Saturday, April 9, 2016

Short Definition

A short definition of what is commonly called The Law:

Torah is the Hebrew word for Instructions pertaining to the rules, laws and teachings YHWH Elohim put in place for His People to set them apart from the pagan traditions which permeated the world around them.

As Creator, He included the Instruction Manual. (Most people don't read the instructions until all other attempts fail). Then He let us choose to obey or disobey, giving examples, throughout Scriptures, of what happens as results of those choices. He painted a clear picture of His expectations for living a righteous life. He did not lay a burden on us.

In order to be Set Apart believers in YHWH Elohim we must choose to follow His Instructions which set us apart from the traditions of man in this world. We then realize what Y'shua meant when he said we would be hated because of his name (by following him who was sent by the Creator/Father/Elohim as the example of Perfection). 

It's not about the Jews or the modern day state of Israel... it's not about all the diverse religions of the day... It is about Yah's perfect governing system for His Chosen. His Chosen People are the Set Apart believers, anyone of any background, who turn from their sinful nature and those pesky pagan ways (man made traditions handed down through the generations) and have Faith in the one true living Elohim, YHWH, and His Son, Y'shua haMashiyach, those who keep His Commands and have the testimony of Y'shua.

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