Showing posts with label distractions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label distractions. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2018

Current Events

Things aren't much different in today's world from what they were when Y'shua walked this earth. He fought against false religions and corrupt governments while teaching about love and obedience.  He was the victim of a 'hate crime' in a society that embraced worldly things while shunning the rules that had been given by the one true God- YHWH.  Things were such that the Apostles thought that they were living in the end times. A couple thousand years later and it looks like we are living in the end times.

There have been famines, wars and rumors of wars going on for a long time.  Nations and kingdoms have risen up and fought each other as the years go by. There have been plagues and diseases then as well as now.  The only thing different is that all these 'signs' have been getting worse, like labor pains which begin with a twinge now and again, becoming closer together and building in intensity as time goes by. Things are bad now, and they will get worse.

Another facet of this time frame is the government system that will be in place as recorded and described in the writings of Daniel concerning the visions he was given. The 'signs' play into these visions of the future which Y'shua referred to while talking with his Apostles when telling about what will happen prior to his return.

Please read scriptures for more details, including Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11; Joel 2:2.

While all of this is taking place we are told not to worry because all this must happen first, then the end will come.

There are many 'good causes' in today's world that many people involve themselves with of which some I am now seeing as distractions from seeing what is really going on deep in the darkness where those ruling the world are inspired by the spirit of Satan.  We cannot save the world nor have we been commanded to try and do so. We've been told certain things must happen and not to worry. We are to stay busy in our communities, following the Instructions left for us by our Creator which were reaffirmed by His Son.  We continue to seek YHWH Elohim as if looking for treasure and His Spirit will guide us as it reveals the truth in all matters.  We comfort one another with the Hope we have in the Good News of the Kingdom to come.

How do I say this without sounding heartless? Marching in a protest, signing petitions or writing your congressman about an issue really doesn't accomplish much of anything, does it? Just makes you feel better because you 'did something' (regardless of the outcome). The more truth we find lurking behind the facade of government (and religions) the harder it is to play their games. This is part and parcel to coming out of Egypt aka Babylon aka the current world system. Once we're out we are free to take care of our own house, neighbor and community the way our Creator intended it to be. 

By choosing not to participate in organized protests, marches, fundraisers or meetings I am not, in turn, contributing to the status quo those folks think they are fighting against. In the same breath I support sharing knowledge of these hot topics which empowers each individual to choose to leave it behind and live life to the fullest until the return of Y'shua. Don't join this group or follow that fad thinking you're doing worldly good. Love starts at home, with family and friends and then your community.

Chemtrails - Fracking - Homosexuals - Artificial Intelligence - Militarized Police - Globalized Military - Trade Wars - Border Wars - Racism - Weaponized Weather - GMOs - Food Additives - Space Exploration - Global Warming - Gun Control - Birth Control - Mind Control - Red Flags - Crisis Actors - Hate Crimes - Thought Crimes - 24/7 Surveillance

These are some of the things which are constantly pinging our conscience and subconsciousness, day in and day out. Do not let them wear you down. Shut off the news, stop reading the daily paper. These 'news worthy items' are beyond our control and weaken our emotional state of mind which opens the door for physical illness to follow. They distract us from ourselves, our home, our community and most of all they distract us from our Creator. We cannot save the world nor is it our job to do so. The Son of YHWH will take care of that.

In Matthew Chapter 24 we are told not to fall for the deceptions. We are told we will hear of revolutions, wars and rumors of war but we are not worry, these things must happen but it is not the end yet. Be comforted in knowing the times we are living in and that His Kingdom is near.

Nations have been and continue to rise up against and fight each other. There are famines, food shortages, plagues, diseases and earthquakes in various places. We are indeed in the time line called 'the beginning of sorrows', but the beginning part is way past us and there is more to come.

