Showing posts with label Feasts of the Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feasts of the Lord. Show all posts

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Psalm 91

O you who dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the protection of Yahweh- I say of Yahweh, my refuge and stronghold, my Elohim in whom I trust, that He will save you from the fowler's trap, from the destructive plague.  He will cover you with His pinions: you will find refuge under His wings; His fidelity (the quality or state of being faithful) is an encircling shield.  You need not fear the terror by night, or the arrow that flies by day, the plague that stalks in the darkness, or the scourge that ravages at noon. A thousand may fall at your left side, ten thousand at your right, but it shall not reach you.  You will see it with your eyes, you will witness the punishment of the wicked. Because you took Yahweh - my refuge, the Most High - as your haven, no harm will befall you, no disease touch your tent.  For He will order His angels to guard you wherever you go.  They will carry you in their hands lest you hurt your foot on a stone.  You will tread on cubs and vipers, you will trample lions and asps.

Because he is devoted to Me I will deliver him; I will keep him safe for he knows My Name.  When he calls on Me I will answer him, I will be with him in distress, I will rescue him and make him honored.  I will let him live to a ripe old age and show him my salvation -