Showing posts with label set apart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label set apart. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Yah Separates us from that Pagan World

Yahweh tells us to be 'set apart' because He is Set Apart. The first example of this is the 7 day count, beginning each month and counting every 7th day as the day of rest. This shall be a sign to Him: 
Exodus 16:23 - then he said to them, "This is what Yahweh meant: Tomorrow is a sabbath observance, set apart to Him. Bake what you will bake and boil what you will boil, and all that is left over put aside to be kept until morning." (get all your meals prepared the day before so you don't have to 'kindle a fire' on the sabbath to do any cooking) 35:2 For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Set Apart day, a sabbath of Complete Rest to Yahweh Elohim. You shall not kindle a fire in any of your dwellings on the sabbath day."
Leviticus 23:3 - For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of Complete Rest, a holy convocation. You shall not do any work; it is a sabbath to your Elohim, in all your dwellings.
Deuteronomy 5:12 - Observe the sabbath day to keep it set apart as Yahweh your Elohim commanded you
Ezekiel 20:12- Also I gave them My sabbaths to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am Yahweh who sanctifies them.

Yah says to do it, so we do it because of our Faith in Him. We believe He is the One True Living Elohim and we show our love for Him by obeying His Instructions. It is a Sign to Yahweh that we are His people.


Zephaniah 1:4- I will stretch out My arm against Judah and against all who dwell in Jerusalem; and I will wipe out from this place every vestige of Baal, and the name of the priests of the heathen gods, and those who bow down on the roofs to the host of heaven; and those who bow down and swear to Yahweh your Elohim but also swear by Malcam (Milcom, the abomination of Ammonites) and I will wipe out all those who have forsaken Me, who have not sought nor turned to Me.
Baal (ba'al) was an ancient Canaanite and Mesopotamian deity associated with agriculture. He was believed to be the "giver of life" and mankind was dependent upon him for providing what was necessary to sustain the farms, flocks and herds. He was also called the "son of Dagon" (who was in control of the grain), and "Hadad" the storm god who would provide plentiful rains after hearing his voice (thunder).

The land of Canaan was devoted to the worship of Baal. The Semitic word Baal means "lord" or "master" and the Canaanites believed that Baal was in absolute control over nature and over people. It was he who was in charge of the rain and the weather, and man's survival was dependent upon Baal's provision.

One may question that those ancient enemies of Israel were as evil as the Bible claims that they were, but even a superficial glance at Canaanite religion alone ably demonstrates their iniquity. Base sex worship was prevalent, and religious prostitution even commanded; human sacrifice was common; and it was a frequent practice, in an effort to placate their gods, to kill young children and bury them in the foundations of a house or public building at the time of construction: Joshua 6:26 "In his days did Hiel the Bethelite build Jericho: he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his firstborn." Howard E. Vos, "An Introduction To Bible Archaeology" Revised ed. (Chicago: Moody Press, 1953)

These are some of the pagan things mentioned in Scriptures, also known as 'alien', 'heathen' or 'foreign':
  • altars/shrines
  • customs
  • symbols
  • nations/peoples
  • gods
  • women
2 Chronicles 14- Asa did what was good and pleasing to Yahweh Elohim. He abolished the alien altars and shrines; he smashed pillars and cut down the sacred posts. He ordered Judah to turn to Yahweh the Elohim of their fathers and to observe the Teaching and the Commandment.

2 Kings 23- King Josiah ordered the high priest Hilkiah, the priests of the second rank, and the guards of the threshold to bring out of the temple of Yahweh all objects made for Baal and Asherah. He suppressed the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to make offerings at the shrines in the towns of Judah and in the environs of Jerusalem, and those who make offering to Baal, to the sun and moon and constellations - all the host of heaven.  He brought out the image of Asherah from the House of Yahweh to the Kidron Valley, burned it, beat it to dust and scattered its dust over the burial ground of the common people. He tore down the cubicles of the male prostitutes in the House of Yahweh, at the place where the women wove coverings for Asherah (Ishtar/Easter).

(Can you imagine anyone standing up for Yahweh like this today?) 

Ezra 10:2- Then Shecaniah son of Jehiel of the family of Elam spoke up and said to Ezra, "We have trespassed against our Elohim by bringing into our homes foreign women from the peoples of the land 10:44- All these had married foreign women, among whom were some who had born children

Why are some 'believers' offended by using 'God's Word' to point out the difference between right and wrong?  His Instructions set us apart from the traditional, man inspired doings of the world. We are called to come out of this world system, a hot bed of paganism reeking of Mystery Babylon, just as the city of Babylon was back in the day: lawless, totally without regard for the Instructions of Elohim.  If we are not taught right from wrong, if we do not trust our Father and believe His Son, we will trust anyone and do whatever we please.

Are we making reservations for Fire Lake or the Promised Land?

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Proverbs 17:22
A joyful heart makes for good health, 
despondency dries up the bones.

I paraphrase assumptions and discussions that led up to this study: herbs and essential oils were used by all pagan cultures. But we use them today, because our God made them right? So, these "eastern" cultures have used body flow meridians to see where the body is lacking, I know for a fact that God made these things. Yes people have perverted it, but it does not make it pagan. I think we give the enemy too much credit, Yah created these things. So I don't like to jump into the everything is pagan because in reality we would be in a lot of trouble....Yes Yah heals, the blessings and curses are also spoken about the promised land, so I don't believe we get the completion of these blessings until we are there. Yah heals, but maybe he gave a doctor the knowledge to repair your clogged arteries before you had another heart attack. I've come to find there is nothing that Yah is not in, he's not in a box.
Have you guys heard of chakras? Yeah those weird things hippies talk about huh? Well...they are light within the body, guess what? Same up and down light points as the menorah, because guess what? We truly are the light of the world. 
and then this:
Yah said the knowledge would increase in the end days, I think that's what is happening. There are many "thinkers" and people that are more on the science side of things, I believe he allowing these things to come about. He is science, he is math, he is quantum physics. He is the maker of heaven and earth
I recently completed a study on the topic of 'knowledge' and you can click 'here' to read that one. It was a study spurred by this same 'conversation' among friends.