Let's spend our time wisely and reaffirm our commitment to the One who created us. Let us leave the worldly stuff behind and allow His Spirit to reveal what's next in our lives as Set Apart Believers.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


I have talked about distractions before but have recently experienced one that has opened up another look at this topic from a different angle.
I was attending to some work and watching a trash removal truck picking up the dumpster we use. The next thing I knew I was on the ground. I had stepped into a deep rut and it threw me to the rocky ground below. Just a few microseconds of wordless thought I interpreted as "What? How'd I get down here?" and I forcefully picked myself up, making note that nothing felt broken. I tried to brush off the dust as I continued on my way to meet with the driver of the truck. 
The palm of my hand was gouged, bruised and bleeding, there was a hole in my pant leg where my knee crashed into jagged rocks. I felt like I had been kicked by a mule, but I approached the driver as if nothing was wrong. We made arrangements to move the dumpster and he was to follow me as I drove up the hill to the new location. While the pain of being body slammed into the hard packed earth was making itself more noticeable, a couple drive up in their Kubota 4-Wheeler and I wince as I try to greet our new neighbors. I feel like I am going into shock but keep forcing myself to interact with these nice folks. The dumpster gets placed in its new location, the new neighbors drive off and I slowly hobble back to my truck and go home. 
First, I gave thanks to Yahweh for keeping my bones from breaking, keeping my glasses on my face and giving me strength to finish my obligation at that time. Secondly, I pondered those microseconds of wordless thoughts; feelings that my conscience recognized as words and interpreted for my brain. I knew what was 'being said' without any words. Thirdly, I washed out my wounds with peroxide, took a couple of aspirins and put an ice pack on my neck and shoulder.
If I hadn't been distracted I would have stayed steady on the path, would have recognized the threat that the rut posed and avoided it.


One of the online Bible study groups I visit has members who like to share videos about various topics that I, too, had discovered back in the day, but now see them as distractions. "Learn it and move on" is my attitude now because so many get wrapped up in them that they cannot move on. I realize they are sharing remarkable information and it's worth knowing some of these things. I had been there and done that... Over the years I've read the same eye opening articles revealing the truth behind life as we know it from various people who have done their own research through the years on the Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, Illuminati, Aleister Crowley, the pope, the freemason, the jesuits and on and on.  
I was a Conspiracy Theorist long before it was cool 😉

The resulting truth is we've been brainwashed from birth! We've been given over to the world system run by the "Powers that Be" and it seemed all normal to us, until now. This knowledge of the lies that have been handed down through the generations is a powerful tool that we can use to set ourselves free in order come out of the world system (ie Egypt; Babylon; Slavery; False Religions). We can choose to unplug from the matrix, but to keep dwelling on the above mentioned discoveries is what becomes a stumbling block at best, and a snare at worst. The more time we spend in this "behind the scenes" realm, the less time we spend in the Word of Elohim.

What happens to many as they continue searching these topics looking for more, they get tempted by almost anybody's post, webpage, video or blog that uses some truth (as bait) then interweave their own doctrine, imagination and other theories of fantasies that have the potential to draw one deeper into nonsense. THOSE are the sites I strongly protest against. Those places I tie in with Yah's prophesied "Strong Delusion". 

When a believer shares one of those sources to prove something, or tie it in with Scriptures, I must point out the included deceptions and warn against sharing it with the 'group' or anyone else for that matter. When that believer becomes defensive, it is clear that they've been hooked. It's a responsibility to warn fellow believers when there is a threat, or a deception veiled in truth.  

Fifteen years ago it was a lot easier to surf the web and find reliable websites which provided accurate details from combined years of research on the Dark Side of life. There's a lot more junk to dig through these days causing several rabbit trails that lead nowhere.  The truth of the matter is, the truth is being pushed into the background of cyberspace. 

Bottom line is Yahweh provided everything we need to know but we won't know it unless we read it. If we won't read it His Spirit has nothing to work with and we won't get anywhere. We accept any 'truth' without question.

Scriptures contain the highlights and lowlifes of times gone by as an example for us so that we won't make the same mistakes they did. I feel I am acting in the same way when rebuking fellow believers who seem to get stuck in a rut: don't make the same mistakes I did. 

In my zeal I may appear overbearing to some. While I don't always express my feelings with the right words or the right words get taken in the wrong way, some think me unfair and lacking love for my brothers. In this I see how distractions really lay hooks in people's imagination that when presented with facts supporting the truth of the matter, they firmly choose to defend their version of things.

