Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2019

Stumbling Blocks

We are being called - we have been told to come out of 'Babylon' - we have read that our Creator wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth and not get wrapped up in traditions of man.

Since discovering the Hebrew origins of Scriptures -- beginning with Abraham the Hebrew and continuing through the descendants of Jacob in which the Hebrews became known as the House of Israel -- many have be led to align themselves with today's Jews, completely ignoring the other eleven tribes, a serious side-effect of many Hebrew Roots teachers and those they teach.
Jude 1:3 ... while I take all pains to write to you of our common life, it is needful for me to write to you, encouraging you to maintain a conflict for the faith which was once delivered to the Set Apart believers, for some have obtained entrance who, from the beginning, were registered beforehand under this condemnation: wicked men who pervert the grace of Yahweh to impurity and deny him who is the only MarYah Elohim and our Master, Y'shua the Anointed One. And I wish to remind you, though you all know it, that Yahweh, after once rescuing the people from Egypt, again destroyed them who did not believe.
I want to touch on the subject of religion because I know there are still folks coming out of Churchianity as they seek the truth of Yah's Word and have gotten too comfortable with the Hebrew roots of things. I know, I was there once upon a time. It is, however, one of the best stepping stones we have leading us in the right direction. But that is where many people take the rabbit trail leading them into another religion instead of the faith once delivered.

Yahweh's Word has been messed with for a long time:
Mark 7:5 ~ The scribes and the Pharisees ask Y'shua, "Why don't your disciples walk according to the traditions of the elders? His short answer is: "You hypocrites... You have left the Commandment of Elohim and have embraced the tradition of men. ... And you despise the Word of Elohim because of the tradition that you have handed down..."
Matthew 15:3 records the same... the scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem ask Y'shua why his disciples transgress against the traditions of the elders. He asks them, "Why do you transgress the Commandments of Elohim because of your traditions?"

Written Torah was pitted against the oral traditions of the Pharisees who were nullifying the Word of YHWH by those traditions and Yahshua would not instruct his followers to do likewise. What we have ended up with is a term, "Judeo-Christian", which is a mix of Jewish Tradition and Christianity with all of its denominations.
Isaiah 48:17 ~ Yahweh our Redeemer, the Set Apart One of Israel said:
I am MarYah your Elohim, instructing you for your own benefit. Guiding you in the way you should go.  If only you would heed My commands!  Then your prosperity would be like a river, your triumph like the waves of the sea. Your offspring would be as many as the sand, their issue as many as its grains. Their name would never be cut off or obliterated from before Me. Go forth from Babylon, flee from Chaldea! Declare this with loud shouting, announce this, bring out the word to the ends of the earth! Say: "Yah has redeemed His servant Jacob!"  They have known no thirst though He led them through parched places; He made water flow for them from the rock; He cleaved the rock and water gushed forth.  There is no safety, said Yahweh, for the wicked.
In Jeremiah 4 we read that Yahweh told His people:
If you return to Me.... If you remove your abominations from My presence and do not waver, and swear "As Yah lives," in sincerity, justice and righteousness (you shall be a blessing to others).  He tells us we should not plant seeds among thorns and to open our hearts to Him.

This rings true as I realize that there is no getting through to some 'believers' who hold strong to man's opinions about our Creator and His Son. We should be able to discern falsehoods by now and stop trying to 'save' those who adamantly refuse the truth. Salvation is not our job but spreading the Good News of the kingdom to come is one of our requirements. 

These folks who claim to be 'believers' begin to embrace traditions as they adorn themselves with prayer shawls, colorful braided clip-on tzitzits, they collect shofars, menorahs and Israeli flags, wear pins and star of David jewelry, keep the 7th day rest every sat-day and keep Yah's feast days according to Jewish traditions. They follow the herd as they 'stand with Israel' not knowing today's modern day state of Israel is not Biblical Israel and they believe that today's Jews are God's chosen people who were gathered back to their land in 1948.  Some even go as far as to submit their DNA for analysis to see if they are blood relatives of the Jews. Sadly, they don't realize how much has been added to the Word via man's imagination; Christianity and all its divisions; and Judaism which includes the writings in the Talmud and the mystical Kabbalah. It's as if Satan is throwing one last big stumbling block out there for those of us seeking YHWH. We came out of the Babylonian religious systems but many are in danger of being snared by Judaism and all its customs.

Let's come back to the first five books of the Old Testament - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy - long before Judaism or Christianity were invented - folks were either Set Apart believers in Yahweh or they were pagans. Folks either chose to obey His Instructions or follow after all the pagan traditions. Recorded in these writings are YHWH's plans for His people and the precise instructions to follow in order to live in a just and righteous fashion. They are called Torah in the Hebrew language and translate as Instructions in the English language. Christianity likes to call all of them Laws and put them under the heading of Legalism which makes it easier to promote the belief that Jesus 'nailed them to the cross' and did away with them (which is not true). Also, today's religion of Judaism likes to color Yah's Instructions with a paintbrush full of man-made traditions. Neither of these these religions honor our Creator by following His Instructions = choosing the Blessing of Life eternal. Both have mixed and mingled lies and deception with bits and pieces of Scriptures, perverting the Word of Yah.

