Showing posts with label could vote if set YHWH aside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label could vote if set YHWH aside. Show all posts

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Put God First

My Reasoning for Choosing to vote, or not to vote,
in this upcoming election or on any matter put before us

Psalm 1:1 ~ Happy is the man who has not followed the counsel of the wicked, or taken the path of sinners, or joined the company of the insolent; rather the teaching of Yahweh Elohim is his delight, and he studies that teaching day and night.
Exodus 18:21 ~ You should seek out from among all the people capable men who fear God, trustworthy men who spurn ill-gotten gain.
2 Chronicles 19:2 ~ Should one give aid to the wicked and befriend those who hate YHWH?
2 Corinthians 6:14 ~ Do not be yoked with those who do not believe; for what fellowship has righteousness with iniquity or what fellowship has light with darkness? 
So, tell me how all God-fearing Bible-believing people can actually cast a vote come November? I could vote in this election IF I were to set our Creator and His Instructions aside and ignore all His teachings, rules and regulations - basically forget everything I have learned from reading Scriptures. 
I refuse to vote for the 'lesser of two evils'. 
I was told by a couple of different folks that we weren't voting between "Jesus" and the other guy. That is somewhat true but with more folks suggesting to 'vote for values' it seems the available candidates are lacking in all righteous values. I choose to keep our heavenly Father first and foremost in my life. I choose Good over Evil, and who is good but He who created us? He puts leaders in place and removes them to accomplish His Plan and clearly - Clearly - this country, if not the entire world, is coming up for review.
The Hebrew word 'yirah' means 'fear' as in 'awesome and/or terrifying' contrary to the popular teachings that the "Fear of God" is not really fear but 'love and respect'. Our God IS awesome AND terrifying which garners my love, respect and obedience.
I've been thinking that all professed believers in the God of this Universe should turn their backs on all aspects of this election process and prepare for the communist take over of this country. Whatever happens, whatever the outcome, it will be the end of the world as we know it. Things are ugly now but just wait until November rolls around - no matter who you vote for, no matter who wins - the response will be violent, hateful and dramatic. It wouldn't surprise me if the UN troops were brought in at that time to usher us into the NWO. 


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Dusty Sandals FB Collection

I have decided to copy and paste the 'Best Of My FB Page' right here in my old blog spot, like pasting photographs in a scrapbook, for future reading and reference. This will be a lengthy post with various topics, links and what-nots so get your scrolling skills sharpened. 

Have you heard of Dean Gotcher of Authority Research? His experience and explanation of 'group think' shines a bright light on understanding how people have become who they are in this country.

Quotes from Dean Gotcher's website Authority Research :

"Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Y'shua Messiah." 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Articles on Diaprax === (The dialectical process put into praxis)
There is no Father's authority in dialogue, only equals.
Therefore, in dialogue, no one has a sense of "guilt" for disobeying the Father
since, in dialogue, there is not Father's authority to feel "guilty" about disobeying.
It was through dialogue (the use of the dialectic process) that Satan was able to deceive the woman in the garden in Eden, and every man since.

Y'shua Messiah would not dialogue with the devil, instead he preached and taught the words of His Father, "It is written ...." and He calls all who are His to do the same.

Isn't it strange that no matter how clear you make the truth, people still refuse to see  it, having to accept it by faith, even though it is in plain sight for all to see. Our love for the things of the world, i.e. seeking to become at-one-with the world, in pleasure, in the 'moment,' blinds us to the love of Our Heavenly Father, who chastens us, that we might partake in His holiness (and eternal life).


The Story of the Four Thieves

The thieves were actually spice traders and merchants who imported spices, including cinnamon and clove from India. When the Black Plague hit, all international shipping and  trade was closed down. Unable to do business, these spice traders quickly ran out of money and had to find a way to support themselves.

Since people in the communities were afraid to touch the dead bodies, they decided to loot the homes and bodies of the plaque victims. They would take clothes, jewelry, pots and pans, and then barter or trade them for food and money. They knew they wouldn't get sick if they rubbed vinegar, oils, and certain spices all over their bodies.

When the King heard about the story of the thieves he wanted to know their secret. He wanted to know how they were able to touch dead bodies without getting sick! How did they protect themselves from the dreaded disease?

He sent his Constables out to capture them. Four of the thieves were caught and brought before the King. He gave them a choice to either share their secret formula of "immunity" or be burned at the stake. The four thieves decided to share their secret formula with the King. The King immediately posted the thieves secret formula all over the town. Hence the story of the four thieves.
Here is one recipe that I have used for 'clearing the air'
40 drops Clove Bud essential oil
35 drops Lemon essential oil
20 drops Cinnamon Bark essential oil
15 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
10 drops Rosemary essential oil
Mix all essential oils together in a dark glass bottle.
This blend is strong and should be diluted, 6-12 drops of essential oil can be added per 1 oz. of carrier oil such as almond or olive oil. 


Lessons to be learned from sayings in which truth is cloaked.
Also known as

Learn wisdom and discipline.

Understand words of discernment (be able to separate truth from deception). Acquire discipline for righteousness, justice, fairness and success. Endow the simple with the ability to have sharp insight in practical affairs, and the young with knowledge and foresight.

If sinners entice you, do not give in, do not go with them. Keep your feet from their path - it leads to evil.

Make your ear attentive to wisdom and your mind open to discernment.

If you seek understanding and discernment, search for them as if you were searching for treasures, then you will understand the fear of YHWH and attain knowledge of Him. He is a Shield for those who live blamelessly.

You will understand what is right, just and equitable because wisdom will enter your mind and knowledge will delight you. Foresight will protect you and discernment will guide you and save you from the way of evil men.

So follow the way of the good and keep to the paths of the just for the upright will inhabit the earth, the blameless will remain in it. The wicked shall vanish from the land and the treacherous shall be rooted out of it.
