned goods, rice and beans is not a bad thing. Moving out of big cities is a good thing to consider. Remember, Noah was the first prepper whilst stocking the ark. He had enough supplies to last at least a year. Joseph was a prepper, stashing extra grains for the hard times coming their way, which would last seven years. Both these men knew what was coming and prepared to endure. They knew because The Creator told them and by faith they did what needed to be done. The same goes for us now. We read and study Scriptures, and know what is to happen. By faith we prepare and rely on our Creator to see us through.

An investigation of a story makes the story fall apart. You see it in a different light. You no longer believe the central narrative. You keep asking deeper questions about basic assertions contained in the story, and your answers produce more collapses of the cement that holds the story together.
~~~~ J. Rappoport

Folks need to realize we have been brainwashed from birth. Maybe not directly by our parents and grandparents, but definitely through years of being exposed to main stream media outlets; public schooling; advertisement companies; religious leaders; cult leaders; friends and neighbors.

The Powers That Be successfully brainwashed us here with the American Dream incantation. We didn't know any better, but now we do. It's time to get off the gravy train before it arrives at one of those FEMA camps. Let us continue to learn to downsize and live within our means as well as purge our materialistic needy mindset so when the SHTF we are already trained up to comfortably and spiritually endure to the end. When the time comes the rest of the world will look as if it has gone insane with all the panic, chaos and hatred that rises to the surface and we will see that the love of many has grown cold; and it sure looks like that is case today. Many will welcome the final world leader, accept his 'name and number' and his promises of 'peace and safety'.  But we who love searching out the truth will endure.

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On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” These principles are well worth revisiting today in order to gain insights into the thinking and strategies of much of our so-called liberal elite.
Here is the link to a PDF where the person researched and noted how much of the communist take over has been completed since 1963:

"Using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manifacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.

In a recent appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.”

I have read that Bill Gates declared vaccinations could help reduce the world population by as much as fifteen percent. (That makes sense since his vaccines have caused sterility, miscarriages, and death.)  Gates is just another tool being used to bring about "sustainable development" per the United Nations agendas.

Here is a link in regards to vaccine genocide:
Horowitz and Kane

Here is the link to a website giving more history on the Gates family:
Eugenics and Covid 19
Speaking of vaccines... here is a quote from the Open Scroll website from a few years back :
Drugs induce changes in our body chemistry. These effect our body's function, metabolic processes. They influence how we feel, think and act, our personality, responses and reactions. These changes may be temporary but may also last a very long time. Some cause our DNA to be rewritten, which changes us quite tangibly into a different "us."
(From Natural News) Operation Warp Speed is underway in the United States as the federal government moves forward with approximately $2 billion in contracts with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to produce and deliver up to 300 million experimental vaccine doses by January 2021.  Big Pharma has over 170 covid-19 vaccines in development, but Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci are pushing an experimental RNA technology to the front of the line. This technology, delivered via injection, is a type of genetic engineering called germ line editing. Bill Gates has been pushing this technology for over a decade and has the financial resources in place to carry out these genetic alterations on populations around the world. The technology inserts coronavirus genetic code into each person, forever changing genetics and cellular processes in their body. The coronavirus RNA reprograms human cells to produce spike proteins, forcing the immune system to fight properties of a virus that are being artificially manufactured by the body’s own cells. The effects of this technology are trans-generational; the cellular manipulation can be passed down to future generations. Leading ethicists and scientists called for an end to this kind of trans-generational human genome editing in a January 2020 Geneva Statement. (end quote)

Once again someone has taken Scriptures out of context to create a meme to shame those who believe all lives matter..... it's the one going around about the 100 sheep and one goes astray = The story is a Parable Messiah told to the scribes and Pharisees who were once again arguing and challenging him.

The parable is about a shepherd who did lose one sheep and he did go out looking for it. When he found it he rejoiced. Y'shua Messiah then explains the parable:
Luke 15:7 ~ I say to you that thus will be the joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents; than over the ninety and nine righteous who do not need repentance.
He gives two more examples and each one points towards the great joy before the angels and God Himself over One Sinner Who Repents. And as it is today, it is not about whose lives matters but it is about that one sinner who repents.

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A 'delusion' is something that is falsely believed or propagated. It can be a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary. It is the act of tricking or deceiving someone.

'Doubt' makes one call into question the truth; to be uncertain and consider something unlikely. If we have been deluded into believing something (lies) while ignoring proof to the contrary (truth) then we have been tricked and deceived which causes us to doubt the truth, becoming uncertain of its reality: if we do not love truth we will be content to accept lies.

Here is an article of interest:

Coming Soon:

I came across this article today:
“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest—forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries.”
- Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

And so it begins again, the never-ending, semi-delusional, train-wreck of an election cycle in which the American people allow themselves to get worked up into a frenzy over the misguided belief that the future of this nation—nay, our very lives—depends on who we elect as president.