Faith and not religion is what Y'shua asked about, wondering if any will be found on this earth when he returns (Luke 18:8). He spoke this parable against men who relied upon themselves thinking they were righteous, while despising everyone else.  Time and again while discussing 'religion', when I get to the part about Yahweh never being about 'religion', that His Instructions are the perfect guide for our governance, health and well being, this is the response:
"But - Jesus was a Jew!"

What is meant by this? Was he a Jew by birth? by heritage? or a Jew by religious tradition? Is he a Jew because some rabbi on TV says he is? If you read Scriptures you learn that he certainly did not practice Judaism. In fact he taught against it! As I mentioned above, Judaism is a religion spun off the Word of YHWH, mixed with man's own imagination, just as so many other religious belief systems which 'divide' people instead of bringing us together as One. Being a Jew would mean one is of the tribe of Judah and later referred to one who lives in the territory called Judah.
Quote: In the Bible the word "Jew" means a resident of the land of Judea regardless of their tribe, race or religion, just as an Australian or Englishman may in fact be a Chinese, Negro or an Eskimo, or perhaps a member of the tribe of Judah. (end quote)
I'm an American by location, a Michigander by birth, a Texan by choice and a Set Apart believer in the Creator and His Son. Religion has nothing to do with it other than being one of the biggest rabbit trails ever and I thank Yah for His patience waiting for me to see His Truth. I pray the same for anyone else still teetering on the edge.

Remember, the House of Israel began with Abraham the Hebrew. His offspring were Hebrews. His son, Jacob, carried on the Hebrew line. His name was changed to 'Israel' and his offspring were the House of Israel made up of his twelve sons and their offspring and all were descendants of Abraham the Hebrew.

In the days of Y'shua few of the citizens of Judea were 'Yehudeans'. Some belonged to other tribes of Israel, and many were descendants of Esau (Edomites) who had assimilated and become co-religionists with the Judahites and remnants of the other tribes in the hybrid religion of Pharisaism developed during the captivity in Babylon. This religion of the Talmud is called Judaism today.

In today's world, most people think of Jews as the people of Israel, but that is not correct. An Israelite was one who had descended from Jacob. In Y'shua's time individual Jews may or may not have descended from Jacob, but they did recognize Pharisaism and not the Instructions Yah had given, recorded in Genesis through Deuteronomy.

The point is that one who is called a "Jew" in the Bible is not necessarily a chosen man of God, or a member of the tribe of Judah, an Israelite, or even a Semite, but one who is a resident of Judea. A Judean. In my studies I learned that over time a "secondary meaning" for the new word "Jew" came about, which is not the understanding intended by the Scripture of truth. Those who call themselves Jews today falsely imply they are somehow descendants of the tribes of Israel and chosen of God. Yet few of them are Jews as they are not "Judeans," or residents of Judea. And let me remind you, this is not hate speech or antisemitism... it is fact and you can always research this topic for yourself, keeping Scriptures as your base of operations.

Consider this: 
Y'shua was a "Jew" by location only -a resident- born in Bethehem, Judea. He was not a Jew by birth nor by religious affiliation. He was a Levite by blood (his mother was cousin to Elizabeth who was descended from Aaron - a Levite [Luke 1:5]) and from the House of Judah by adoption. All of this qualifies Y'shua to be King and High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. What a wonderful revelation!

Genesis 14:18- And King Melchizedek of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was a priest of Yahweh Elohim. He blessed Abram.

Isaiah 9:6- In token of abundant authority and of peace without limit upon David's throne and kingdom, that it may be firmly established in justice and in equity now and evermore.

Psalm 110:4- Yahweh has sworn and will not relent, "You are a priest forever, a rightful king by My decree after the order of Melchizedek.' 

Hebrews 6:19- which is to us as an anchor that retains our soul so that it stays fixed; and it enters into that within the veil where Y'shua has previously entered for us and has become a priest forever, after the likeness of Melchizedek.

Hebrews 7:14- For it is manifest that our Master Y'shua arose from Yehuda, from a tribe of which Moses said noting concerning a priesthood. And this is further manifest from his saying that another priest will stand up after the likeness of Melchizedek, who was not according to the Torah of physical requirements, but according to the power of an indestructible life

To proclaim that 'Jesus is a Jew' is very misleading to many people who haven't read Scriptures for themselves. It is, however, in our obedience to The Creator, having the testimony of His Son, Y'shua the Anointed One, and our sharing the Good News of the kingdom that ensures our being gathered together when that day comes. We are grafted in, adopted just as Y'shua was adopted, into the House of Israel.  We become one people of one faith with one Master whom we worship in spirit and in truth.

