Saturday, April 9, 2016

Almighty Elohim

In Genesis, YHWH has established Himself as the One True Living God/Elohim and what perfection is as in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve's needs were provided for and they had no 'wants'. All was perfect until Satan caused Eve to doubt the Word of God... Perfection ceased to exist when Satan decided he wanted to be god.

Throughout Scriptures Yah reminds us it is He who is the One Almighty and gives us examples of false deities, false teachers and other bad habits found in the pagan traditions of the world surrounding His People. The reason He told us everything is so that we can recognize and believe in Him when we see these things come to pass. It is written that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

If we do not seek Him how will we gain knowledge and have understanding? How will the Holy Spirit - Ruach haKodesh - reveal the Truth of His Word if we aren't reading it every day? Yah's steadfast love is eternal, His mercy is abundant and everything is the same for us today as it was back when He first introduced Himself.

Seek YHWH - Fulfill His laws - Seek Righteousness

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