Showing posts with label zephaniah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zephaniah. Show all posts

Saturday, December 4, 2010

In That Day

Blessed are You, Yahweh Elohim, King of the universe, who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to engross ourselves in the words of the Torah. 

I admit that I do fall short of engrossing myself in the words of the Torah but ask to be forgiven my weakness. I love Yahweh Elohim, King of the universe and strive to remember the sabbath and keep it Set Apart because He is Set Apart.

By reading Scriptures and including His Instructions for us in our daily affairs, we build a solid foundation on which to stand when we face adversity. For there are those who will hate us because we love Yahshua, son of Yahweh.
"The great day of Elohim is approaching, approaching most swiftly. Hark, the day of Yahweh Elohim! It is bitter"  (Zephaniah) 
That day will be bitter for those who do not call upon the Name above all names. It will be a day of sadness and joy for those of us who are still alive and bear witness to His Return. It is easy for me to visualize the anger of our Elohim- just look at the behavior of humans everywhere -lack of morality, love of self, materialism, just to name a few.

It is not easy to visualize His day of trouble and distress, calamity and desolation, darkness and deep gloom (Zephaniah) for those people who refuse to repent and return to Him. The fairness of Yahweh Elohim, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is evident even in these end times. He wants even the sinners of that day to Seek Him and to seek righteousness and humility. Even then they may find shelter on the day of His anger.

Our Elohim will cause all the false gods on earth to shrivel. In that day we shall no longer be ashamed for all the deeds by which we have defied Him because the follies of our youth He will not remember.

How I thank and give praise to Yahweh for His loving-kindness! For His patience to wait for me to turn to Him for salvation! I rejoice in His long suffering that we should All turn from our sins and embrace Him. Rejoice and be glad with all your heart all who have found peace in Y'shua as King of Kings. He is the Truth, the Light and the Way.