There is more I could point out on this subject, but will wrap it up with this:
Galatians 3:28 - There is neither Jew nor Aramean, nor slave nor free, nor male nor female, but you are all one in Y'shua the Anointed One. And if you are of Y'shua then you are seeds of Abraham and inheritors by the promise.
All praise belongs to Yahweh, our Father in heaven, whose Name is Set Apart. His Kingdom is near - let us desire to do His will, as in heaven so shall it be on earth. Father, give us understanding and forgive us our wrongdoings as we have forgiven those who have done us wrong. We know You test us to reveal what is truly in our hearts, but please protect us from the Evil One; for we know that Yours is the power and the glory forever and ever.

We still are in His learning curve. Let's get rid of those snares and stumbling blocks thrown in our way by the Adversary and keep our focus on Yahweh and the Instructions He provided for us.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

How Religion Distorts the Word of Elohim

All praise belongs to Yahweh Elohim, our Father in heaven, whose Name is Set Apart. His Kingdom is near - let us desire to do His will, as in heaven so shall it be on earth. Father, give us understanding and forgive us our wrongdoings as we have forgiven those who have done us wrong. We know You test us to reveal what is truly in our hearts, but please protect us from the Evil One; for we know that Yours is the power and the glory forever and ever.
❖  ❖  ❖

I pray this study helps to bring a deeper understanding to our Faith; what it means to commit ourselves to the one true Living Elohim who created us. 

Quote from the World Atlas:

Different religions can be found all around the world, though the world's largest religions generally fall in one of two major subgroups. These are Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Baha'i, etc.) and Indian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, etc.).
Just to be clear, there is only One Living Elohim and His Name is Yahweh.  His Instructions are for His Creation which includes all humanity. We choose to either follow His Instructions or not.  Satan has been at war against this plan designed for our health, well being and salvation from the beginning. The first weapon he used against Yahweh was 'doubt', and it spread from there. If we truly trusted our Creator and understood His Instructions in Righteousness, there would be no religions, cults, denominations or 'break-away' churches.
I am YHWH your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall have no other gods besides Me. You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. I YHWH am your Elohim, impassioned, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children upon the third and the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments. You shall not swear falsely by My Name for I will not clear one who does.
Christianity is a religion created by Emperor Constantine. His copycat religion was based upon a myth (The Persian savior god Mithra), which was based on other similar myths, all the way back to Chrishna of India (a mythical god) and was a tool for political purposes. The belief in the crucifixion of gods was prevalent in various oriental or heathen countries long prior to the reported crucifixion of Christ.

"Divide and Conquer" is a tactic well used by the Adversary.

Here's a list of a few of those divisions to help put things into perspective:

Religion - Estimated Followers
Christianity- 2.2 billion +
Islam- 1.6 billion +
Hinduism- 1 billion +
Buddism- 488 million
Shintoism- 104 million
Daoism- 93 million
Sikhism- 28 million
Judaism- 13.9 million
Korean Shamanism- 10 million
Cao Dai- 6.7 million

From the above list, many religions can be broken down even further into denominations, sects, reformed churches etc... 

Division upon divisions.  Folks claiming to be 'believers' but do not know what they are believing, which results in a false sense of security.  Let me ask, with all these various religions and denominations, each with their own ideas mixed in, how can they all be 'right' and acceptable to Yahweh our Creator? 
Contrary to the wickedness of religious men Yahweh declares: " does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh does man live."
Our Father in heaven wants people to look to Him rather than "old time religion" or "the new science" which claim to have all the answers for humanity but is progressively destroying the earth and setting forth greater and greater immorality.  -- Andrew G. Roth

Catholicism is the largest 'christian' denomination on this earth.  Part of their creed:

  • I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church
(catholic defined: universal; apostolic defined: conforming to the teachings of the New Testament apostles)

Among other falsehoods, they teach "By eating the Body and drinking the Blood of Christ in the Eucharist we become united to the person of Christ through his humanity.  The Church gathers to remember and to re-present the sacrifice of Christ in which we share through the action of the priest and the power of the Holy Spirit." 

In effect they crucify Y'shua again and again, sun-day after sun-day. The Scripture  verses they use to back up the Eucharist tradition is taken way out of context.

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Yahweh's Instructions are the perfect governing system for His creation, which includes all humanity.  He never instituted a religious order and His Son came to remind us of that, when he fought against the Pharisees and scribes. It was man who started wielding the power of knowledge over the community, claiming only they could interpret and know what "God" was all about. 

