Showing posts with label abiding by His Instructions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abiding by His Instructions. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Reason Why

Let us take a look at what Yahweh's Instructions tell us about His Set Apart times. In previous studies I've gone over the descriptions given for each 'feast day' and many have seen how they are 'types and shadows' reflected in the life and times of Y'shua and the end times scenario yet to come. Now lets focus on why we are to observe them. 

Each 'feast day' covered in this posting is linked to a previous in-depth study for your further research, so you will see that I am not 'adding to or taking from' His word. This particular study will single out its reason and how we should observe each set time in today's world. I believe we are at that point where we worship YHWH in spirit and in truth.
Note that I have combined Passover with Unleavened Bread because the passover offering was made the evening before the first day of Unleavened Bread. I know it was common for the entire 8 days to be called The Passover but as you see, only the last few hours of daylight of the 14th day are set apart for the passover. Yahweh's days are counted from sunset to sunset, so the passover offering kicks off the days of unleavened bread. First Fruits, Feast of Weeks or Feast of the Harvest cover the time line up to Shavuot.

The passover offering was made to YHWH as protection from death, it was the blood of the lamb painted on the doorposts and lintel that was a sign to Yahweh to pass over that dwelling and not kill any first born that may be inside. This was the final plague He brought against Pharaoh convincing him to let His people go. They leave on the 15th day of the first month which is the first day of Unleavened Bread, to be observed for all time. And when ask why and what does it mean, the answer is:
It is the passover sacrifice to YHWH Elohim because He passed over the houses of the (descendants of Jacob and the mixed multitude) in Egypt when He smote the Egyptians. 
His people are instructed to do this so they remember the day of their departure from the land of Egypt for as long as they live. The blood of the lamb was a sign to YHWH and saved them from death - they were set free from being slaves to Pharaoh. In modern times our acceptance of the shed blood of His Son is also a sign to YHWH, and sets us free from our old sin-nature, saving us from death eternal. We will be passed over on the day of His Wrath.  The Blood of the Lamb was shed for our sake. Yahshua is the Spiritual Bread from heaven, without blemish, without sin, without leaven.

"Feast of Weeks" is the time of counting the days (49 days = 7 weeks) from the barley harvest. Day 50 is Shavuot. The barley harvest is not date specific because it can ripen and be ready for harvest on different days, year after year, depending on the weather. Day 50 was when the new grain offering was made. The new grain at this time was of the wheat harvest. All in all, this time period was for folks to offer the best of the best from their harvest to the priest to offer up before Yahweh. We should remember to always be thankful for His abundance in our lives and not hesitate to give the best of what we have to those in need. We should not try to put a date on something which He did not.

(this link covers more than just the Day of Trumpets)

This day is for making a joyful noise, something pleasing to our Creator letting him know that we are here and not to forget us, as we praise Him as our Elohim and rejoice in all His Ways. It is the first day of the seventh month according to Yah's Calendar.

(once you click on this link you'll need to scroll down a bit to reach the Day of Atonement study)

The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement, a day to practice self denial, the day on which expiation is made on our behalf before Yahweh. It is a day we resist from tending to our usual daily 'things' and realize the importance of Yahshua who laid down his life for our sake. We should be silent this day as he goes before Yahweh on our behalf.

(after you click on this link, scroll down to the part about Sukkot)

This is the time of the in-gathering of Yah's people, which begins on the 15th day of this seventh month. It is a time when Set Apart believers will be gathered together and inherit the promised land.  

The cycle for the year is complete.

In observing our Creator's set times we are being trained up in order to enter His Kingdom on earth at the return of Y'shua. His set times remind us of being set free from slavery to our old sinful ways by way of His Son; to offer up the best of the best to our Creator giving thanks for His abundance in our lives. We give our offerings to the poor and needy, the hungry and thirsty and we care for widows and orphans in our communities.  We are being made ready to receive His Spirit as we continue on His path of righteous living. The sounding of the trumpets bring our attention to the beginning of the seventh month and on the tenth day we give our full attention to our Father in Heaven where Y'shua offers atonement for our sins. In all this we are made ready to be gathered together with other Set Apart believers to receive our inheritance, the land of Canaan with Yahshua as our king and high priest.