We should never underestimate the power of the Adversary. It was Satan who caused Eve to doubt the Instruction of Yahweh, which is why we are where we are today.

Trees are a good thing but it's the pagan tradition of cutting them down, bringing them indoors and decorating them that is an abomination to Yahweh. We can grow trees, take a walk in the woods etc... but we are not to turn them into idols of worship. Herbs, honey, oils and vinegar are good things as long as we are use them for food and healing, but not in an attempt to connect with the spiritual realm.

Pagans do not make something 'pagan' by using it, but their established actions, lifestyle and the 'gods' they worship etc... are what define them as being pagans. They are heathens who do not accept Yahweh or His Instructions OR they attempt to mix some of Yahweh in with their gods. If they promote healing by relating it to spiritualism then we need beware of the implications of copying them. Do not forget that the Divine Beings who left their station in heaven taught things to humans that were not supposed to be shared. And when Yah's people entered the promised land they were told not to adopt the ways of those they had dispersed. The land of Canaan was permeated with pagan traditions.

Are oils and herbs being used for healing or being used to connect with the spirit world, whether or not that was your intention? And if an oil or herb is popular for its ability to open one up to spiritual enlightenment, by all means avoid it. Don't get me wrong - I have used essential oil blends in home made lotions to treat skin problems. I have blended oils to make an insect repellent. I use Yarrow for muscle soreness. I use Frankincense and Myrrh for fungal infections. I have blended the oils used in the recipe for Four Thieves remedy. I am pro-alternative medicine to be used as a health benefit, as long as it is Yah Approved Medicine. This, I believe, is where the line should be drawn. 
Is the Ouija Board an innocent game or a disguised portal for demons? A tool to tempt one into divination or calling up the dead, even if that wasn't one's intentions. (Just sharing a passing thought).
In Exodus 30:34 it is recorded that the herb Galbanum was used in the making of the sacred incense expertly blended with other ingredients together with pure Frankincense, for specific use in the Tent of Meeting. It comes with a warning not to be mixed in the same proportions for personal use or to even smell like it. Yah says it is sacred. We can use Galbanum to burn as incense but are not to blend it according to His recipe. 
These are the herbs blended with frankincense with the warning not to make it according to Yah's sacred recipe or anything to smell like it:

  • Stacte - Onycha  - Galbanum  - Frankincense 
In Exodus 30 we read about choice spices but are warned not to mix them by the same measurements used for the Sacred Anointing Oil:
This shall be an anointing oil sacred to Me throughout the ages. It must not be rubbed on any person's body and you must not make anything like it in the same proportions, it is sacred and to be held sacred by you. Whoever compounds its like or puts any of it on a layman shall be cut off from his kin.
  • Myrrh - Cinnamon - Aromatic Cane - Cassia - Olive Oil 
I rely on Yahweh's Instructions for all things, search His Word for answers and seek His guidance in making decisions. This is where we can 'be still' and let His Set Apart Spirit direct us. Remember how subtle Satan is in his desire to be 'god' - he will say anything to get us to turn our backs on the Creator. 

Yahweh tells us what is 'good' 
but Satan tries to convince us it could be better.

Read the account found in the writings of Enoch. According to Enoch there were 200 angels who left their station in heaven to achieve their desires on earth. They defiled themselves by having sexual relations with women. They also taught these women charms, pharmacies, root cutting and uses of plants - secret knowledge humans weren't suppose to know. 

Yes, Yahweh is our Creator, but who is the Deceiver? Who has a counterfeit for almost everything Elohim put forth? Don't forget that time when Yah regretted He created man and sent a Flood to wash them off the face of the earth. 

We must be very careful when choosing something that sounds good but underneath is destructive to our soul. This is why we are instructed to read Scripture every day, study our Creator's Instructions day in and day out, teach it to our children, remember where we came from and where we want to go. We are called to come out of Mystery Babylon so as not to partake of her sins nor her plagues. Babylon was a hot bed of paganism so it should be no mystery as to why we are being called to come out of today's modern world - Mystery Babylon. It is no different for us now as it was for them.  Everything was pretty much under the influence of paganism in the Land of Canaan prior to the Hebrews arrival to this promised land.
Leviticus 18:3You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you lived: and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you; neither shall you walk in their statutes.  
Leviticus 20:23 - You are not to live by the customs of the nations, whom I've cast away right in front of you. Because they did all of these things, I detested them.
A few tips from the Creator

Beginning in Leviticus 11 we are given low-fat high-fiber dietary laws; 12 is about child birth; 13 teaches about skin disease usually referred to as leprosy but includes scaly infections, inflammation, burns, eczema, itchiness, baldness, bacteria and contagious situations. This chapter includes mold and mildew affecting clothing, linen and leather.

Leviticus 14 mentions cedar wood and hyssop as part of the cleansing ritual, along with offerings common back in the day. It was also used in the cleansing ritual for mold and mildew growing in a house, if caught early enough.

Leviticus 15 gets a little more detailed and yucky, but still advises on cleanliness and handling other physical ailments. Washing everything that comes in contact with the 'discharge' is important. This chapter also covers a woman's menstrual cycle.