All of His Instructions are recorded in the the first five books of Scriptures: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This is His Instruction Manual provided for His Creation. Sure, it takes some study time to even begin to understand what was going on back in those days and to learn that it still applies to us today; just as any owner's manual needs to be read a few times before the instructions make sense, and become clear.

Definition of 'religion' from the Webster Dictionary:
  • the service and worship of God or the supernatural commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
  • a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
  • archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
  • a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Also defined as:
  • the belief in a god or in a group of gods
  • an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
  • an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group 
"Christianity was Invented. Eusebius (Bishop of Caesarea; “Father of Church History“) attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. and was a friend of Emperor Constantine, who also attended and made the keynote speech. Constantine instructed Eusebius to organize the compilation of a uniform collection of new writings developed from primary aspects of the religious texts submitted at the council."

Satan counterfeits everything included in Yahweh's Instructions for Righteous Living and the first tool he uses against Yahweh is 'doubt' by asking us, "Did God really say....?"  And if we don't search it out for ourselves and allow the Ruach haKodesh to reveal the Truth, we will be tripped up by Satan's subtleties. We have been called out by Yahweh to be One People of One Faith, to live in harmony with one another.

Philippians 2:1 Therefore if you have any encouragement in Messiah, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, then make my joy complete by being of one mind, having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves.…
2 Corinthians 13:11  Finally, brothers, rejoice! Aim for perfect harmony, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the Elohim of love and peace will be with you.

Ephesians 4:4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Elohim, one Faith, one Immersion; one Elohim and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

(that about says it all!)

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Religion of Christianity

Contrary to the wickedness of religious men Yahweh declares: " does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh does man live." 
Our Father in heaven wants people to look to Him rather than "old time religion" or "the new science" which claim to have all the answers for humanity but is progressively destroying the earth and setting forth greater and greater immorality.
-- Andrew G. Roth

Definition of 'religion' from the Webster Dictionary
  • the service and worship of God or the supernatural
  • commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
  • a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
  • archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
  • a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Also defined as:
  • the belief in a god or in a group of gods
  • an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
  • an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group 
Many of us become aware of the vairous divisions of 'believers' as we journey on His Path of Righteousness. What is causing this division? Could it be Religion - an invention by man supported by Satan whose main goal is to make us 'doubt' the Word of Yahweh Elohim.

Yahweh, our Creator, was never about religions. His Instructions go with His Creation, an Owner's Manual and most people don't read instructions until all else fails.
Matthew 7:22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
What is 'christianity'?
Christianity is a religion created by Emperor Constantine. His  copycat religion was based upon a myth (The Persian savior god Mithra), which was based on other similar myths, all the way back to Chrishna of India (a mythical god) and was a tool for political purposes. The belief in the crucifixion of gods was prevalent in various oriental or heathen countries long prior to the reported crucifixion of Christ. Of the 16 crucifixions, most were born of a virgin and about half of them on December 25th.
Who were the founders of the 'church'?

Many religious customs found in christian churches are based on the counsel of early post-apostolic writers, including Ignatius, Marcion and Tertullian.  These men have shaped Christianity into what it is today. Most church founders appear to have been unable to distinguish between Rabbinical Tradition and what Y'shua and the Apostles taught, which was Torah observance: living by the Instructions given by our Creator.

Ignatius of Antioch (35-107 AD) pioneered the Greek-based Christian religion and was instrumental in mixing paganism with it.  He was packaging Christianity for a Greco-Roman Hellenic culture.  He favored the Ishtar sun-rise Lord's Day (Sunday).  He promoted the infallibility of the church and taught that deacons, presbyters and bishops were infused with Jesus-like authority to be lords over people.  Ignatius appeared to be the quintessential Catholic long before the 4th century (many believe this is when the Catholic Church began).

Marcion (110-160 AD) coined the terms Old and New Testament.  He was a wealthy ship owner and the son of a bishop from Sinope, on the Black Sea.   He propagated his new concepts of Christianity which took root throughout the Roman Empire. Marcionites set up their own churches in defiance of other Christians and they flourished up until the 10 century.  Marcion was inventor and a major contributor to dispensationalism, supercessionism and replacement theology - all of which are still popular today and preached in nearly every church.

Tertullian (155-230 AD) was born into a mainstream Gentile pagan family but became a devout Christo-Pagan.  Like Marcion, he found Christianity intolerable and set out to make a broad sweeping reform. he joined with the Montanist (Cataphrygian Heresy) founded by Montanus, who was formerly following the pagan mother goddess of fertility named Cybele where he learned plenty to adapt into Christianity.  Tertullian claims to also have picked up an anointing of the "Holy Ghost" and through demonic inspiration he compartmentalized the Godhead and coined the word Trinity - one of the most cherished doctrines of the Christian church today.  His theology is akin to the likes of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz who were the original trinity of Babylon - Tertullian simply inserted the persons of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost making him extremely popular among pagan Gentile Christians.

