Showing posts with label TPTB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TPTB. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Inalienable Rights

Quote: The word 'inalienable' refers to a natural right that cannot be revoked by an outside force. In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson (using the un- variant) wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Thomas Jefferson described the term liberty in the Declaration of Independence as “unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others".
Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary definition: A right is “conformity to the will of God, or to his law, the perfect standard of truth and justice. In the literal sense, right is a straight line of conduct, and wrong a crooked one. Right therefore is rectitude or straightness, and perfect rectitude is found only in an infinite being and his will.” Webster defines a right as conformity to the law of God.
Scripture tells us about some of our "God Given Rights" :
John 1:12 But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God
Revelation 2:7 ~ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies. To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to eat from the tree of life in the paradise of Elohim.
Revelation 3:21 ~ To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne.
Revelation 22:14 ~ Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by its gates.

If you spend time reading Scriptures you will see that our Creator did give us His complete set of Instructions for our health and well being, about living and working together in our communities; and as a result of our obedience we were given some rights. Our liberty and freedom come from loving the truth of His Word. We are not to be so self absorbed that we pursue happiness but should be learning from our Creator's Instructions why we should choose The Blessing and how to receive it which is for our well being, thus resulting not only in happiness while we are still upon this earth, but eternal life afterwards. Has mankind been conforming to the will of our Creator and to His Teachings which are the perfect standard of truth and justice?  I don't think so.  The rights given us by YHWH depend on our following His Instructions (not man-made laws) and the rights given by Him are not 'inalienable' and He can revoke them according to the terms of His Covenant. We are not 'once saved always saved'.
Y'shua said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me.
Those who founded the government of this country may of had good intentions by stating that God gave men rights that they wished to uphold but they did not incorporate the whole Word of Yahweh in forming the government, nor did they uphold any of them. They said enough to spawn unity and get the support needed.  No one was really keeping the laws of the Creator then - man had long since taken over, back when they chose a man as king (president; leader) instead of continuing to trust YHWH to rule over them; and He told them beforehand what would happen if they were to do so.  This is evident in today's world as well.
1 Samuel 8:7 ~ Yah replied to Samuel, "Heed the demand of the people in everything they say to you. It is not you they have rejected, it is Me they have rejected as their King. Like everything else they have done ever since I brought them out of Egypt, to this day - forsaking Me and worshiping other gods -  they are doing to you. Heed their demands but warn them solemnly, and tell them about the practices of any king who will rule over them."
Samuel reported back to the people everything Yah had said and gave them the warning. This will be the practice of the king who will rule over you: 
He will take your sons and appoint them as his charioteers and horsemen and they will serve as outrunners (those who run ahead of or beside) his chariots. He will appoint some as chiefs of thousands and of fifties; others will have to work in his fields plowing and reaping the harvests, and they will have to make his weapons and the equipment for his chariots.  He will take your daughters and put them to work as perfumers, cooks and bakers.  He will take your choice lands and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his courtiers (those who attend his royal court as companions or advisers).  He will take a tenth of your grain and vintage and give them to his eunuchs and cronies.  He will take your servants, your best young men, and your beasts of burden and put them to work for himself.  He will take a tenth of your flocks and you shall become his slaves. The day will come when you cry out because of the king whom you yourselves have chosen and YHWH will not answer you.
Let's interpret that warning and bring it into the modern age comparing the deeds of today's world leaders to the kings of days gone by: 

  • They draft young men into military service where they will be workers in the various departments of the industrial military complex
  • Young women will be employed to serve personal needs of those in charge, and ensuring the continued feeding of the war machine
  • Private property will be taken under the law of Eminent Domain whenever it serves his purpose
  • The best of what you've worked for will be taken and given to his cronies per the IRS and/or the act of taking by force your assets (or by legal action) aka: Search and Seizure: a procedure used by police or other authorities and their agents, who, suspecting that a crime has been committed, commence a search of a person's property and confiscate any relevant evidence found in connection to the suspected crime. (Do a little research on the Patriot Act)
  • The best of your people will be taken to work for him and his cause
  • We all become slaves once again to the New World Pharaoh
Man gave up his "God Given Rights" when he turned his back on the Creator and started ruling for himself. The rights we read of in Scriptures never really made into the Declaration of Independence: just words and not deeds resulted in the death of faith.