In 2 Kings 20:7 we learn a pressed cake of figs applied to the skin will heal a rash (boil).

Proverbs 31:4 warns against becoming drunk, especially for those in charge (kings and princes) lest they 'forget' what has been ordained and they infringe upon the rights of the poor.

Acts 10:38 tells us Y'shua was anointed by Yahweh with the Ruach haKodesh and with power which is why he was able to heal the oppressed.


Here is an example in regards to deciding whether to use something as medicine. The first quote is from WebMD; the second quote from a new age site:
1. Galbanum is a gum-like material (resin) from the roots and trunk of a tree. It is used to make medicine. People take galbanum for digestion problems, intestinal gas, poor appetite, cough, and spasms. It is sometimes applied directly to the skin for wounds. In food and beverages, galbanum oil and resin are used as flavoring. In manufacturing, galbanum oil and resin are used as fragrance in cosmetics.
2. Galbanum Essential Oil opens up communication to the creator. Holy incense along with Frankincense. It is a spiritual oil that has been used for mediation and to increase awareness.
Being Set Apart and having my foundation in the Word of our Creator, I would choose not to ingest or apply Galbanum essential oil and find something else to treat gas, such as Ginger, and use Lavender for skin wounds. There are many choices so why would I want to risk inviting demons into my home by using an oil expressly advertised as opening up spiritual communications? I am already able to speak with Yahweh through the divine communication known as prayer - no additives needed. Remember, we read in Scriptures that fragrant Galbanum was burned as incense, not applied to the skin or ingested.

Take everything to Yahweh- find His answers to your questions; they are recorded in Scriptures. Just as His Son taught using parables to make people think in order to gain understanding, the whole of Scriptures teaches us the same way.

The Menorah, described by Yahweh and shown to Moses as part of the pattern for the Tabernacle, represents the Light of the World = The Word made Flesh = Yahshua haMashiyach. The seven branches of the Menorah represent the Attributes of Yahweh and not to be confused with a mystic "life force" within the human who seeks to release his kundalini...
...the yogic life force that is held to lie coiled at the base of the spine until it is aroused and sent to the head to trigger enlightenment
This teaching lies in Hinduism and has spread as new age enlightenment. It includes astrology related to zodiac/horoscope signs and divination. You simply cannot mix this belief system with Yahweh or think He approves of it!
"Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity, and it's the art to experience Infinity in the finite." - Yogi Bhajan, 10/27/88 -- Kundalini Yoga was kept very secret until 1969 when Yogi Bhajan taught it openly in order to prepare humanity for the major changes that this planet is going through as we cross from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. The ancient technology of Kundalini Yoga gives us the awareness and the fortitude to make this a smooth transition.
Chakras are defined as:
  • any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy
Colossians 2:8 - Beware lest any man rob you by philosophy, or by empty deception, according to the teaching of men and according to the principles of the world and not according to Yahshua the Mashiyach.Psalm 49:13 - This is the destiny of fools, and of those who approve of their philosophy.
Definition of "Philosophy":
  • pursuit of wisdom 
  • a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means 
  • an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs 
Yahweh tells us not to be taken in by those who teach by speculation, who hand out empty deceptions concocted by men according to worldly desires; who ignore the teachings of Yahshua, son of Elohim. 

We are to rejoice and be glad because our reward in heaven is great. Just as folks persecuted the prophets of old for speaking the Word of Elohim, we too, shall be persecuted for our faith and following the perfect example set by His Son.  We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Because we follow the Instructions of the Father our behavior- our light -shines in view of all people. We become the 'light of the world' by example. That example is evidenced by our lifestyle, which is according to the Instructions given us by our Creator and not by some mystic light show happening within our bodies. 
John 8:12 - Once again, Yahshua spoke to the people and said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.

Definition of 'Body Meridians' from Webster's Dictionary: 
any of the pathways along which the body's vital energy flows according to the theory behind acupuncture
Chinese medicine believes there is a distribution network for the fundamental substances of Qi throughout the body. This distribution network called the Meridian System looks like a giant web, linking different areas of our body together. Philosophically, the Meridian System explains how we live, and why we become sick. -- Our vital life energy is thought to flow along these meridians, and anything that disrupts the smooth flow of chi is said to cause illness.
I do not dispute the fact that our physical self is combined with the spiritual, which is the Ruach haKodesh = the Spirit of Elohim. This can be learned from reading the Word of Elohim = Scriptures = Genesis through Revelation. Are we instructed by our Creator to stick needles in our bodies or practice chanting mantras while holding contorted body positions? No. Are we instructed to wait until we are in the promised land before relying on every word that comes from our Creator? No.  We can have His Blessing now IF we obey His Instructions and have the testimony of His Son.  Most of us are lacking in these two things which explains a lot of the disease in the world.
Exodus 15:26 - If you will heed Yahweh your Elohim diligently, doing what is upright in His sight, giving ear to His commandments and keeping all His laws, then I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon the Egyptians, for I Yahweh, am your healer. 
Deuteronomy 11:8 - Keep, therefore, all the Instruction that I enjoin upon you today, so that you may have the strength to enter and take possession of the land that you are about to cross into and possess 
Deuteronomy 11:26 - See, this day I set before you blessing and curse: blessing, if you obey the commandments of Yahweh your Elohim and curse, if you do not obey the commandments of Yahweh Elohim, but turn away from the path that I enjoin upon you this day and follow other gods, whom have not proved themselves to you.
1 John 5:3 - (Whoever believes that Yahshua is the Anointed One is born of Elohim) - For this is the love of Elohim, that we keep his Commandments and they are not burdensome. Because whoever is born of Elohim overcomes the world. For who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Yahshua is the Son of Elohim.
And, by the way, "quantum physics is the branch of physics that uses quantum theory to describe and predict the properties of a physical system". 