Eusebius was the dishonest Church Father historian of antiquity who made up a lot of Church history: “We shall introduce into this history in general only those events which may be useful first to ourselves and afterwards to posterity”. The research thread (about older Gospels) also leads to the “spurious” writings of Irenaeus. The myth of Mithra, the Persian Savior god, was chosen by Emperor Constantine and Bishop Eusebius as the model to create the new religion, Christianity.
Quote:: There were too many religions in Rome in 325 A.D. A Council was called in an endeavor to amalgamate the many religions of the Roman Empire into one. Christianity plagiarized older myths and legends (and were rewritten) to suit the Roman Catholic Church while combining the numerous religions existing at the time (Krishna, Horus, Mithraism, Osirian, Isis, and many other mystery religions). For unity and (as an effort) to stop all the conflicts between the numerous religions…
Christianity was Invented. Eusebius (Bishop of Caesarea; “Father of Church History“) attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. and was a friend of Emperor Constantine, who also attended and made the keynote speech. Constantine instructed Eusebius to organize the compilation of a uniform collection of new writings developed from primary aspects of the religious texts submitted at the council. 
Eusebius then arranged for scribes to produce fifty copies to be written on parchment in a legible manner, and in a convenient portable form, by professional scribes thoroughly accomplished in their art.

He then ordered earlier presbyterial manuscripts and the records of the council burnt and declared that any man found concealing writings should be stricken off from his shoulders (beheaded). These orders, said Eusebius, were followed by the immediate execution of the work itself we sent him [Constantine] magnificently and elaborately bound volumes of three-fold and four-fold forms (Life of Constantine, vol. iv, p.36). 

They were the New Testimonies, and this is the first mention (c. 331) of the New Testament in the historical record. With his instructions fulfilled, Constantine then decreed that the New Testimonies would thereafter be called the word of the Roman Saviour God (Life of Constantine, vol. iii, p. 29) and official to all presbyters preaching in the Roman Empire.

This newly revised testament was the official book of the new Unified Religion of Constantine. All other books to be burned included the Torah and the writings of the prophets, known today as the Old Testament, and included burning the great library in Alexandria, Egypt in 391 AD.

According to Eusebeius (260-339), Constantine noted that among the presbyterian factions "strife had grown so serious, vigorous action was necessary to establish a more religious state", but he could not bring about a settlement between rival god factions (Life of Constantine, pp. 26-8). His advisers warned him that the presbyters' religions were "destitute of foundation" and needed official stabilization. Constantine saw in this confused system of fragmented dogmas the opportunity to create a new and combined State religion, neutral in concept, and to protect it by law. 

When he conquered the East in 324 he sent his Spanish religious adviser, Osius of Córdoba, to Alexandria with letters to several bishops exhorting them to make peace among themselves. The mission failed and Constantine issued a decree commanding all presbyters and their subordinates "be mounted on asses, mules and horses belonging to the public, and travel to the city of Nicaea" in the Roman province of Bithynia in Asia Minor. They were instructed to bring with them the testimonies they orated to the rabble, "bound in leather" for protection during the long journey, and surrender them to Constantine upon arrival in Nicaea (The Catholic Dictionary, Addis and Arnold, 1917, "Council of Nicaea" entry). 

Their writings totaled "in all, two thousand two hundred and thirty-one scrolls and legendary tales of gods and saviors, together with a record of the doctrines orated by them".

Thus, the first ecclesiastical gathering in history was summoned and is today known as the Council of Nicaea.  It was a bizarre event that provided many details of early clerical thinking and presents a clear picture of the intellectual climate prevailing at the time. It was at this gathering that Christianity was born, and the ramifications of decisions made at the time are difficult to calculate. 

About four years prior to chairing the Council, Constantine had been initiated into the religious order of Sol Invictus, one of the two thriving cults that regarded the Sun as the one and only Supreme God (the other was Mithraism).   Because of his Sun worship, he instructed Eusebius to convene the first of three sittings on the summer solstice, 21 June 325,  and it was "held in a hall in Osius's palace" (Ecclesiastical History, Bishop Louis Dupin, Paris, 1686, vol. i, p. 598).

In an account of the proceedings of the conclave of presbyters gathered at Nicaea, Sabinius, Bishop of Hereclea, who was in attendance, said, "Excepting Constantine himself and Eusebius Pamphilius, they were a set of illiterate, simple creatures who understood nothing" (Secrets of the Christian Fathers, Bishop J. W. Sergerus, 1685, 1897 reprint).  
::End Quote::


Can you trust the leader of the church you attend?  Can you trust the origins of the religion you believe in or belong to? Have you ever even thought about it?  I pray that after you have read this study you will take a closer look at your life and your beliefs. Many have accepted what they have heard from people they trust: parents, friends, ministers, teachers and preachers, for example.  But when you start asking these trusted sources simple questions and get that 'empty' feeling when no real answer is offered, it is time to seek Yahweh Elohim as if looking for treasure.  All answers can be found in Scriptures. There are many good sources online to use in your study time, but always keep your feet firmly rooted in His Word.  Then you will recognize 'answers' as you recognize the Good Shepherd's Voice.

