Showing posts with label end times taste. Show all posts
Showing posts with label end times taste. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lovers of Self

I've been talking with people who have had the feeling that we are sampling a small taste of what will be commonplace in the end times scenario, and I have to agree with them.  Some have experienced a spiritual separation from others due to our growing faith in YHWH Elohim; a separation from those people we love but they all continue, one way or another, in the pagan ways our Creator warned us about - many show no interest in coming out of those worldly ways. It appears that the time has come to shake the dust off our sandals and move on. The Seed Parable comes to mind.  We have tossed a lot of seed in their path and it is possible The Light will go on for them somewhere down the road, and I pray it does.

This coming out of Babylon seemed easy at first to my husband and I, and now we're getting a glimpse of what it means in totality. Leaving the big yearly holiday celebrations was easy once the truth of their origins were revealed to us. After that, giving up all man-made traditions made sense. Leaving our little Hebrew Roots group took a while but needed to be done. We had gotten the same feeling that church goers get when they realize they've been short-changed by false teachings: it's time to stop meeting with that congregation and come out of the Babylonian mindset. In doing so we begin to see Yahweh Elohim for who He is. The more in line we get with Him and His Instructions the more heartache we can see on the horizon because of the choices we must make.  It is sad and exciting to have His Truth revealed, a great test to reveal what is in our hearts, whether we really will obey Him. 

Then there are those who become 'lovers of themselves' who have egos built upon pride and arrogance. They place upon themselves a huge heapin' helping of self worth and claim it's 'live and let live' time.  Their excuses are 'that's not what it means to me' and 'God knows what's in my heart' and 'as long as I honor Him, its OK whatever I do, whenever I do it' (sounding quite a bit as if they follow the doctrine of Nicolaitans). That sure puts a heavy glaze over the truth of Scriptures and what our Creator expects from us.  But you know what? It is the Seed Parable once again.
The seed is the Word of Elohim

"The side of the road" are those people who hear the Word, but along comes the enemy and takes the Word from the heart so that they might not believe and gain life eternal. (Satan causes us to doubt the Word of Elohim which removes it from our heart)

"The stony ground" are those that heard it and received the Word with joy, but they have no root; rather for a while their faith is growing, yet in the time of difficulties and trying times they are offended and turn their backs on Elohim. (No root means no foundation in Scriptures, no place for faith to gain a foothold. Everything sounds good and seems right on the surface to these folks, but when bad things happen, they quickly blame God)

A "thorny place" are they who hear the Word but eventually, with the wealth and lusts of the world, are choked, and they do not produce fruit. (TV Evangelicals come to mind, ensnaring and choking off people everywhere and getting rich doing so.)

"Good ground" are they who, with an honest and good heart, hear the Word and retain it and bear fruit with patience.
We are to Love YHWH first and foremost and not put ourselves first and then work Him into our schedule as we see fit. 
Mark 12:29 - Y'shua said the 1st Commandment is 'Shema (hear and obey) O Israel! Master YHWH is one - Love Him with all your heart, with all your soul, all your mind and strength. The 2nd is like it - Love your neighbor as yourself' (Leviticus 19:18)
And while we're at it:
Romans 12:9 - Let not your love be full of deceit, but be haters of evil things and adhere to good things. Love one another, honor one another, be active and not slothful. Be fervent in spirit. Work for Y'shua. Be joyful in your hope in the Good News. Be patient under your afflictions and preserving in prayer. Be communicators to the wants of the Set Apart believers. Be kind to strangers. Bless your persecutors, bless and do not curse. Rejoice with them who rejoice and weep with them who weep. Do not indulge in arrogant thoughts, but unite yourselves with the humble minded. Be not wise in your own estimations. Repay no man evil for evil but let it be to your study to do good before all men.

In Revelation 2:6, and 2:15, it is stated that the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans is a thing to be hated. The Nicolaitans believed in the freedom of the flesh and taught that the deeds of the flesh had no effect upon the health of the soul and had no relation to salvation. They believed that faith alone, and not obedience to the Instructions of Elohim, was necessary for salvation. They could behave anyway they liked as long as they claimed to have 'faith in god'. This is a false teaching.  While Faith is the foundation for our salvation, it is by Faith we obey our Creator and have the testimony of His Son.