Definition of quantum mechanics:
  • a theory of matter that is based on the concept of the possession of wave properties by elementary particles, that affords a mathematical interpretation of the structure and interactions of matter on the basis of these properties, and that incorporates within it quantum theory and the uncertainty principle
Yahweh isn't about theories or teaching us to make predictions. There is nothing uncertain concerning our Creator. He has been very clear-cut with us from the beginning. It is Satan who has been very busy blurring the lines between right and wrong/good and evil.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Definition of tradition:
1: an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom) : a belief or story or a body of beliefs or stories relating to the past that are commonly accepted as historical though not verifiable
2: the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction
3: cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions
4: characteristic manner, method, or style
It seems safe to interpret 'tradition' for the sake of this study as:
Inherited religious practices accepted as historical though not verifiable, handed down by word of mouth, affecting the social attitudes of the community. This applies to the characteristic manner of the Pharisees of yore and the same style of Religious Leaders of today.

Mark 7:8 
You have disregarded the commandment of Elohim to keep the tradition of men.” He went on to say, “You neatly set aside the commandment of Yahweh to maintain your own tradition.

Mark 7:13
Thus you nullify the word of Elohim by the tradition you have handed down. And you do so in many such matters.

Colossians 2:8 
Beware, or else any man make you naked by philosophy and by vain deception, according to the doctrines of men, according to the rudiments of the world and not according to the Mashiyach...

What started me along this line of thought was a facebook post by a person who stated that he bought a poinsettia, removed the holiday trappings from it and called it kosher.  I know this was in a some-what joking manner, but why do it? It is a 'tradition' to buy and give them as gifts this time of year. I know these plants are native to Mexico - but it's the 'tradition' which ties them to x-mas and that is what gets overlooked. If a Set Apart believer is seen buying typical holiday decorations, what kind of message does this project? Hypocrisy? Even the act of purchasing said plant contributes monetarily to the holiday season.

Maybe that's what bugs me about this - conceived perception - or the idea that most believers like to make the excuse, "He knows what's in my heart" and think that justifies any behavior. Now, if you know me and how I feel about following Mashiyach and obeying the Father; and then walk into my house and saw a bleeding heart picture of 'Jesus' on the wall, hanging next to a star of David flag, with 'christian rock' playing in the background and communion wafers on the coffee table, would that confuse you about me and my intentions? my honesty? my walk? How could you believe another word that came out of my mouth! 

That is how I was affected when I read that post by a 'fellow believer'; one who had long ago discovered our Hebrew beginnings and had been teaching others to obey the Instructions given us by Yahweh. By purchasing an obvious christmas item and calling it 'clean' (kosher), he caused me to doubt his integrity.  He caused me to 'doubt' his sincerity. I could no longer trust him to properly represent the Word of Elohim.  That saddened me, because this man had been in Torah for several years longer than I, and many looked to him as a teacher of the the truth of Yahweh.

There is Scripture that says 'let your yes be yes and your no be no' - which seems to instruct us to say what we mean so as not to be misunderstood.  If we are misunderstood (by joking around, for example) then one who hears, but doesn't understand, can spin a yarn of gossip. Let your actions be clear - no jokes, no sarcasm... leave no room for one to doubt your integrity. By our actions we become a light that shines in the darkness that others may find The Way.

James 5:12
But above all things, my Brothers, do not swear, neither by 'heaven' nor by the 'earth' nor by any other oath: let your language be 'yes, yes' and 'no, no' or else you become subject to judgment

We have been called to come out of the world system... This World, now... so as not to partake of her sins or her plagues at the return of Y'shua.

We become Set Apart else we cannot be a 'light' unto others. It is by our choice to obey the Father and live by His rules that we become noticeably different, set apart from the rest. We are in this world both physically and spiritually, not separate but a harmonious creation. We are noticeably different from the rest of the world - The Hebrews who lived in the area of Goshen were seen by the Egyptians as 'set apart' by their obvious lifestyle; the Egyptians knew the God of the Hebrews was with them, and it became very obvious during the final plagues before they were set free.

Romans 1:25 - They exchanged the truth of Elohim for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise...
Jeremiah 9:12 - Yahweh replied: Because they forsook the Teaching I had set before them. They did not obey Me and they did not follow it but followed their own willful heart and followed the Baalim, as their fathers had taught them.

It is written in Mark 7 about some of the traditions kept by the Pharisees and scribes. They ask Y'shua why his disciples don't follow these traditions and he says to them, 'the prophet did well prophesy about you hypocrites - "This people honor me with their lips. But their hearts are very distant from me. And vainly they fear me while they are teaching the doctrines of the commandments of the sons of men". (Isaiah 29:13

Mark 7:8 For you have left the Commandment of Elohim and embraced the traditions of men... You well rejected the Commandment of Elohim that you might establish your tradition.... And you despise the Word of Elohim, because of the tradition that you have handed down that resemble your own doings...
Isn't this reason enough to compel you to discover the origins of and what is meant by those traditions, those lies that have been handed down that cause us to turn our backs on Yahweh, instead of making excuses for them?