All Religions are man made belief systems using just enough recognizable Scripture to seem legit and get your attention to gain your trust.  Our Creator was never about a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. His Instructions for us are the standard in righteous living, guiding us that we should do well.  It boils down to Faith.

Below are links to places from whence I have quoted or gleaned info, provided for your own research and further study. Please note I have no control over the advertisements or other annoying side bars in the links I provide, nor do I suggest you make any purchases from these sites.  I will not share links that are overloaded with ads or other mumbo-jumbo but will provide quotes from them when suitable.  As stated, I provide links for your own study and further research ~~ 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

That Pagan World

Over the years I have posted here and there, and shared several links to the topic of the Pagan Origins of the many things we take for granted. This is an important study and the knowledge needs to be shared - again.  Don't let yourself become overwhelmed or angry or discouraged. What I am sharing is a result of my research and study and reading Scriptures that started over fifteen years ago when I innocently looked for the origin of christmas... the journey had to start somewhere! I don't claim to be any sort of scholar, but I know a lot more now than I did back then.  And we are not the first to search these things.  Once you start looking, there have been many before us seeking truth.

I will include as much as I can and pray for this to be a source of light to those searching for His Path, continually seeking Him so that He will cause the Ruach haKodesh (His Set Apart Spirit) to reveal to you Truth in everything.

The Ten Commandments begin with Yahweh, our Creator, telling us He is the one true Elohim and that we shall have no other gods besides Him.  He goes on to define those gods as man made images (idols) of things in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters and Not to bow down to them or serve them. He is serious about this and will pass on the guilt of doing such things to the generations that reject Him and He will show kindness to the generations who love Him AND keep His commandments. He also knows that Satan will set up counterfeits along the way.  It is important for us to recognize the Spirit of Yahweh so as to identify the devices of Adversary.

To 'bow down to them' is to exalt, to think very highly of them, seeing them as powerful, lesser, greater or in place of YHWH. Whether made of stone, wood, gold or silver and in the image/symbols of what we think angels look like (heavens above) or man, or animal fetishes or representing fish or other things in the water, we are not to serve them.

Look around. You will notice right away a variety of images in a variety of forms representing heaven, earth, waters, sea, air, the elements -- things Yahweh said right off the get-go not to make. He wants us to be Set Apart (righteous); set apart from the world and its pagan ways, those subtle temptations that cause us to doubt the Creator, as when Satan said to Eve, "You are not going to die, but Elohim knows that as soon as you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like divine beings who know good and bad."

Then what happened?
In short, they tried to hide themselves from Yahweh because of their guilt and were eventually kicked out of the Garden.

Right from the beginning Satan has been tempting us. It is our Faith in the Creator and our obedience to His Instructions, which are for our health and well being, reinforced by (witnessed) the life and death of His son, Y'shua Messiah that we choose to be Set Apart, resisting temptation cause the devil to flee from us.

Who would have thought that types of  Dance could be pagan?

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Yeshayahu/Isaiah 5:20)

Most folks already are aware of when Messiah was born.

The Origin of Christmas Tree

Just as early Christians recruited Roman pagans by associating Christmas with the Saturnalia, so too worshippers of the Asheira cult and its offshoots were recruited by the Church sanctioning “Christmas Trees”.  Pagans had long worshipped trees in the forest, or brought them into their homes and decorated them, and this observance was adopted and painted with a Christian veneer by the Church. 

 ~ Here is what God says: “... Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven [the stars]; for the heathen are dismayed at them [millions ignore this plain statement of God and read their horoscopes daily]. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree…” (Jeremiah. 10:2-5).

The Origin of Mistletoe

Norse mythology recounts how the god Balder was killed using a mistletoe arrow by his rival god Hoder while fighting for the female Nanna. Druid rituals use mistletoe to poison their human sacrificial victim. The Christian custom of “kissing under the mistletoe” is a later synthesis of the sexual license of Saturnalia with the Druidic sacrificial cult.

The Origin of Christmas Presents

In pre-Christian Rome, the emperors compelled their most despised citizens to bring offerings and gifts during the Saturnalia (in December) and Kalends (in January). Later, this ritual expanded to include gift-giving among the general populace. The Catholic Church gave this custom a Christian flavor by re-rooting it in the supposed gift-giving of Saint Nicholas.

