Showing posts with label salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salvation. Show all posts

Friday, June 2, 2023

What is Salvation

Definition from the Webster Dictionary-
  • deliverance from the power and effects of sin
  • liberation from ignorance or illusion
  • preservation from destruction or failure
  • deliverance from danger or difficulty 

What has Yahweh told us about being delivered from sin, liberated from ignorance, preserved from destruction and delivered from danger? 
Deuteronomy 4:35- YHWH has clearly demonstrated that He alone is God and there is none beside Him - He is God in heaven above and on earth below - there is no other. Observe His laws and commandments that it may go well with you and your children. 
Is baptism necessary?  Has the Church really distorted what is means to be immersed? Baptism is a physical portrayal of a spiritual reality. Yahshua was killed, placed in a tomb then raised by God.  Before this, before he started his ministry, Yahshua was immersed by John in the the Jordan River which was when he received the Spirit and authority of his Father.  And prior to this event, in the old testament days, personal cleansing and purity were important. "Ritual purity was mandated in order to enter the tabernacle or temple, before making a sacrifice, and for receiving the benefit of a priestly offering". 
In Exodus 19:10–11, God commanded Moses, "Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments and be ready for the third day. For on the third day Yahweh will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people." This is the first time God commanded the people to wash themselves and it was in preparation for entering His presence. Similarly, in Exodus 29:4 God commanded that Aaron and his sons be washed with water in preparation for their service as priests. These men would be mediating in God's presence on behalf of the people and this symbolic washing was necessary for them to be ritually clean.  
One must be 'ritually clean' in order to come into the presence of Yahweh.  In our day, His Son Yahshua is the way to the Father and by accepting his shed blood of the renewed covenant we become born again of the Spirit.... one publicly displays their commitment to the Creator and exhibits they have the testimony of His Son by being immersed. 

1 Peter 3:21

And you also, by a like figure (Noah) are made alive by immersion (not when you wash your bodies from filth, but when you confess God with a pure conscience and by the the resurrection of Yahshua the Anointed One, who is taken up to heaven and is on the right hand of God and Angels;  and authorities and powers are subject to him.
 In Ephesians 2:8 we read it is by God's grace we are rescued (saved) and this is because of our faith in Him.  This gift of His is the life of our souls if we follow in the Way of Yahshua. We don't take any credit for ourselves as all praise belongs to Yahweh.  The good works we do are the same we have learned from His Son so no one can boast about themselves and what they have done out of their own pride and arrogance. (Please read Ephesians from your own copy of Scriptures when you have time).

What it boils down to is our salvation depends on two things: Faith in Yahweh and acceptance of His Son's shed blood of atonement.

The origin of being 'baptized in water' is from thousand of years ago, before Jesus walked this earth, as the ritual of purification of oneself by immersion in water.  The faithful would immerse themselves in a 'mikveh bath' before entering the temple.  Some of these 'baths' have been uncovered in Jerusalem at the foot of where the temple stood.  In today's world we see the results of man's imagination making baptism into something mandatory, and not something one does by choice.  When we choose to be baptized it is a physical act representing our faith in "putting off the old man and turning our hearts toward praise and worship of Yahweh God".  It is an act of faith not an act of being saved and immediately 'filled with the holy Spirit'.  Remember, the Apostles were not filled with His Spirit until after 3 years of being taught by our Messiah, and then ten days later they received His Spirit as promised by His Son.  They had been in training, being prepared to receive Yah's Set Apart Spirit.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Put Yah First

Isaiah 59

Our Creator's arm is not too short to save
or His ear too dull to hear;
but our iniquities have been a barrier
between us and Him,
our sins have made Him turn away 

and refuse to hear us.

We hope for a glimmer of light 
but there is darkness;
we walk in the gloom.
We grope like blind men along a wall;
we stumble at noon as if in darkness;
we all growl like bears and moan like doves.

We are aware of our sins, we know well our iniquities,
rebellious and faithless towards our Creator,
turning away from Him and His Instructions,
planning fraud and treachery, conceiving and telling lies.