Isaiah 29:9
Act stupid and be stupefied! Act blind and be blinded! (They are drunk but not from wine, they stagger but not from liquor.) For Yahweh has spread over you a spirit of deep sleep, and has shut the eyes of the prophets, and covered the heads of the seers; so that all prophecy has been like the words of a sealed document.
29:13 Because that people has approached, honoring Me with words but has kept its heart far from Me, and its worship of Me has been a commandment of men, learned by rote-- truly, I shall further baffle that people and the wisdom of its wise shall fail, and the prudence of its prudent shall vanish. (this prophecy tells of the coming strong deception/delusion)

Definition of 'rote':
  • the use of memory usually with little intelligence
  • mechanical or unthinking routine or repetition 

I choose not to partake of 'traditions' that would make me appear uncertain of my Faith, which would make me look hypocritical to any Gentile keeping an eye on me.  If I cannot walk the path that Mashiyach set before me, how then can I be an example for others to follow? If I do not have my own house in order, how can I expect to be a light shining for others? Being led by the Spirit of Truth my desire is to remove all stumbling blocks from the very same path I have been traveling, for those trying to catch up before time runs out. Everything we need to know is written in Scriptures, as example for us in this day and age, so that we will indeed recognize the Good Shepherd's Voice.
Jeremiah 16:18 - "I will first doubly repay their iniquity and their sin, because they have polluted My land; they have filled My inheritance (the land) with the carcasses of their detestable idols and with their abominations". O Yahweh, my strength and my stronghold, and my refuge in the day of distress, to You the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, "Our fathers have inherited nothing but falsehood, futility and things of no profit." Can man make gods for himself? Yet they are not gods!

We have inherited lies:
through the years of the
 twisting and replacement of truth.
 by plain ignorance of the truth,
following traditions without question.
It is time to start asking questions

Habakkuk 2:18  
What has the carved image availed, that he who fashioned it has carved it for an image and a false oracle -- that he who fashioned his product has trusted in it, making dumb idols?
Let us not be destroyed for lack of knowledge
Let us not be lacking knowledge by choosing tradition
2 Samuel 7:28 
Now, O Yahweh Elohim, You are Elohim, and Your words are truth, and You have promised this good thing to Your servant.
John 8:32  
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free
What about those who continue to twist the Word of Yahweh our Creator, and preach it to anyone who will listen, for their own glory and fame?
Matthew 7:22   
Many will say to me in that day, ‘My Master, did we not prophesy by your Name, and by your Name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them that from everlasting, ‘I have not known you. Depart from me, you workers of iniquity.’ Therefore everyone who hears my words and does them is like a wise man who built his house on a stone. 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Nothing Has Changed

Right off the bat we are told it is Satan 
who causes us to doubt the Word of Yah. 
This doubt causes division among His People. 
If we aren't of one mind how can we be a Light unto others?
If we won't accept the written word as truth, 
if we doubt that Yahweh says what He means 
and does what He says, 
then we fall into that same trap Satan 
set in the Garden of long ago.

Nothing has changed. 
The rules are the same and the consequences are the same.

It is up to us to seek Him as if looking for treasure. 
By seeking YHWH we follow the trail 
and avoid those stumbling blocks
of bad translations, doctrines of man 
and those wolves in sheep's clothing.

Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, 
is our road map out of the world system
that we may find our way back home 
returning to our Creator.

We know God speaks to His People as it is written in Scriptures. We also know even those who witnessed His Works first hand eventually fell away from following His Teachings.

In the beginning Yahweh established Himself as the Creator of: Light; Sky; Earth; Lights in the Sky; Sea Creatures; Birds that Fly; Animals, insects and man. Then He blesses the 7th day and rests. Many years later He tells us to remember the 7th day, to rest and do no work on that day (commandment #4 of the 10.) We obey this instruction as a 'sign' that we have chosen to be Set Apart because our Creator is Set Apart.

YHWH has told us the end from the beginning so we will recognize that when these events occur, it was He, the Living Elohim, who told us beforehand. We can trust that Yah is the One True God. 

YHWH Elohim provides the instructions needed that all will be well for us. His Instructions are recorded in Genesis through Deuteronomy.  If we read Scriptures every day His Spirit will begin to reveal the Truth of His Word and we shall gain understanding. This is the path of righteousness we choose to travel.

God placed man in the Garden to tend it. He put us in His Creation to take care of things until the Time of the End (of life as we know it.)   The Adversary, Satan, has been corrupting the system ever since he caused Eve to doubt the Word of God by asking: Did God really say...? Doubt causes division and Satan uses that same tactic against us in this day and age.

If we continue to read and study Scriptures our understanding will increase and give way to wisdom that we may discern the times we are in and not fall victim to Satan's deceits. Satan has a counterfeit for everything God put in place.

We can say anything, profess to be believers, but it is the intentions of our heart that will be eventually revealed. YHWH's People are recognized as Set Apart because not only do they 'talk the talk' by they 'walk the walk'.

Our lifestyle becomes Set Apart by our choice to obey YHWH and live according to His rules. This is what it means to be a Light unto the Nations (other peoples).

If we love Elohim the Creator whose name is YHWH, then we obey His Instructions. He, in turn, keeps His promise made to Abraham so many years ago: Yah will gather us from the corners of the earth, from the places we have been scattered and set us on the Promised Land of Canaan.

We trust our Heavenly Father that we will find ourselves back in that Garden.

Short Definition

A short definition of what is commonly called The Law:

Torah is the Hebrew word for Instructions pertaining to the rules, laws and teachings YHWH Elohim put in place for His People to set them apart from the pagan traditions which permeated the world around them.

As Creator, He included the Instruction Manual. (Most people don't read the instructions until all other attempts fail). Then He let us choose to obey or disobey, giving examples, throughout Scriptures, of what happens as results of those choices. He painted a clear picture of His expectations for living a righteous life. He did not lay a burden on us.

