Showing posts with label seek YHWH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seek YHWH. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2018

Current Events

Things aren't much different in today's world from what they were when Y'shua walked this earth. He fought against false religions and corrupt governments while teaching about love and obedience.  He was the victim of a 'hate crime' in a society that embraced worldly things while shunning the rules that had been given by the one true God- YHWH.  Things were such that the Apostles thought that they were living in the end times. A couple thousand years later and it looks like we are living in the end times.

There have been famines, wars and rumors of wars going on for a long time.  Nations and kingdoms have risen up and fought each other as the years go by. There have been plagues and diseases then as well as now.  The only thing different is that all these 'signs' have been getting worse, like labor pains which begin with a twinge now and again, becoming closer together and building in intensity as time goes by. Things are bad now, and they will get worse.

Another facet of this time frame is the government system that will be in place as recorded and described in the writings of Daniel concerning the visions he was given. The 'signs' play into these visions of the future which Y'shua referred to while talking with his Apostles when telling about what will happen prior to his return.

Please read scriptures for more details, including Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11; Joel 2:2.

While all of this is taking place we are told not to worry because all this must happen first, then the end will come.

There are many 'good causes' in today's world that many people involve themselves with of which some I am now seeing as distractions from seeing what is really going on deep in the darkness where those ruling the world are inspired by the spirit of Satan.  We cannot save the world nor have we been commanded to try and do so. We've been told certain things must happen and not to worry. We are to stay busy in our communities, following the Instructions left for us by our Creator which were reaffirmed by His Son.  We continue to seek YHWH Elohim as if looking for treasure and His Spirit will guide us as it reveals the truth in all matters.  We comfort one another with the Hope we have in the Good News of the Kingdom to come.

How do I say this without sounding heartless? Marching in a protest, signing petitions or writing your congressman about an issue really doesn't accomplish much of anything, does it? Just makes you feel better because you 'did something' (regardless of the outcome). The more truth we find lurking behind the facade of government (and religions) the harder it is to play their games. This is part and parcel to coming out of Egypt aka Babylon aka the current world system. Once we're out we are free to take care of our own house, neighbor and community the way our Creator intended it to be. 

By choosing not to participate in organized protests, marches, fundraisers or meetings I am not, in turn, contributing to the status quo those folks think they are fighting against. In the same breath I support sharing knowledge of these hot topics which empowers each individual to choose to leave it behind and live life to the fullest until the return of Y'shua. Don't join this group or follow that fad thinking you're doing worldly good. Love starts at home, with family and friends and then your community.

Chemtrails - Fracking - Homosexuals - Artificial Intelligence - Militarized Police - Globalized Military - Trade Wars - Border Wars - Racism - Weaponized Weather - GMOs - Food Additives - Space Exploration - Global Warming - Gun Control - Birth Control - Mind Control - Red Flags - Crisis Actors - Hate Crimes - Thought Crimes - 24/7 Surveillance

These are some of the things which are constantly pinging our conscience and subconsciousness, day in and day out. Do not let them wear you down. Shut off the news, stop reading the daily paper. These 'news worthy items' are beyond our control and weaken our emotional state of mind which opens the door for physical illness to follow. They distract us from ourselves, our home, our community and most of all they distract us from our Creator. We cannot save the world nor is it our job to do so. The Son of YHWH will take care of that.

In Matthew Chapter 24 we are told not to fall for the deceptions. We are told we will hear of revolutions, wars and rumors of war but we are not worry, these things must happen but it is not the end yet. Be comforted in knowing the times we are living in and that His Kingdom is near.

Nations have been and continue to rise up against and fight each other. There are famines, food shortages, plagues, diseases and earthquakes in various places. We are indeed in the time line called 'the beginning of sorrows', but the beginning part is way past us and there is more to come.

Let's spend our time wisely and reaffirm our commitment to the One who created us. Let us leave the worldly stuff behind and allow His Spirit to reveal what's next in our lives as Set Apart Believers.