From the very beginning Yahweh has told us everything we need to know in order for us to have life eternal. Through our studies and searching Scriptures truth is revealed via His Spirit dwelling within us. He has not hidden anything but man sure has piled on tons of lies and distractions upon the Word of Yahweh our Creator. 

Deuteronomy 11:26
See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: 
the blessing, if you listen to the commandments of Yahweh your Creator, which I am commanding you today; and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of Yahweh, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you have not known. 

Deuteronomy 30:15
See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity. For I command you this day to love Yahweh, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His laws, and His rules, that you may thrive and increase, and that He may bless you. But if your heart turns away and you give no heed, and are lured into the worship and service of other gods, I declare to you this day that you shall certainly perish. I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Chose life by loving Yahweh your Creator, heeding His commands and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and shall long endure.

It is not our job to save the world - Y'shua will do that at his return. It is not our job to drag anyone to 'church'. It is, however, our responsibility as Set Apart believers to share the Good News of His kingdom to come. The choice will always be the individual's option, as stated by our heavenly Father in Deuteronomy, noted above.  It is also pointed out by His Son that his sheep will recognize his voice - it is plain that not everyone will be saved at the return of Y'shua.

In Acts 2:38 we read in order to be saved (from the curse of eternal death) that we are to repent (return to Yah, turning away from our old sin nature) and be immersed (ritually cleansed) so that we may receive His Set Apart Spirit. By sharing the Good News of His kingdom with others we are planting seeds; those who will listen can make the choice to get on His Path and move along towards our inheritance = the Promised Land. 

Romans 1:16
I am not ashamed of the Good News 
for it is the power of Yahweh to life;
as it is written, the righteous by faith will live.

What is the Good News?
The Good News is that our Heavenly Father and His Anointed Son are righteous and just and all who put their Faith in YHWH are being called into righteousness to walk as Y'shua walked.
Luke 8:1- Y'shua was going around in the cites and in the villages and was preaching and declaring the Kingdom of Elohim.
Romans 10:13- For everyone that will call on the name of Master YHWH will have life. How then will they call on him, in whom that have not believed? Or how will they believe in him of whom they have not heard? Or of whom will they hear without a preacher? how will they preach if they are not sent forth?
Isaiah 52:7- How welcome on the mountain are the feet of him announcing happiness, heralding good fortune, announcing victory, telling Zion, "Your Eloah reigns!

This brings us back to Faith....
Hebrews 4:2- For to us also is the announcement (the Good News) as well as to them, but the Word they heard did not benefit them because it was not combined with the faith of those who heard it.

Click here to go to my study The Seed

Click here to go to my study Prepare for His Kingdom


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

What Does 'being saved' Mean

Have we been misled by the doctrine of 'eternal security'?
Have we been mesmerized by the chanting of 'once saved always saved'?
It has been taught that  "... eternal security is that work of God in which He guarantees that the gift of salvation once received is possessed forever and cannot be lost."
If we take the time to read Scriptures for ourselves we learn that this is not the case.  We cannot continue to 'sin' and expect that our salvation won't be affected. We continue to have personal responsibility in our relationship with YHWH as per coming into covenant with Him.
Hebrews 3:13 - But look deeply into yourselves all the days, during the day which is called today and let none of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have part with the Mashiyach, if we endure in this firm confidence, from the beginning to the end, as it is said, Today if you will hear his voice, and do not harden your hearts, to anger him.
Jude 1:5 - Let me remind you that Elohim, after once rescuing (saving) the people from Egypt, again destroyed them who did not believe.

Guess that kind of flies in the face of 'once saved always saved', don't it?

So what is salvation and what are we saved from?
Acts 2:38 tells us in order to be saved (from the curse of eternal death) that we are to repent (return to Yah, turning away from our old sin nature) and be immersed (ritually cleansed) so that we may receive the Ruach haKodesh (The Set Apart Spirit of YHWH). 