In order to be Set Apart believers in YHWH Elohim we must choose to follow His Instructions which set us apart from the traditions of man in this world. We then realize what Y'shua meant when he said we would be hated because of his name (by following him who was sent by the Creator/Father/Elohim as the example of Perfection). 

It's not about the Jews or the modern day state of Israel... it's not about all the diverse religions of the day... It is about Yah's perfect governing system for His Chosen. His Chosen People are the Set Apart believers, anyone of any background, who turn from their sinful nature and those pesky pagan ways (man made traditions handed down through the generations) and have Faith in the one true living Elohim, YHWH, and His Son, Y'shua haMashiyach, those who keep His Commands and have the testimony of Y'shua.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Shabbat Shalom

Yah made the seventh day sabbath for us, as a sign between Him and His people.  Since He is Set Apart and rested on the 7th day of creation He desires that we also rest on the 7th day.  He set the pattern for us to follow.  It is the 1st of all His Instructions for us. Not a burden.

When we discipline ourselves choosing to follow His Instructions, change for the good will eventually become apparent - my husband and I can attest to this!  Choosing to remember the sabbath day and keep it Set Apart is the best place to start.  Once we start keeping the sabbath day and continue reading scripture, His Word becomes more meaningful.  He tells us to Seek Him and we do this by prayer and reading Scriptures every day and He does reveal Truth, giving us understanding and we gain wisdom if we stay on His Path.

It is the Ruach haKodesh, the Spirit Wind of Elohim, that works within us.  It's the Comforter Y'shua told his disciples about, the Spirit of Truth.  We become Set Apart, different from the rest of the world.  The Truth of His Word makes us free from bondage to sin and the lies we have inherited, passed down through the generations.

Get ready for some eye-openers as you continue on His Path  of Righteousness! The lies we separate from become more and more apparent, from the pagan origins of the most common holidays we've all celebrated to the division of the Faith - the false religions propagated by the Adversary - Satan, the father of lies.

YHWH's Instructions for us are not about religion but are a set of rules and laws for us to live by, intended for our health and well being, and govern the behavior in our communities.  It's about Faith in the unseen as Y'shua once said to Thomas, who would not believe Y'shua had been raised from the dead until he saw him, touched the holes in his hands and saw the stab wound in his side from the spear.  Y'shua said 'Now that you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who do not see me and yet believe."

Here is what Yah says in regards to keeping the 7th day rest:

He sets the example for us in Genesis 2:2- By the seventh day YHWH completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which He had created

Exodus 16:23 ...then he said to them, "This is what Yahweh meant: Tomorrow is a sabbath observance, set apart to Him. Bake what you will bake and boil what you will boil, and all that is left over put aside to be kept until morning." (get all your meals prepared the day before so you don't have to 'kindle a fire' on the sabbath to do any cooking) 35:2 "For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Set Apart day, a sabbath of Complete Rest to Yahweh Elohim.... "You shall not kindle a fire in any of your dwellings on the sabbath day."

Leviticus 23:3 'For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of Complete Rest, a holy convocation. You shall not do any work; it is a sabbath to your Elohim, in all your dwellings.

Deuteronomy 5:12 'Observe the sabbath day to keep it set apart as Yahweh your Elohim commanded you...

Later on Jeremiah tries to remind the people in Jeremiah 17:21 'Thus says Yahweh, "Take heed for yourselves, and do not carry any load on the sabbath day or bring anything in through the gates of Jerusalem (no buying or selling, conducting commerce, doing work). "You shall not bring a load out of your houses on the sabbath day nor do any work, but keep the sabbath day set apart, as I commanded your forefathers.  =>"Yet they did not listen or incline their ears, but stiffened their necks in order not to listen or take correction.…

This isn't just a 'day of rest' for us to relax and enjoy ourselves, but it is for Him, to honor Yahweh our Elohim.

Isaiah 56:2 "How blessed is the man who does this, And the son of man who takes hold of it; Who keeps from profaning the sabbath...

Isaiah 58:13 "If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot from >>doing your own pleasure<< on My set apart day, and call the sabbath a delight, the set apart day of Yah honorable, and honor it, >>desisting from your own ways, From seeking your own pleasure And speaking your own word<< then you shall take delight in Me, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father (inherit the promised land)

Ezekiel 20:12 "Also I gave them My sabbaths to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am Yahweh who sanctifies them."

Monday, February 8, 2016

Who is Israel?

When the truth was revealed that 'biblical' Israel refers to 'the people', the original Twelve Tribes and the descendants thereof AND includes those outsiders who chose to accept the God of the Hebrews, I knew I needed a deeper study of Scriptures in an attempt to find where the idea came from that the 'Jews are God's Chosen People' as well as why folks think prophecy was fulfilled when Israel became a state in 1948.

Let me be clear about my intentions with this study: 
I am not disrespecting the Jews nor the trials they have been through, especially during the reign of Hitler.  Those were heart breaking times (to put it lightly) and an extreme example to all of us as to just how evil the heart of man can be.  I am not prejudice against anyone who claims to be Jewish. Rather, I have become aware of a clash of ideas from various people in regards to the State of Israel and its inhabitants.  There are those who promote the 'Stand with Israel' and 'United with Israel' agendas which seem sincere and may have originated in their hearts, but are inspired by the lack of understanding Scriptures and spurred on by their own 'feel good' egos. Don't get me wrong! I would love the visit Israel and walk where our Messiah walked. But I know my time will come, as will everyone's, those who obey YHWH Elohim and have the testimony of His Son, as we continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  

Many have been led astray by false teachers, wolves in sheep clothing.  I pray this study will help clarify who Israel is according to our Creator.