Remember that we are not to substitute what we think is right and proper. Since the temple or priesthood no longer exist, we adapt accordingly and do not travel to Jerusalem three times a year or stay home and pretend we honor Yahweh with our traditions. All added tradition only confuses the issue and takes away from Yah's intentions. 
  1. Remember how He set His people free from bondage and has done the same for us 
  2. Remove leaven/temptations from our homes and lifestyle so we don't fall back into our old sin nature
  3. Give freely of what we have to our brothers in need thanking YHWH for His abundance in our own lives 
  4. Become ready to receive His Set Apart Spirit, the Comforter who is the Spirit of Truth 
  5. Obey Yahweh and speak the testimony of His Son, do not be silent about the Good News of the Kingdom to Come 
  6. Be humble - it is in the hands of Yahshua to go before Yahweh on our behalf and offer atonement for our sin 
  7. Look forward to the day of Messiah's return when we shall be gathered together and set down on our land as promised.
Search Scriptures and you will find that we are not instructed to observe or celebrate the birth, death or resurrection of our heavenly Father's Son, Yahshua the Anointed One. It is not a commanded holiday, feast day or set apart time found anywhere in Scriptures. Yet millions of people take part in various man-made rituals associated with Christmas and Easter while ignoring the Creator's Instructions, not knowing they are only mimicking pagan practices dressed up as Christianity. Ash Wed., Lent, Holy Week, Good Friday nor any Sunrise Service activity is found to be endorsed by YHWH; in fact we are warned against adopting the practices of pagans. Once you come out of Churchianity don't let yourself be led down the path of Judaism either. Jewish Traditions are just as big of a distraction from the truth as all other man-made religions. Let me point out that it is out of love and compassion that I share this truth, and encourage you to read Scriptures to learn this for yourself; study to show yourself approved. There are No Dead Ends on His Path - Once we discover a truth lets not stop there and set up camp in a perceived comfort zone. Falsehoods continue to fall away like the scales fell off Paul's eyes - it took me a few years of casual study before I began see more clearly, but imagine what it would be like to have His Light go on all at once!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Abiding by His Instructions: The Moedim

When we come into covenant with our Maker there are terms of that covenant we are to abide by. A section of those terms are instructions in observing specific set apart times, His moedim. There are segments of those instructions we are unable to fulfill these days because the temple no longer stands in Jerusalem nor is there the priesthood to handle the daily affairs of temple life. This includes the various offerings which were to be brought to the temple in Jerusalem three times a year: the passover offering, Shavuot and Sukkot. Neither are we to substitute what we think is right in the meantime. His Set Apart times are meant to be observed throughout the generations, which we can do in 'remembering' why they were done and realizing how they train us up for a future time. We still treat them as sacred times and observe them as the Sabbaths that they are, sans sacrifice, offerings and traveling to Jerusalem.

Y'shua is the Lamb of Elohim and his blood was shed for the forgiveness of sin. In this he has become our High Priest offering atonement on our behalf. He has gone before the throne of Elohim for our sake, seated at His right hand until the day of wrath. He also pointed out that 'we' are the temple, as he knew the destruction of the physical temple would come. Designating our physical bodies as 'temples' makes it possible for the Spirit of YHWH, the Ruach haKodesh to dwell within.  This Spirit comforts us with truth.