For the next three months, Americans will be dope-fed billions of dollars’ worth of political propaganda aimed at keeping them glued to their television sets and persuading them that 1) their votes count and 2) electing the right candidate will fix everything that is wrong with this country.

Incredible, isn’t it, that in a country of more than 330 million people, we are given only two choices for president? How is it that in a country teeming with creative, intelligent, productive, responsible, moral people, our vote too often comes down to pulling the lever for the lesser of two evils?
The system is rigged, of course.

It is a heavily scripted, tightly choreographed, star-studded, ratings-driven, mass-marketed, costly exercise in how to sell a product—in this case, a presidential candidate—to dazzled consumers who will choose image over substance almost every time.

As author Noam Chomsky rightly observed, “It is important to bear in mind that political campaigns are designed by the same people who sell toothpaste and cars.”

In other words, we’re being sold a carefully crafted product by a monied elite who are masters in the art of making the public believe that they need exactly what is being sold to them, whether it’s the latest high-tech gadget, the hottest toy, or the most charismatic politician. (end quote)

"Kenosha has proven that when state and city officials put aside their opposition to Trump 
and accept his offer of help, the rioting is quickly quelled and law and order is reestablished" 
 the rioting and violence in Kenosha came to a swift end after Evers finally followed Trump’s advice to deploy 1,000 National Guard troops and accepted his offer of 200 federal law enforcement officers.
~~ Patriot Post
I am tired of the blame game.
Civil unrest brews for a very long time before rioting breaks loose. It is the City's Mayor who calls the shots and the Chief of Police follows orders calling up his men to quell the mobs. If crowd control techniques fail then it is the Mayor's duty to place the call for the National Guard.

"When it comes to rules on use of force and how Guard troops are armed, officials say each state has its own playbook."
Blaming the president for all this is unfounded. Mayors who are not calling up the National Guard for help in a timely manner have contributed to drawing out the violence and the destruction of their cities.  I am not 100% in love with Drumpf but he is not to blame for the continuing riots. The way I see it, each city's own government system failed to do their job.


(From Natural News) Operation Warp Speed is underway in the United States as the federal government moves forward with approximately $2 billion in contracts with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to produce and deliver up to 300 million experimental vaccine doses by January 2021. Big Pharma has over 170 covid-19 vaccines in development, but Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci are pushing an experimental RNA technology to the front of the line. This technology, delivered via injection, is a type of genetic engineering called germ line editing. Bill Gates has been pushing this technology for over a decade and has the financial resources in place to carry out these genetic alterations on populations around the world. The technology inserts coronavirus genetic code into each person, forever changing genetics and cellular processes in their body. The coronavirus RNA reprograms human cells to produce spike proteins, forcing the immune system to fight properties of a virus that are being artificially manufactured by the body’s own cells. The effects of this technology are trans-generational; the cellular manipulation can be passed down to future generations. Leading ethicists and scientists called for an end to this kind of trans-generational human genome editing in a January 2020 Geneva Statement. (end quote)

"The folks at Moderna "have developed proprietary technologies and methods to create mRNA sequences that cells recognize as if they were produced in the body".  Using messenger RNA and programming it to interface with existing DNA within the body leaves me with the awful feeling that they are messing with God's Creation and we know from reading Scriptures nothing good will come of it.


The disturbing truth is that socialism has always been presented this way: It has always been offered as a pragmatic solution to the same problem -- the disproportionate distribution of wealth in a capitalist society that is deemed unfair by a political faction that claims to be offering a new, revolutionary path. And that solution, presented now as it has always been, is for a nation to put its faith in the revolutionary political faction by giving state administrators the mandate to even the score by taking property from those who have too much and redistributing it to those who have too little. The idea is that the new government will succeed where individuals, left to their own devices in the past, have failed. This is the very core of socialism in all its forms, and the foundation of all the evils it has wrought.  There are those who are hopelessly devoted to the Democratic Party who will refuse to see this logic. And even if they do see it, they won't care. They'll just stand willing, as they always have, ready to surrender their God-given liberty in hopes of some government-issued happiness.  It's all just socialism. Pragmatic or Democratic socialism can expect nothing less than what socialism invariably yields. And a "free market" is not a part of that. Socialism requires that markets be regulated and that business be controlled, so the markets can become only less free, which leads to "nationalizations, clenched fists, and hammer and sickle." (end quote)

The most evil joke ever pulled on Americans:
 It was an inside job and introduced the Patriot Act, among other things.
Regardless of who you plan to vote for, this video speech really does touch on the truth of the matter - the dirty underbelly of politics. I still believe that both parties are two sides of the same corrupt coin giving us the illusion of choice, but I'm telling you, anyone else standing up and giving this speech would be applauded by many. He mentions things I have studied out years ago and I give him credit for thinking he just might achieve these goals..... If you take the time to just listen to the words, you may actually get what he's saying. This speech is four years old,  but is just as pertinent today, only a couple of weeks until election day.