This goes all the way back to Exodus and Deuteronomy in regards to choosing between the Blessing and the Curse:
​Exodus 15:26 - If you will diligently listen to the voice of ​YHWH your Elohim, and do that which is right in ​H​is eyes, and give ear to ​H​is commandments and keep all ​H​is statutes, He will put none of the diseases on you that He put on the Egyptians, (for I am ​Yahweh​, your healer).

Deuteronomy 11:26 - See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you listen to the commandments of YHWH your Elohim, which I am commanding you today; and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of YHWH your Elohim, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you have not known.

Deuteronomy 30:15 - See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity. For I command you this day to love Yahweh your Elohim, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His laws, and His rules, that you may thrive and increase, and that He may bless you... But if your heart turns away and you give no heed, and are lured into the worship and service of other gods, I declare to you this day that you shall certainly perish... I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Chose life by loving Yahweh Elohim, heeding His commands and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and shall long endure...

Deuteronomy 30:19- I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life if you and your offspring would live by loving Yahweh Elohim, heeding His commands, and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and long endure.
In these verses we are being told we have a choice to make between the blessing and the curse = eternal life in His Kingdom or eternal death spent in Fire Lake. If we choose life we place our Creator first and foremost in our lives and teach our children well.  Because of our love for our heavenly Father we obey His Instructions and in return we receive the blessing.  That sounds like 'salvation' to me and we achieve it by Faith - committing ourselves to our Creator.

We are not automatically 'filled with the spirit' nor 'baptized in the spirit' but are made ready to receive it. We prepare for the indwelling of Yah's Set Apart Spirit by spending every day in the Word of Elohim, reading and studying and learning Scriptures. Even the apostles who were taught by Y'shua face to face for three years were not filled with the Spirit until 50 days after the death of Y'shua - specifically ten days after the resurrected Son of Elohim was taken up and placed at the Right hand of the Father (Shavuot). Being baptized by a preacher in any church does not make one 'saved' but does show an outward appearance of one's desire to accept Y'shua and walk the Path of Righteousness from then on forward.  If we fall for temptations afterwards, we will loose our footing and salvation becomes a mute point. Being tested by difficult times is for the sake of our refinement.  

Deuteronomy 8: You shall faithfully observe all the Instruction that I enjoin upon you today, that you may thrive and increase and be able to posses the land that YHWH Elohim promised on oath to your fathers. Remember the long way that YHWH your Elohim has made you travel in the wilderness these past forty years, that He might test you by hardships to learn what was in your hearts: whether you would keep His commandments or not.... Romans 2:5 - But because of your hard and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of wrath, when Yah's righteous judgment will be revealed.
If we turn away from our old sinful ways and return to the Creator, learn His Teachings and be immersed symbolizing our intentions, then we are ready to receive the gift of His Set Apart Spirit. If we make the first move then Yah will follow up, giving us His unmerited love and favor. It is a process, not an end-all. We never stop learning until the day He restores all things! His Spirit continues to reveal and comfort us with His Truth providing we continue on His Path of Righteousness. He is our salvation through the testimony of His Son. 
Today means today for anyone in any day who reads this and chooses Life, and begins to obey the Instructions given by our Creator. The blessing or the curse is the result of our choice in this lifetime. People ask why there is so much pain and suffering in the world and why bad things seem to happen to good people. Read those above quoted Scripture verses again. We made the choice to obey the one who spoke creation into existence and we are expected to follow through, abiding by the terms of the covenant.

Hebrews 13:13- Look deeply into yourselves all the days, during the day which is called today; and let none of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

What Would YOU Do?

The Kingdom of Heaven is Near

If you knew the 'end of the world as we know it' would arrive in, oh, say the year 2055, what would you do to prepare? Would you do anything? Do you care? I suppose the answer would depend on your belief system or lack of belief. If you knew you could choose life after this life, would you pursue it? Would you seek out information on how to go about achieving this? Or would you choose to just wing it, go with the flow and wait to see what happens? Would you be concerned about what would happen to your children, parents, family and friends?