The Origin of Santa Claus  

Nicholas was born in Parara, Turkey in 270 CE and later became Bishop of Myra. He died in 345 CE on December 6th. He was only named a saint in the 19th century.  He was among the most senior bishops who convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE and created the New Testament. The text they produced portrayed Jews as “the children of the devil” who sentenced Jesus to death.

In 1087, a group of sailors who idolized Nicholas moved his bones from Turkey to a sanctuary in Bari, Italy. There Nicholas supplanted a female boon-giving deity called The Grandmother, or Pasqua Epiphania, who used to fill the children's stockings with her gifts. The Grandmother was ousted from her shrine at Bari, which became the center of the Nicholas cult. Members of this group gave each other gifts during a pageant they conducted annually on the anniversary of Nicholas’ death, December 6.

The Nicholas cult spread north until it was adopted by German and Celtic pagans. These groups worshipped a pantheon led by Woden –their chief god and the father of Thor, Balder, and Tiw. Woden had a long, white beard and rode a horse through the heavens one evening each Autumn. When Nicholas merged with Woden, he shed his Mediterranean appearance, grew a beard, mounted a flying horse, rescheduled his flight for December, and donned heavy winter clothing.

In a bid for pagan adherents in Northern Europe, the Catholic Church adopted the Nicholas cult and taught that he did (and they should) distribute gifts on December 25th instead of December 6th. 

In 1809, the novelist Washington Irving (most famous his The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle) wrote a satire of Dutch culture entitled Knickerbocker History. The satire refers several times to the white bearded, flying-horse riding Saint Nicholas using his Dutch name, Santa Claus.

Dr. Clement Moore, a professor at Union Seminary, read Knickerbocker History, and in 1822 he published a poem based on the character Santa Claus: “Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in the hope that Saint Nicholas soon would be there…” Moore innovated by portraying a Santa with eight reindeer who descended through chimneys.

The Bavarian illustrator Thomas Nast almost completed the modern picture of Santa Claus. From 1862 through 1886, based on Moore’s poem, Nast drew more than 2,200 cartoon images of Santa for Harper’s Weekly. Before Nast, Saint Nicholas had been pictured as everything from a stern looking bishop to a gnome-like figure in a frock. Nast also gave Santa a home at the North Pole, his workshop filled with elves, and his list of the good and bad children of the world. All Santa was missing was his red outfit.


1931, the Coca Cola Corporation contracted the Swedish commercial artist Haddon Sundblom to create a coke-drinking Santa. Sundblom modeled his Santa on his friend Lou Prentice, chosen for his cheerful, chubby face. The corporation insisted that Santa’s fur-trimmed suit be bright, Coca Cola red. And Santa was born – a blend of Christian crusader, pagan god, and commercial idol. (I never heard this one about Coca-Cola - ckc) 

The origins of Easter

John 4:22-24 You worship something that you do not know. But we worship what we know, for life is from the Yehudeans (Messiah is referred to as the Lion of Judah). But the hour is coming, and now is when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, indeed. For the Father, He seeks worshippers as these. For Elohim is Spirit and those who worship they must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Mark 7:6-7 Messiah says, Yesha'yahu (Isaiah) the prophet did well prophesy about you hypocrites! As it is written that 'This people honor me with their lips (words) but their hearts are very distance from me. And vainly they fear me while they are teaching the doctrines of the (man made) commandments of the sons of men.

My husband and I don't 'celebrate' Purim or Hanukkah because they are not 'commanded' by Elohim. I realize they are of historical value, like the 4th of July or Memorial Day (which we do not celebrate, either).

Chanukah is a man made tradition. 
Quote: (John 10:22-24). Notice that this is the only reference to the festival of Chanukah (×—ַ×’ ×—ֲ× ֻ×›ָּ×”) that occurs in all of Scriptures. Some additional "extra biblical" sources include the testimony of the first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who likewise referred to the commemoration of the Maccabees as an eight day "festival of lights", and various midrashim that quote Hillel and Shammai (i.e., two famous sages that predated the time of Yeshua) discussing the method of kindling the lights of the Chanukah menorah. One midrash states that Chanukah was to be regarded as an acronym for Chet Nerot veHalakhah K'bet Hillel ("eight candles and the law according to the House of Hillel"), referring to Hillel's view (his opinion) that we should light one candle on the first night and increase the amount by one every day (Shammai, on the other hand, thought we should light eight candles on the first night and reduce one every subsequent night). According to early Jewish tradition (preserved in Megillat Antiochus, 2nd Century AD), since the Maccabees were unable to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot at its proper time in the fall, they decided that it should be observed after the Temple was restored, which they did on the 25th of the month of Kislev in the year 164 B.C. Since Sukkot lasts eight days, this became the time frame adopted for Chanukah."  End Quote.

