Showing posts with label Revelation 12. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revelation 12. Show all posts

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Revelation 12

Revelation 12, when I read it this is the image that comes to my mind - it is a 'what was and what will be' recap of prophecies found elsewhere throughout Scriptures.  

It is telling about the birth of Messiah, how Satan tries to defeat him, fails and wars against all Set Apart believers through the years, to the point of being cast out of heaven along with his fellow rebellious angels.  The woman flees to the wilderness where she is able to survive the final 3-1/2 years. Now she represents those in Judea who are told to leave when the abomination of desolation enters the 'holy place' and declares himself 'god'.  Satan possessing the final world leader happens at this time and the final 3-1/2 years are hell on earth.  Woe to the earth  - the Deceiver has come down to you, being in great wrath since he knows his time is short.  The Dragon was enraged against the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed who Keep the Commandments of Elohim God and have the testimony of Yahshua.

Now, reading Revelation 12 as a study, these are my notes, yet I still read it as what has happened and what is yet to happen:
The great wonder could be a sky sign just as there was a sky sign announcing the actual birth of the Son of Elohim, or it could be part of the vision. Verse 3 mentions another "wonder" in heaven referring to Satan, the fiery dragon, part of this same vision.  As a side note: In Joseph's dream, the sun and the moon represented his mom and dad; the stars his eleven brothers.  
The pregnant woman represents Mary about to give birth, she is in labor pains. This woman also represents Set Apart believers who endure til the end. Those are they who will withstand the pain, anguish and fears of those days to come.
Satan, that old dragon, that serpent called the Deceiver, did not want our Messiah to be born, and  was poised to devour him. (Remember, after he was born, Joseph and Mary left with Yahshua and stayed in Egypt because of Herod's decree to have all male babies 2 years old and younger killed). This Dragon also represents the future world system/government noted by the 7 heads and 10 horns.  He eventually loses the war in heaven, is cast out and he drags along with him the other angels (stars of heaven) he managed to recruit.  
The woman's child was caught up to Elohim God and to his throne.  Our Messiah was resurrected and now waits until his enemies are made his footstool. 
The woman fled to the wilderness where she survived 1260 days (equals 42 months = 3-1/2 years). As I noted above, those in Judea are told to flee to the wilderness when the abomination of desolation enters the set apart place.
The war in heaven is noted, Satan and his cronies are cast out upon the earth as the vision/wonder depicts the dragon using his tail to draw them along.
Satan the Accuser is cast out of the heavenly realm and those Beings are thankful and joyful, but woe to those inhabiting the earth.....
The same story line is repeated a third time: Dragon goes after to persecute the Woman who is taken to the wilderness hidden from Dragon for three and half years. Enraged Dragon goes after Set Apart believers to make war upon the remnant of her seed who Keep the Commandments of Elohim God and have the testimony of His Son Yahshua.

Folks, it ain't the end, yet....


My husband and I totally believe in Yahweh as the Creator of this Universe including the sun, the moon, the stars... We totally trust Yah when He says it is He who brings the constellations into their seasons and that He has placed the law of the heavens above the laws of the earth - of which both submit to His authority.

A common misunderstanding stems from this:
Astrology is not the same as Astronomy which is why we are given this warning in
Deuteronomy 4:19--
​​"And when you look up to the sky and behold the sun and the moon and the stars, the whole heavenly host, you must not be lured into bowing down to them or serving them. These Yahweh your God allotted to other peoples everywhere under heaven; but you He took out of Egypt... to be His very own people..."
​Psalm 147:4
He reckoned the number of the stars;
to each He gave its name. 
Great is our Elohim and full of power,
His wisdom is beyond reckoning...

Did you know that those who try to divine destinies from the stars (horoscopes for one example [astrology]) instead of waiting on Yahweh are the 'stargazers' who are condemned:

​​Isaiah 47:13 - You are helpless, despite of all your art (spells and enchantments). Let them stand up and help you now, the scanners of heaven, the star-gazers, who announce, month by month, whatever will come upon you. They have become like straw and fire consumes them; they cannot save themselves.

Indeed, the heavens declare the glory of Elohim, the sky proclaims His handiwork. (Psalm 19)
