Showing posts with label holy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holy. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Man Made Traditions

Every year I cringe when traditional holidays approach as they are most certainly not of our Creator.  Satan is the father of lies, the king of deception.  He wants to be worshipped as if he were a god, the god.  So it makes sense that he would devise alternative holy days to counterfeit Elohim's appointed times. Satan's holidays are pagan rituals which are not pleasing to YHWH and He has asked us to "come out" of Babylon (paganism), to leave these traditions behind. 

Below is a list of links for further research and study,  so that you may find this out for yourself, as I did, and leave them behind, never looking back or 'longing' for things of Satan.

It is not easy breaking these habits we were raised with, but it is possible with the help of Y'shua and with the support of like minded believers, friends and family.  Once we leave pagan traditions behind we will open up to keeping the Feasts of YHWH - another learning curve!

Please click on these links to learn of the lies we have inherited-