***Note: I respectfully use the Name of God in the Hebrew language, which is - YHWH - (pronounce Yah-weh); Elohim is the Hebrew word for God; Y'shua (pronounced Yah-shua) is the name of His Son; Ruach haKodesh is the original Hebrew word poorly translated as 'holy ghost/spirit'...***

The Study 

Would you be surprised to learn that the Jews are not God's chosen people and that the modern day state of Israel is not prophecy fulfilled, as many claim?  Fact is, back in the days after the Hebrews fell into slavery in Egypt, a 'mixed multitude' became united as One People by their Faith and Trust in the One True Living God, aka: The Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Elohim had changed Jacob's name to Israel).  This multitude became The House of Israel = YHWH's Set Apart people.  These people are the 'elect' of YHWH, those who obey His commandments, laws and teachings (which are written in the first 5 books of the old testament, known as Torah). These are the same people His Son, Y'shua, refers to as his sheep.

People wrongly assume that the modern day State of Israel is the same Israel written of in Scriptures and that today's population of Jews are Elohim's chosen people.  The current and changing borders of Israel do not represent the Promised Land as described by Elohim to Abraham, and, there are 11 other tribes that make up the whole House of Israel along with Judah.  Also, anyone of any background or nationality or false belief system who leave their pagan ways behind and come to YHWH Elohim, to keep His commandments, laws, rules and Teaching and have the testimony of His Son, Y'shua the Anointed One, they become adopted, grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel.  Y'shua refers to these folks who choose YHWH as their Elohim as the 'other sheep' that he has come to gather.

The Family Tree

In Genesis 12 YHWH tells Abram the Hebrew from Chaldea that He will make a great nation from him, from his offspring.  He tells him his name will be great, that he shall be a standard by which blessing is invoked.  YHWH later promises Abram that the land of Canaan will be given to his offspring.
Genesis 13:14 YHWH shows Abram the land and has him walk about the land.
Genesis 15:18 YHWH makes a covenant with Abram and once again denotes the area of land promised to his descendants, which is from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates including the territories therein.
Genesis 17:2 The promise is remembered and established forever - All the land of Canaan an everlasting holding and He shall be their Elohim.  With this YHWH changes Abram's name to Abraham because he will be a father of nations.

=> Fast forward a bit to Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham.

In Genesis 28:13 YHWH lets Jacob know that He is the Elohim of his father Abraham and the Elohim of Isaac and proceed to tell Jacob about the land deal and his own descendants and the blessing, the everlasting covenant.
Genesis 29 through 35 is the account of Jacob's life.
Genesis 32:29 is when Jacob's name is changed to Israel.
Genesis 35:23 lists the sons of Israel and they are 12 in number.

Short Story of the 12 Tribes

In Genesis 41:12 we read about Jacob's (Israel's) sons who each became heads of their clans: The Twelve Tribes of Israel.  Each tribe was named after each son, carrying on the Hebrew lineage: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher = The House of Israel.  These are the offspring YHWH told Abraham the Hebrew about so long ago that would eventually be as numerous as the stars, if stars could be counted.  These are the ones to whom the land of Canaan is promised.
Lets pick this up again at the life and times of Joseph, Jacob's favorite son.  His brothers sold him to a caravan of Ishmalites who sold him as a Hebrew slave in Egypt to Pharaoh's chief steward.  Joseph is later falsely accused of molesting Potiphar's wife, spent time in jail, was later recognized as an  interpreter of dreams, won favor with Pharaoh (who recognized the God of Joseph was with him) and eventually Joseph was put in charge of almost everything in Egypt - he was 2nd in command to Pharaoh. 
(Genesis 39 through 41)

Due to a famine in the land and the position of authority given to Joseph, he was able to send for his family: his father Israel, his brothers and all their households came to live in Egypt in the region of Goshen.  Thus in Genesis 46 we are told that Israel and all that was his, all his offspring, came to Egypt.  They were know as Hebrews.  After the original families eventually die and are forgotten, and a new generation arises, a new Pharaoh also takes his position.  He doesn't know or remember anything about Joseph or know his God or how the Hebrews came to be in his territory. But he does know he wants to get rid of them. He puts task masters over them which in turn becomes plain old slavery.  He tries to prevent male babies from surviving.

=> Fast forward  now to the time of the exodus, when the Hebrews along with that mixed multitude were led out of slavery, out of bondage in Egypt.  The mixed multitude consisted of folks other than Hebrews who had come to YHWH Elohim and attached themselves to the Israelites - they 'crossed over' and were adopted into the House of Israel and became heirs to the promised land.  Scripture says 600,000 men plus women and children along with the mixed multitude left Egypt that day.  YHWH's Chosen People, led by Moses, Aaron his brother, and Miriam his sister. They are of the tribe of Levi.

We establish early on that Israel is a people, not a place.  The land Elohim promised consists of what is the boundaries of Canaan - much more land than what is known as the State of Israel today.  All of YHWH's rules, laws, teachings and commandments apply to the entire commonwealth of Israel: the descendants of the House of Israel (the sheep) and those adopted in (those other sheep).  They ALL abide by Elohim's Instructions (Torah). His covenant is everlasting, for all generations.  All the way up until the reign of Solomon, they were a Hebrew nation.  Jerusalem is where YHWH attached His Name, which is in the territory of the tribe of Yehuda/Judah.