Because of the sacrifice of His Son we are no longer obligated to make a passover offering which was originally for the sake of painting the blood of the lamb on the doorposts and lintels of the houses believers were living in, protecting from 'death' that night and set free from bondage to Pharaoh in Egypt. Nor should we try to substitute any other behaviors at this time.  They were also instructed not to delay nor wait for the dough to rise before they left, hence the days of Unleavened Bread. We, too, can eat unleavened bread for seven days in remembrance of the mighty works of our Creator. We treat the first and the last day as Sabbaths. We can take this opportunity to read and share from Exodus to remember why Yah did what He did. 
The Feast of Weeks is a tough one to fulfill as most of us are not farmers, raising barley and wheat. And, again we cannot bring an offering to the priest in Jerusalem on the fifty day count after the barley harvest. One can't even rely on an accurate day of when the barley harvest begins in Israel, let alone count off 50 days! So even our attempts at observing Shavuot is iffy at best.
Leviticus 23:10- When you enter the land which I am giving to you and you reap its harvest, you shall bring the first sheaf of your harvest to the priest. He shall wave the sheaf before YHWH for acceptance in your behalf (on the day after the weekly Sabbath). 14 Until that very day, until you have brought the offering, you shall eat no bread or parched grain or fresh ears, it is a law for all time throughout the ages in all your settlements. 15 from that day after the Sabbath you shall count off seven weeks; until the day after the seventh week - fifty days (total) - then you shall bring an offering of new grain to YHWH - two loaves of bread (of the first fruits) as a wave offering, as first fruits to YHWH. 20 The priest shall offer these- they shall be set apart to YHWH, for the priest. 21 On that same day hold a celebration, a sacred occasion - do no work at your occupations. This is a law for all time in all your settlements, throughout the ages.

During this time called the Feast of Weeks we can observe it by being thankful for His bounty in our lives. We give Him our best every day and are content with what we have. We are grateful for how He has provided for our needs as we see to the needs of others. We must not substitute vain imaginings to replace His Instructions. If you can't take the first sheaf of the harvest to the priest to make an offering in your behalf, don't fake it with anything else. Jeroboam was 'faking it' and did not turn back from his evil ways whereby the House of Jeroboam incurred guilt.

The next appointments are referred to as the fall feasts, set times of Yahweh to be celebrated as sacred occasions. 

Leviticus 23:23-44
  • On the first day of the 7th month sound the trumpet;
  • The 10th day of this month is The Day of Atonement;
  • On the 15th day of this 7th month begin the Feast of Booths
  • Followed by the 8th Day, a solemn gathering
After further study I have learned that the Day of Trumpets was originally called a Day of Shouting as in making a joyful noise unto Yahweh. Searching out this moed further, I came across something I had totally missed before! 

Numbers 10:
Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, “Make two silver trumpets. Of hammered work you shall make them, and you shall use them for summoning the congregation and for breaking camp. And when both are blown, all the congregation shall gather themselves to you at the entrance of the tent of meeting. But if they blow only one, then the chiefs, the heads of the tribes of Israel, shall gather themselves to you. When you blow an alarm, the camps that are on the east side shall set out. And when you blow an alarm the second time, the camps that are on the south side shall set out. An alarm is to be blown whenever they are to set out. But when the assembly is to be gathered together, you shall blow a long blast, but you shall not sound an alarm. And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow the trumpets. The trumpets shall be to you for a perpetual statute throughout your generations. And when you go to war in your land against the adversary who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, that you may be remembered before Yahweh your Elohim, and you shall be saved from your enemies. On the day of your gladness also, and at your appointed feasts and at the beginnings of your months (new moon), you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings. They shall be a reminder of you before your Elohim: I am Yahweh your Elohim.”