I am guessing that the majority of people who read this blog have heard about Scriptures as in Old and New Testaments, and have some knowledge about the events that are to take place at the end of days leading up to Judgment Day, even if some of this awareness has been learned from the movies. Most of us are familiar with the phrase, "Repent for the end is near!" Repent means to turn from sin. When you turn from sin you turn towards our Elohim/God, Yahweh. 'The end is near' has been a warning to people for thousand of years, so it's easy to see why many are indifferent or don't concern themselves with it because they don't think it could happen in their life time.

Lets say it does happen in our life time. Lets say several events that are unfolding in this day and age mimic events foretold by scriptures. People who study Scriptures are lining up current events with prophecy with accuracy. Key elements are being confirmed. Believers are on high alert, waiting for specific signs as told by Y'shua that are yet to be fulfilled. When this happens, the final time line begins and we will know there are seven years left until the end is finally here and the Thousand Year Reign of Y'Shua on earth begins.

If you don't believe in YHWH (Yahweh) Elohim (God) our Creator then none of this really matters. Yet He is giving the Gentiles (pagan, non believers) every opportunity to get on board. If you're not on board you'll find yourself in that lake of fire, for eternity. There will be and is a lot of deception going on. If you haven't prepared for the times to come, how will you know what to do and who to trust?

Just something to think about... and I pray you do.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Faith and Salvation

Isaiah 12:2- Yahweh Elohim is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid. For Yah is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation (deliverance)."

What is salvation?

Definition from the Webster Dictionary-
  • deliverance from the power and effects of sin
  • liberation from ignorance or illusion
  • preservation from destruction or failure
  • deliverance from danger or difficulty 

What has Yahweh told us about being delivered from sin, liberated from ignorance, preserved from destruction and delivered from danger? 
Deuteronomy 4:35- YHWH has clearly demonstrated that He alone is Elohim and there is none beside Him - He is Elohim in heaven above and on earth below - there is no other. Observe His laws and commandments that it may go well with you and your children. 
Deuteronomy 6:3- Obey willingly and faithfully 
Deuteronomy 6:21- We obey His instructions because we were once slaves (to the world system, habits, traditions, doctrines of men etc...) and He freed us with a Mighty Hand... and will give us the land He promised to our fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). 
Deuteronomy 6:24- We are to observe all the laws, to revere YHWH our Elohim, for our lasting good and for our Survival, as is now the case. It will be therefore to our merit before YHWH our Elohim to observe faithfully this Whole Instruction (found in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) as He has commanded us. 
Deuteronomy 8- Yah tests us by hardships to learn what is in our hearts: whether we will keep His Commandments .... or not.

Here is an example in regards to the behavior of those who seem to choose to remain ignorant of His Word:
Ephesians 4:18- They (Gentiles/non-believers) are darkened in their understanding and alienated from the life of Yahweh Elohim because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardness of their hearts. Having lost all sense of shame, they have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity, with a craving for more.…

Acts 17:30
Although Yahweh Elohim overlooked the ignorance of earlier times, He now commands all men everywhere to repent.

What is repentance?
Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible, Herbert Lockyer, Page 908 – “REPENTANCE – a turning away from sin, disobedience or rebellion and a turning back to God (Matt. 9:13; Luke 5:32). In a more general sense, repentance means a change of mind (Gen. 6:6-7) or a feeling of remorse or regret for past conduct (Matt. 27:3). True repentance is a ‘godly sorrow’ for sin, an act of turning around and going in the opposite direction. This type of repentance leads to a fundamental change in a person’s relationship to God.”

Before Y'shua began his 'ministry' there was John, as prophesied by Isaiah (40:3) in the wilderness immersing folks in the Jordan River, and preaching the immersion of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People came from Jerusalem as well as other areas in the region of Judah. He told about the coming of Y'shua who was more powerful than himself. He said "I immerse you in water, but he will immerse you by the Ruach haKodesh." (Mark 1)
In the book of Luke, chapter 1, we read that John was the son of a Levi Priest, Zechariah, and his wife Elizabeth who was descended from the daughters of Aaron (brother to Moses and Miriam, Levites). Elizabeth, by the way, was cousin to Maryam, mother of Yahshua. Both John the 'baptist' and his cousin, Yahshua, were descendants of the tribe of Levi, making them both qualified to be priests.
So here we have John, son of a Levi Priest, teaching about the "immersion of repentance for the forgiveness of sins" - as he makes people aware of the arrival of Yahshua. Is it safe to say that John has been taught Torah by his father? Immersion was not uncommon among those who followed Yah's Instructions.

