Showing posts with label Feasts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feasts. Show all posts

Saturday, December 4, 2010

That time of Year Again

More and more people are aware that "Jesus" was not born in December yet they continue to party as if he were. They use excuses like "It doesn't matter, as long as we recognize Him." But it most certainly does matter, especially if Yahweh tells us not to have anything to do with paganism.

Our Father's Commands over-ride man-made traditions each and every time, including this man made holiday in December called christmas. I know it is hard to break the traditions of celebrating x-mas after having it taught to us year after year after year. It's like being brainwashed into accepting this behavior and who doesn't like accepting gifts? and eating and drinking? and decorating your house in twinkling lights? I know I did! But I don't anymore and you, too, can come out of paganism, all the way out, and be a better person for it by pleasing Yahweh our Creator.

Christians have been conditioned to accept that Christmas and Easter are essentially part of Scriptures. The fact is that both have their roots in the Mystery cults: Saturnalia, the worship of the Mother-goddess system and the worship of the Sun god. They are in direct contradiction to the Instructions given us by our Creator.

I don't recall when I started to question the origins of christmas and easter and other holidays.  For some reason I started to wonder where this santa claus came from; the easter bunny; coloring eggs; 3 wise men, cave, stable- who made these things up?  The more answers I found, the deeper I dug. And you know what I discovered? This is all part of that walk you take after being born anew with spiritual awareness. It is a never ending lesson broke into manageable pieces that we are able to put together as part of the learning process.  You can be born again and sit there stagnating OR be born anew and keep on truckin' down that path of righteousness!

Once you start asking questions you can't be afraid of discovering the answer- otherwise you might as well keep your blinders on and continue to partake in pagan festivities. Which part of the bible are we going to believe? We can't pick and choose which parts of Yahweh we want. His Word is the whole word, nothing more or nothing less. Scriptures, the best reading material in the world, from the beginning to the end and back around again, is Yah's Instruction Manual for our governance, health and well being.

Satan's life long  passion is to be as a god and have all of us worship him. He will do anything to turn us from salvation so we can spend eternity in 'fire lake' with him. Satan, that old devil, is responsible for false religions, fake preachers and translations of the bible that take us further from the Word. He is a smooth talker,  known as the Father of Lies, constantly trying to snare us by throwing temptations our way.

Satan taught Genun, son of Lamech, to 'bring strong drink out of corn', then came the drink-houses so they could all sit around and get drunk.  Satan also shared his musical abilities with Genun who made instruments: trumpets, cymbals, psalteries, lyres, harps and flutes.  Now they can sit around, get drunk and rock out! Not too different from today's bar scene. He played them often, and when he played on them, Satan came into them so the sweetest music was heard that ravished the heart.
"Then he gathered companies upon companies to play on them (the instruments) and when they played, it pleased well the children of Cain, whom inflamed themselves with sin among themselves and burnt as with fire, while Satan inflamed their hearts, one with another, and increased lust among them."  
(Wait A Minute! this is about christmas, not sex drugs and rock-n-roll... how I ramble!)

There must have been a point I was trying to make there- alcohol mixed with sweet music is doubly intoxicating and tempting and a stumbling block -from the beginning, Satan has been trying to cheat us out of our inheritance. This includes alternate religions, to split and divide the faithful. Pagan rituals were adopted by the Roman Catholic Church to make it more attractive to the various heathen cults, in order to bring more people into the church. This sham included adopting bits and pieces of pagan religions and calling them 'holy'. That is another abomination that brings no honor to our Father. 

Would you partake in a church if its rituals included the sacrifice of live babies, children thrown into the fire? Of course not! But what if bits and pieces of that ritual were included in your church? What if they disguised the original actions with something less atrocious. The actions were changed but the idea is still there and it's idolatry- having other gods before Him.  We, the people of today, may not remember what these things mean, but Yahweh has not forgotten.

Pagan celebrations that pre-existed Christmas and Easter are condemned in the Bible. We can start with the simple prohibition against idolatry (Gal 5:20). From this we can move to drunkenness which is also condemned (Gal 5:21). All sexual immorality is condemned (Gal 5:19). Child abuse and sacrifices are condemned (Deu 18:10). Gift giving associated with pagan worship of idols and celebration of pagan holidays is condemned (Ezek 20:39). Setting up a Baalmas tree is condemned (Jer 10:1-5). Therefore, anyone who reads and studies the Bible will see that it condemns Christmas in every form and fashion.

I will never get tired of warning people about our holidays. The truth will set us free. Our Creator gave us eyes to see and ears to hear, it's up to us to use them!  It becomes more of an issue with each passing year, because, as you know, the end is near...  it's nearer today than it was yesterday... one day you will find you have no more time, the door is closed and locked.

He gives every one of us a chance all the way up to the very last day, to see it His way. The only other way is Satan's. By taking the time now to unlearn man's traditions and learn our Father's way, it will be easier to meet Him on Judgment Day, less complicating now that you've got the holidays figured out as Satan's counterfeits. Get out of Satan's grasp! Continue to read Scriptures and allow the Spirit to help you stand against the traps Satan has been setting for us since day one.

Here are some more links that I have in my arsenal that you may find useful. I share these for further research and study purposes:

I try to keep all things updated, but if you run across a link that is no longer active, drop me a line so I can delete it, or let me know some of your favorite sites that I can include, thanks!