Do you see what I see? Two Silver Trumpets - not shofars (ram's horn) - to be sounded to gather the congregation, or to be blown over burnt offerings and sacrifices of peace offerings and to be sounded at the new moon sighting and appointed feasts. Two silver trumpets. So I must ponder this: if we can no longer make offerings and not gather at the temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem, the only time (other than wartime) we would sound two silver trumpets would be at the sighting of the new moon (Jerusalem time) and at Yom Teruah, the day of shouting, making a joyful noise of thanksgiving to our Creator. But wait! Only the priests were in charge of these two trumpets!  So, what are regular old joes doing blowing on their shofars whenever they feel like it?
Leviticus 23:23 ~ YHWH spoke to Moses saying, "Speak to the Israelite people thus: In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with loud blasts. You shall not work at your occupations and you shall bring an offering by fire to YHWH Elohim.
On the first day of the 7th month of Yah's Calendar we may observe the Feast of Trumpets as a Sabbath's day rest and do no work on this day. Shout praises unto Elohim, let Him remember you're here! Then on the 10th day of this 7th month, set it aside as a dignified ceremony wherein not only do we treat it as a Sabbath of rest and do no work but also deny ourselves our usual activities. Go without eating regular meals this day or fast if you are able, stay off the computer and turn off the TV and radio, be in prayer about your life and where you stand in the Word and know Y'shua the Son of Elohim is making Atonement in our behalf. Let us be worthy of this friendship with the one who laid down his life that we could gain life eternal.
Leviticus 23:27 ~ The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be a sacred occasion for you: you shall practice self denial, and you shall bring an offering by fire to YHWH Elohim; you shall do no work throughout that day. It is a Day of Atonement on which expiation is made on your behalf before Yah your Elohim. Whoever does not practice self denial throughout that day will be cut off from his kin, and whoever does any work throughout that day, I will cause that person to perish from among his people. Do no work whatever; it is a law for all time, throughout the ages, in all your settlements. It shall be a Sabbath of complete rest for you and you shall practice self denial; on the ninth day of the month from evening to evening, you shall observe this Sabbath.
Next up is Sukkot, the in-gathering of Yah's people, which begins on the 15th day of this seventh month. This is another one of the set times where the males traveled to Jerusalem, after the end of the season's harvest, to make the appropriate offerings at the temple, and they lived in sukkahs while there. Only during every 7th year did the entire household attend Sukkot. We treat the first day as a Sabbath day of complete rest and do the same for the 8th day. If we want to 'camp out' with our family in our own backyards for the seven days, I don't see why not as long as we remember we do this so that we teach future generations that Yah made His people live in make-shift shelters when He brought them out of Egypt. He left the 'light on' but it wasn't at Motel 6. Read from Scriptures every day and night, Genesis through Deuteronomy, remembering the awesome power of our Creator, Yahweh.

There are many groups who like to advertise a gathering place for folks to celebrate Sukkot, which seems like a good thing, but in reality Yah chose Jerusalem as the last place He attached His Name, so how can we think we are honoring him if we do it our own way, and wherever and however we choose? We know enough not to make it up as we go along. I refer back to Jeroboam. 

Follow His Instructions. Do not substitute what you think is right and pleasing. Think about what Nadab and Abihu were doing, remember what Jeroboam did, and make the realization we are not to improvise.

We must abide by the Creator's Instructions, the terms of His covenant, and follow Him with all our heart, doing what is right in His sight; and not substitute anything in place of His Instructions lest we become displeasing or provoke Him and incur guilt. Continue to read Scriptures and let the Ruach haKodesh reveal His Truth. 

From my studies I share the basic outline of how to keep Yah's Set Apart times in this day and age within His parameters. See how different and easy it is compared to the various offerings and engagements from the Hebrew Roots Messianics plan of action which cost money, time and travel? and how simplified compared to Jewish tradition (oral law: the very thing Y'shua taught against).

I can understand why our heavenly Father said this in Isaiah 7:11 ~ What need have I of all your sacrifices... I have no delight that you come to appear before Me - trample My courts no more. Bringing your offerings is futile, incense is offensive to Me. New moon and Sabbath you proclaim solemnities and assemble with wickedness I cannot tolerate. Your new moons (calendar months) and your fixed seasons (man's traditions and substitutes for Yah's moedim) fill Me with loathing - they have become a burden to Me, no longer a joy. When you lift up your hands in false praise and worship I will turn My Eyes away from you.
Satan has a counterfeit for almost everything put forth by our Creator; let us not fall into this same pattern. The example of Jeroboam is what happened in 1 Kings 25 when he (out of fear of losing his position of power) convinced the Israelites (who had chosen him as king) that they did not need to go to Jerusalem to worship YHWH anymore. Jeroboam had built 2 temples, one in Bethel and the other in Dan, in which he had a golden calf placed in each, telling them 'this is your god'. He convinced them that 'God was Everywhere' and it was okay to worship Him anywhere. This is not according to Yahweh! Jeroboam also made cult places and appointed priests from the ranks of people who were not descendants of Levi. This same example applies to religious traditions of today when teachers and leaders and preachers convince folks of things that just aren't right in comparison to what is actually recorded in Scriptures.

Who is Israel? 
 and Scroll Down to the heading:
The time of Solomon - Division of the Tribes
for more about Jeroboam's deception