John’s 'immersion in the river' was an adaptation of the mikveh, or ritual immersion bath, that had been part of obedience to Torah for generations and symbolized a spiritual cleansing. It was part of the preparation for undertaking a new beginning. Yahshua came to John for a mikveh at the beginning of his ministry.

During the time of Yahshua, did he ever 'baptize' anyone? His teachings about how to have a relationship with the Father are recorded in the Renewed Covenant writings, but in none of those accounts does he tell anyone that they must be baptized. Yahshua never immersed anyone to our knowledge, although he had his disciples perform the ceremony:
Matthew 28:18 (after Yahshua's resurrection he meets with his disciples) "All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth. And as my Father has sent me, I send you. Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations and immerse them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Ruach haKodesh (that one name is Yahweh) and teach them to keep all that I have commanded you."
Yahshua often sent people off after being healed without any mention of immersion, and he told His disciples to immerse in "The Name".... Yet, read this:
1 Corinthians 1:14 (Paul is speaking) I thank my Elohim that I immersed none of you except Crispus and Gaius; and therefore that not any one should (accuse me of) immersing in my own name. Moreover I immersed the household of Stephan, but further, I know not that I immersed any other. For Mashiyach did not send me to immerse, but to preach.... 1 Corinthians 2:13- And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. 
Did a water baptism become a tradition among religious leaders of his day? Is that what Paul was being careful about? The Gentile church was rising and already perverting The Word and trying to destroy the teachings of Paul. Is being immersed in water necessary when we were told by John, written in Mark 1: "I immerse you in water, but he will immerse you by the Ruach haKodesh."   Did we miss the trade off from water to the Spirit of Yahweh? Yahshua said to immerse people in the Name, he replaced John's immersion in water to the immersion by the Ruach haKodesh.  As John's act was an adaptation to ritual mikvehs, being immersed by the Spirit is an adaptation of that example of ritual cleansing.  Like everything else, Yahshua raised the bar, expanding definition on the Word of Yahweh.


John 3 in Context

Yahshua answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Elohim." Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" Yahshua answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of Elohim. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you, "You must be born again.' (John 3:3-7)

Note: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." Being born of water is referring to being born physically (the water referring to the amniotic fluid that breaks as one is born). This is why he said "You must be born again." The first birth is the birth from the flesh. The second is to be born of the Spirit, which is of Yahweh.

In all of his interactions with people, Yahshua was never recorded as commanding anyone to be baptized, although he often commended people for their faith. It would seem that if baptism were required for salvation, Yahshua would have made some mention of it.
I John 1:9- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  John 6:38- For I came down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of Him who sent me...  John 6:40- For this is the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him, will have life that is eternal. And I will raise him up on the last day.

Yahshua talked often about faith:

Matthew 8:10- I say to that not even in Israel have I found faith like this. 

Matthew 8:26- Oh you of little faith! Why are you fearful?

Matthew 9:2- Y'shua saw their faith and said to the paralytic, "Take heart, my son, your sins are forgiven."

Matthew 9:22- "Be comforted, my daughter, your faith has made you alive."

Matthew 9:28-29 ...the blind men approached him. Yahshua asks if they 'believed' he could heal them. They said yes. Then he touched their eyes and said, "As you believed let it be to you" and their eyes were opened.

Matthew 14:31- "Oh you of little faith! Why did you 'doubt' me?

Matthew 15:28- "Oh woman! Great is your faith. Let it be as you desire." And her daughter was healed. 

Matthew 21:21- Y'shua said, if you have faith and no doubt you can perform miracles, and move mountains 

Mark 4:40- Why are you fearful and why is there no faith in you? 