John 10:22 gives us a time frame, noting the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) occurred in Jerusalem and it was winter and Y'shua was walking in the temple in the porch of Solomon. (note: this is the only time Hanukkah is mentioned in Scriptures - there's no 2 or 3 other times to bear witness or support its importance as a feast day.)  Folks think because Messiah was 'there' that he was 'celebrating' but I think the reason he was there was because he was 'teaching', as he was accustomed to doing, not so much partaking of the feast. 

John 10 starts out with his Sheep Parable, then the feast day is mentioned, then: The Jews surround him again asking how long will he keep them waiting: "if you are the Mashiyach, tell us!" He lets them know that he HAS told them but they do not believe because 'they are not of his sheep'. Perhaps noting the feast day and the fact these Jews were celebrating it (which is why they were at the temple) and then Y'shua saying they were not his sheep, lets us know it is not of Elohim and we should not partake of it, either.

Y'shua was not celebrating Chanukah - he was present, on the porch of the Temple. It appears he was taking the opportunity to teach to those who had gathered there.  The lead in verses to John 10:22 sets the tone for what's going on.  In 10:7 he says that he is the Gate of the flock. He goes on to say if a man should enter by him (the Gate) he will live, enter and go out and find pasture. (No man comes to the Father except by Y'shua). He says he is the Good Shepherd that lays his life down for the flock. He knows those who are his and they know him. Then he says in 10:16 that he also has other sheep, those not of this sheepfold. It is necessary for me to bring them and they will hear my voice and all the flocks will become one and there will be One Shepherd. (I love this! He just told us the sheepfold is the House of Israel and the other sheep are those who have chosen to obey YHWH and have the testimony of His son - we will be One People with One Faith and One Elohim!) Well, once again Y'shua causes a stir among the Yehudeans, they don't believe, they don't recognize their Shepherd's voice and think Y'shua is possessed.

Here's info on Purim   

As a reminder, No matter what one uses for research and reference material, ALWAYS take what you have gleaned and measure it against Scriptures, the Word of God our Creator. His Ruach haKodesh - His Set Apart Spirit - will reveal the Truth as long as we maintain our Faith in the one true God. It's not about religion, but His perfect government system.  Judaism is a religion. Christianity is a religion. Islam is a religion, etc... 

Sunday, October 9, 2016


I see there is still much confusion about whether or not Yahweh means what He says, especially when He uses words like "forever and ever"; "throughout the ages"; and "for all your generations". 

Many people have been taught that Y'shua Messiah did away with the "Law of Moses", that the New Testament replaces the Old Testament and the only commandment that exists now is to "love one another as well as loving God". This mindset places the Son of the New Testament above the Father of the Old Testament and that is not the intention of the Creator. All praise and glory belongs to Yahweh.

Among other things, there is this 'law of christ' being taught by a man named Charles Leiter (friends with Paul Washer) that I've recently become aware of, so I am researching this fellow and found this snippet from a promo of one of his CDs:

In 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, the apostle Paul claims that he is not under the Law of Moses, but under the Law of Christ. Charles Leiter spends these three messages explaining the meaning of this assertion. The first sermon shows that the Law of Christ is not the Law of Moses and then explains the role of the Law of Moses in history. According to Scripture, the Law of Moses was part of the Old Covenant, and for that reason the Law of Moses was meant to guide God's people only until the New Covenant came to replace it. In the second message, Charles lists all the ways that the Christian has been freed from the Law of Moses, now that Christ and His New Covenant have come. Mainly, we are freed from the Law's curse on sin, freed from our inability to obey God, and freed from having to keep the Law of Moses as a covenant agreement. Finally, the third sermon describes the Law of Christ itself. It is the command to love God and love one another, following the example of Christ. Furthermore, it is a higher law than the Law of Moses, and Christians actually want to keep it, due to their new hearts. Theologically, they explain the relationship between the Covenant with Abraham, the Old Covenant, and the New Covenant—a problem which has caused much confusion in the Church. With regard to Christian living, these messages help us to understand how God wants us to live, now that we are not under the Law of Moses. 

What this guy is teaching is horribly wrong and will lead many astray! Paul never taught against Torah; Y'shua did not bring his own ideas to the table - he came to do the will of the Father; the 'new covenant' did not replace anything, it renewed the promise made by Yahweh to Abraham; we are totally able to obey our Creator; and if we choose to break the covenant we will not inherit the Promised Land. 

Yahweh Elohim, our Creator, is not the author of confusion, but of peace (First Corinthians 14:33)

It was never about religion, denominations or all the other various belief systems.  Yahweh gave us a Set of Instructions, the perfect governing system for our health and well being. Those Instructions are found written in Scriptures from Genesis through Deuteronomy.  These Instructions are referred to throughout Scriptures giving us a clear picture of what happens when we obey and follow those Instructions and what happens if we choose not to follow them.  All that is needed is Faith. We trust that Elohim our Creator knows what's best for His creation.