The Israelites are the offspring of Jacob/Israel, descendants of Abraham, who was a Hebrew.  These are they who YHWH Elohim chose to be Set Apart as He is Set Apart, through whom nations would be blessed.  The promised land of Canaan was divided among them but eventually, through a series of events, they were split into 2 groups of which 10 Tribes went northwards. Later on the tribes of Judah and Benjamin (along with some Levites and a few others) were taken into captivity by King Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon.  Toward the end of this time period King Cyrus of Persia was responsible for the release of the Israelites from Babylon, who returned to the area called Judea (the territory that was named after one of the 12 sons of Jacob: Judah). Those of the Ten Tribes who went northwards eventually scattered among the nations.

The time of Solomon, son of David, and the Division of the Tribes

The division of the House of Israel was a result of Solomon's sin against Elohim.  Solomon married many women, had many concubines - he had fallen "headlong into unreasonable pleasures" - married outside of his own people and began to worship the gods of these women, against the Will of YHWH.  Because of this, YHWH, as He promised David, would not withdraw all the people from Solomon, but would give Ten Tribes to a servant of his and leave only Two Tribes to David's grandson, Rehoboam, for his sake, because David did love Elohim, and for the sake of Jerusalem wherein He should have a temple.

Jeroboam, son of Nebat, received a prophecy from Ahijah about the parting of the dominion of Solomon and is told to be righteous and keep the laws of Elohim.  Jeroboam lived in Egypt until the death of Solomon.

David's grandson, Rehoboam, became king, but was not wise.  His behavior caused a rebellion which caused him to flee to Jerusalem where the tribe of Judah and that of Benjamin ordained him king.  The rest of the multitude appointed Jeroboam to be ruler of their public affairs. (Rehoboam is king of 2 tribes, King of Judah and Jeroboam is king of 10 tribes, King of Israel).

Now when the Feast of Tabernacles drew near, Jeroboam feared if he let the people go to Jerusalem to celebrate (as per the command of YHWH) that he would lose them and perhaps lose his own life. So he had 2 temples built - one near Bethel and one near Dan - and made Two Golden Heifers, one in each temple and convinced the people that God was everywhere and hears and sees those who worship him and that it was OK if they didn't go to Jerusalem to worship Elohim according to His rules but could worship him the way they saw fit.  Jeroboam succeeded in deluding the people which caused them to go against Elohim and transgress Torah.  This was the beginning of miseries for the Hebrews.  Jeroboam had made himself High Priest as well. Over the next 3 years, the priests and Levites and the good and the righteous of Israel left and gathered together with Rehoboam because they wanted to worship Elohim in Jerusalem, as it is written.  They were not willing to worship the idols made by Jeroboam.

Rehoboam's kingdom grew in number- it's greatness and prosperity became a transgression to men.  Rehoboam strayed from The Path, the right way of Elohim and gave into unrighteousness and pagan practices. He began to despise YHWH and eventually the people began to imitate his wicked actions.

I want to point out that having Faith in the Word of Elohim (Scriptures) is not about being Jewish, acting Jewish, following orthodox Jewish traditions, the Talmud or Kabbalah. YHWH did not set apart the Jews only, but the entire House of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. YHWH's set apart times, The Feast Days, are not Jewish holidays, but intended for all His people.  Man tends to skew the Word of God under the influence of Satan.  There's more to this story, but I will stick with pointing out who Israel is (for now).

It is so important to read Scriptures every day so that we may gain understanding and insight to the events happening today, in order to peel away the layers of deceptions and expose the lies that have been handed down through the generations.  This is the path leading out of the world system (Egypt and Babylon are examples of world systems and how we become enslaved).  When we come out of this man made system, this is what helps us to become Set Apart as He is Set Apart and makes us a Light unto others.  It's not about 'loving the Jews' or the 'Stand with Israel' mind set of today - it is about obeying YHWH Elohim and our Faith in Y'shua and allowing the Ruach haKodesh (Spirit of the Heavenly Father) to write Torah upon our hearts.  This is what it has been about from the very beginning.

Part Two - 

The Gathering of YHWH's people is an End Times scenario and did not occur in 1948.

Jeremiah 32:37 "Behold, I will gather them out of all the lands to which I have driven them in My anger, in My wrath and in great indignation; and I will bring them back to this place and make them dwell in safety. :38 "They shall be My people, and I will be their Elohim…"

Ezekiel 28:25 'Thus says YHWH your Elohim, "When I gather the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and will manifest My holiness in them in the sight of the nations, then they will live in their land which I gave to My servant Jacob."

Jeremiah 23:3 "Then I Myself will gather the remnant of My flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and bring them back to their pasture..."

To wrap this up, here is the Sheep allegory in relation to the House of Israel and those who are adopted in, as Y'shua relates it:

John 10:11 (Y'shua says) I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the flock. But a hireling who is not the shepherd nor are the sheep his, when he sees a wolf coming he leaves the sheep and flees. And the wolf comes and plunders and scatters the flock.
John 10:14 I am the Good Shepherd and I know those who are mine. And those who are mine know me.
John 10:16 And I also have other sheep, those who were not from this sheepfold. And also them, it is necessary for me to bring them and they will hear my voice and all the flocks will become one. And there will be One Shepherd.

YHWH's Chosen People are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, and those who have been adopted in.
The story of Ruth the Moabite is another good example of one choosing Yah as their Elohim. In Chapter 1 verse 16 Ruth is pleading with her mother-in-law Naomi: "Do not urge me to leave you, to turn back and not follow you. For wherever you go, I will go; wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people and your God shall be my God..." Ruth ends up marrying Boaz. She is grafted into the House of Israel by loyalty and faith. She gives birth to Obed who begat Jesse who begat David.... the royal lineage into which Yahshua is adopted.
As always, take what you hear or read or have been taught and take it to Scriptures where the Truth is waiting to Revealed by the Comforter = The Ruach haKodesh.