Mark 10:52- See! Your faith has made you whole. 

Mark 11:22- Let the faith of Elohim be in you.

Luke 7:50- Your faith has given you life. Go in peace.

Luke 8:25- Where is your faith? 

Luke 17:19- Arise. Go. Your faith has given you life. 

Luke 18:8- Nevertheless, the Son of man will indeed come, and will he find faith on earth?

Luke 22:32- And I have prayed over you that your faith may not weaken.

Could it be that Faith is the key to Salvation and not baptism by water? It appears that being immersed by the Ruach haKodesh would be to be immerse into the Name which is Yahweh, via the Son who told us no one comes to the Father except by him... and he gave us the Spirit of Truth as a Comforter as we wait for his return .... a lovely harmonious interaction as we repent and return to the One who created us.
Now faith is the persuasion of the things that are in hope as if they were an actual fact, and it is the manifesting of the things not seen. For by faith we understand that the worlds were shaped by the Word of Elohim and that things seen originated from those that are not seen. (Hebrews 11)
We read in Matthew 19:16 that a certain man came and drew near to Y'shua asking what he should do to gain eternal life. Y'shua tells him to obey the Commandments (don't commit murder, nor adultery, don't steal and don't give false witness... honor your parents and love your neighbor as yourself). The young man says that he has obeyed these things since he was a boy - what else? Y'shua tells him if he desires to be perfect/complete to sell off his possessions and provide for the poor, then he will have treasure in heaven - "come, follow me!" That young man went away sad because he had many possessions and apparently he wasn't ready for a yard sale. Many of us have material possessions that we deem important because of sentimental value or actual monetary value.... we drag 'em with us each time we move. I say it is time to get rid of the baggage - clean house and make yourself presentable before Elohim. Part of that 'baggage' we carry around consists of false teachings, traditions and behavior unacceptable to our Creator.  Let's stop being ignorant of His Word, lighten that load and continue to move along His Path of Righteousness!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Name above All Names

I am not a Hebrew scholar nor a linguist 
or much of an expert on anything.
I am, however, a follower of Y'shua and read Scriptures 
almost every day.
I am a believer in the one true Elohim, our heavenly Father, 
the Creator.
It was over fifteen years ago that I learned He had a Name, 
Yahweh (YHWH). 
(I always thought His Name was 'God'). 
Then I learned His son's name isn't 'Jesus' but is Yahshua (Y'shua).

I know there are many discussions out there in cyber-land and elsewhere debating the 'spelling of' and 'pronunciation of' these Names. I do not disregard their studies and research but I prefer not to let this be a matter of contention which blinds us to the fact that there is a Name above all names. In my studies and keeping the ancient Hebrew texts in mind, I have come to respectfully call the Father and His Son by their names: Yahweh (YHWH) and Yahshua (Y'shua).

Philippians 2:9
Elohim has highly exalted him and given him a name which is more excellent than all names, that at the name of Y'shua every knee should bow, of beings in heaven and on earth and under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Master YHWH is Y'shua Mashiyach to the glory of Elohim his father.

I agree with Andrew G. Roth when he states:

Y'shua reveals the Name of YHWH, the Name above all names! Y'shua has the Name and the reputation of the Father YHWH within him. Y'shua means 'YHWH is salvation' therefore the Will and Spirit of Yah-weh is manifest in Yah-shua as the Arm of YHWH.

Isaiah 52:10  YHWH will bare His arm in the sight of all the nations, and the very ends of the earth shall see the victory of our Elohim
Isaiah 52:13  Behold, My servant will prosper, he will be high and lifted up and greatly exalted.
Daniel 7:14  And to him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and men of every language might serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed.
John 17:11  I will no longer be in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You, Kadosh Father, protect them by Your name, the name You gave me, so that they may be one as We are one.
John 17:12  While I was with them, I protected them and guarded them by Your Name, the name You gave me.
Psalm 80:18   Grant Your help to the man at Your right hand, the stem You have taken as Your own.  We will not turn away from You; preserve our life that we may invoke Your Name. O Yahweh Elohim of hosts, restore us; show us Your favor that we may be delivered.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Part of His Creation

This world shall pass, but every word of Yahweh lasts forever.

His Instructions are being written upon our hearts via His Spirit.  He has given us instructions on how to live physically so we may learn how to live spiritually.  We choose to become servants and recognize that we belong to our Creator, the Elohim of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Eve is our example of yielding to temptation as she did not trust the Word of YHWH. This brought sin upon us all, as Man fell from grace.  Abraham is our example of trusting whole heartedly in YHWH.  Noah is our example of faithfulness and willingness to obey Elohim.  Y'shua is our example of living righteously and Yah is our example of love.

Although we are born sinners, His Plan allows us to learn the Way of redemption.  As we learn and repent, we are instructed to share this Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven with others so they, too, can travel the straight path to the narrow gate that leads to Eternal Life.  Realize we are all children of Yahweh Elohim.  It is by choice some deny Y'shua as Son of Yahweh, that He is our only hope for survival.  Yahweh our Elohim will forgive ignorance as He wants everyone to have the opportunity to find the Truth and come out of the darkness (I am a good example of that).  Once we've had our eyes opened by Truth, Faith will guide us on the path of righteousness as we grow spiritually.
Love your neighbors as yourself and love our Heavenly Father with all your heart, soul and might.  If we accomplish this, all else falls into place.  For it is the Love of Yahweh that put us here in the first place and it is that same Love that will restore all things when the time comes, at the end.

We are to forgive those who have done us wrong and YHWH will forgive us for our wrong doings.  Pray for others to soften their hearts so the Word of Elohim can come in.  Y'shua is the Light of the World, the Way and the Truth and no one comes to the Father except through the Son.  Seek Him sincerely and let Him into your life - your life will change when you willingly hand it over to Yahshua, the Son of our Creator and King of the Universe!  Halleluyah!

Many have the attitude 'you're born, you live and then you die' and believe they have no control over the outcome of their lives.  Therefore, they don't feel responsible for their actions.  Few realize there is a spiritual battle going on for our souls that began long before we were physically born into this world.  In the long run, YHWH has already won, but you and I are in the midst of this battle which is playing out.  Temptations and Deceptions are everywhere and most people don't recognize them for what they are- Diversions from seeking the Truth, the Way and the Light of the World.  We also face trying times in our lives which are necessary, for some, as a test of faith, to strengthen it.  Some need these challenges in order to bring about a keener awareness of the bigger picture.  If we stay in our own little corner of our own little world, how are we to know what to do when events take place during the end times?  How will we know who to trust if we haven't been paying attention all these years?

It is very important now to dust off the cover and read your bible from Old Testament through the New Testament, again and once more, each day.
There is purpose to our lives and that is to Love Yah, Love our neighbor as we love ourself and treat others as we'd like to be treated.  Do all our work and chores in six days, then rest on the seventh day count from each new moon, Yah's Sabbath day rest made for man.  Don't tell lies or be envious of others. Don't take what doesn't belong to you.  Don't plan on murdering anyone as Revenge belongs to YHWH.  Don't let your actions bring dishonor on your family.  Behave yourself and control your animal lusts! Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman.  Don't misuse the name of Elohim, Yahweh, and don't try to replace Him with carved statues of other so called gods and idols. YHWH is the one true living Elohim!  He cares for us, His creation.  

To protect us from The Adversary, Satan, the devil, Yahweh gave us His Son, Y'shua who was killed, sacrificed not only to save us from sin but to fulfilled Torah/Old Testament prophecy.  The blood shed by Y'shua is what symbolically washes us clean from our sins. He is Yah's weapon against Satan and his temptations, demons and deceptions and reminds us that that old Dragon makes us slaves to the world system.  And the worse is yet to come.  That is why hardships befall us in our life time, to prepare us to be strong in faith in Yahweh.  What we have gone through will seem like small potatoes in comparison to the final three and half years.  Those with the seal of Elohim in their foreheads will be saved, protected from the end time events designed to convince the remaining Gentile, pagan, non-believers to get on board or choose eternal torment.  Some of us need minor prodding to see the difference between good and evil, others will simply refuse to see and believe.
If you know about our Creator, whose name is Yahweh (YHWH) but haven't chosen to belong to Him, time is running out.  If you've heard about salvation but haven't sought it out, now would be a good time.  The Son of Elohim was born to Hebrew parents who were told by an angel of Yahweh to name the child 'Yahshua'.  Call upon His Name and have a conversation with Him in the quiet of your mind.  The words will come, you'll see.  You don't need to wait until you're in dire straights to reach out to Him.  Drop your pre-conceived notions, be earnest and willing to receive His Love and Forgiveness.  There's plenty of room on the path back home, but there is not plenty of time left for you to make that decision.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Psalm 91

O you who dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the protection of Yahweh- I say of Yahweh, my refuge and stronghold, my Elohim in whom I trust, that He will save you from the fowler's trap, from the destructive plague.  He will cover you with His pinions: you will find refuge under His wings; His fidelity (the quality or state of being faithful) is an encircling shield.  You need not fear the terror by night, or the arrow that flies by day, the plague that stalks in the darkness, or the scourge that ravages at noon. A thousand may fall at your left side, ten thousand at your right, but it shall not reach you.  You will see it with your eyes, you will witness the punishment of the wicked. Because you took Yahweh - my refuge, the Most High - as your haven, no harm will befall you, no disease touch your tent.  For He will order His angels to guard you wherever you go.  They will carry you in their hands lest you hurt your foot on a stone.  You will tread on cubs and vipers, you will trample lions and asps.

Because he is devoted to Me I will deliver him; I will keep him safe for he knows My Name.  When he calls on Me I will answer him, I will be with him in distress, I will rescue him and make him honored.  I will let him live to a ripe old age and show him my salvation -

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Painful Story

Abortion is murder, but I didn't know it back then. This is all in hindsight, mind you, otherwise I would have a child enjoying life today.

It was the late 70's. Women's Lib had already freed us from many 'responsibilities' and I was determined not to have 'his' child, not assuming any of the blame. He didn't even offer to help me out when I told him what I wanted to do and that made me dislike him even more. I was acting selfishly by not accepting the role of motherhood and didn't think any man would want me if I had a kid. (I just shook my head as I typed that, Yashua forgive me Again!) I thought I was doing the right thing.

Back then I was nothing more than a plaything that belonged to Satan and that is because I didn't belong to anyone and disregarded our Creator. I didn't believe in anything so I fell for everything. I was a 'free spirit' blowing in the wind, without direction, a pot smoking, 'recreational drug user' who could party with the best of them! I dabbled in New Age beliefs, felt drawn to the 'spirit world', tried to find god in peyote and LSD all to the tune of rock and roll.

Sounds cool? I thought I was! But it was an ugly waste of years and a waste of my health and a loss of friendships. I was blind to reality, in a satanic delusion, if you will. I was in a big delusional escapism of life while all the time thinking I was living it. (I will go into an analysis of 'why' that was happening in a later post, again in hindsight, in regard to what we understand about ourselves as we get older).

Such was my mindset which allowed me to see an abortion as a reasonable alternative.

Several years later did I learn the truth, of many things, and not just the killing of unborn children. I saw frames from an 'x-ray' movie, of an abortion taking place, you could actually see the child's face express pain as it was being sucked out, torn to pieces. Oh How I Cried! and tears still appear whenever I think about this, that I took part in such a procedure and that people can actually support this procedure!

It is a fact that abortion is an act of murder. There is no excuse for it. Lack of education from parents to their children is a fault. Lack of YHWH our Creator in our lives is a fault. But there is no excuse for murdering an unborn child. It is so bad that I have to go as far as to say a 'partially born' child, as well... I have seen a diagram of that procedure (WARNING!! Diagram of partial birth abortion), too, and it is just awful that anyone can agree with it.

So, now that I have shed more light on this awful procedure, pass it on to others.  Children are a gift from Elohim and society has turned it around as a bad thing.