I'm not talking about new-comers to the Hebrew aspect of our faith. We know even Yahweh did not lay out all His rules, laws, regulations and teachings for His people on day one; how overwhelming that would have been! But when I am interacting with fellow believers who seem to be on the same page, who are on the 'same part of the Path', and when questionable activity of some sort arises, it is my responsibility to bring it to light: first with the person and then with a couple of others who understand what's going on. After that, it is the person's responsibility to see the error of his ways and change. Also, in this process, when I take the matter to the other 2 or 3 knowledgeable ones, they may point out the error of my way; then I humbly apologize and step away from the matter and take a fresh look at the topic at hand, and stand corrected. This method of correction applies to all Set Apart believers, and this is how we behave as One People with One God. If the person of interest cannot reconcile with the truth then that person must leave the camp for at least seven days, to search and study the Word. If that person still doesn't 'see the light' then they will be cut off from the assembly. Reason being, if that person was allowed to stay in the assembly it would cause a division and therein we have the foothold of Satan.

The other facet of distractions is what Yahweh says and what people think is OK.

If Yah says this is the way I want it done, and I say OK but I'm going to do this this and this, too.... who do I think I'm kidding? I just disobeyed the Father. 

One of the examples of this concept are Nadab and Abihu, two sons of Aaron, who being trained as priests were given specific duties. They decided to add their own ideas along with Yahweh's Instructions. They died by a fire sent from Yahweh on the spot. (Leviticus 10) 

It is obvious to me that we are not to make unauthorized, foreign or profane offerings, thinking we are pleasing or even doing better than what our Creator clearly instructed.  This points to the traditions of man, doing what he will to the point of forgetting the rules laid out by Yahweh, even forgetting His Name.

My concerns are about folks who mix and mingle tradition with Yah's set times, thinking it is perfectly alright to do so, and providing quotes out of context to support their 'intentions'.  The Passover seder is one that comes to mind. Ten days of awe is another. Camping out anywhere USA is another, thinking we're celebrating Sukkot. Chanukah, Purim, just to name a few. His Instructions are clear and we have also been instructed not to 'add to' or 'take away from' His Truth, the Word of Elohim.

And so, to close this out: 
I removed myself from that online group of nice folks I mentioned earlier, and I will spend less time on the internet because of it, and get back to immersing myself in the Word of Yahweh. I will refresh my packet of seeds of His Truth and continue scattering them here in this blog and in my 'online' group which isn't really a group. It is a depository of useful information that I pray will be helpful to anyone in need.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Know Your Enemy

Yah's Instructions include governance over various aspects of community life and health care, and teach us to recognize what is good and what is evil. Now, this would not be necessary if all was still good- but Satan changed that back in the days of the Garden. Yahweh saw everything was good- Satan made Eve believe it could be better. Even Adam fell for it. Satan played with Eve's imagination. Adam and Eve's 'needs' were totally provided for by the Creator, but Satan, wanting to be 'god' duped them into believing they had 'wants' to fulfill as well. He caused them to 'doubt' the Word of Elohim.

  • fear : suspect
  • to call into question the truth of : to be uncertain
  • to lack confidence in : distrust 
  • to consider unlikely
While reading Scriptures we come across a theme that repeats over and over: Yahweh's people straying from His Path (His Instructions) to the point of turning their backs on Him and even forgetting His Name.  Their faith- trust; confidence; certainty- erodes over time. Only a few cling to His Word, but many go the way of the world which is the way of the pagan: Satan's own path of unrighteousness that leads to destruction: life in Fire Lake.

Definition of Pagan:

  • heathen
  • a follower of a polytheistic religion
  • one who has little or no religion; who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods
  • an irreligious or hedonistic person
  • neo-pagan: witches, druids, goddess worshippers, new-agers and other groups seen in America today
Ezekiel 28:11 is a dirge intoned over the king of Tyre, who is also a type and shadow of future events.
Yahweh says, "You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and flawless in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of Elohim; every precious stone was your adornment: Carnelian, chrysolite, amethyst, beryl, lapis lazuli, jasper; sapphire, turquoise and emerald; and gold beautifully wrought for you, mined for you, prepared the day you were created.  I created you as a cherub with outstretched shielding wings; and you resided on My holy mountain; you walked among stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways, from the day your were created until wrongdoing was found in you. By your far-flung commerce you were filled with lawlessness and you sinned.  So I have struck you down from the mountain of Elohim and I have destroyed you, O shielding cherub, from among the stones of fire. You grew haughty because of your beauty, you debased your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; I have cast you to the ground, I have made you an object for kings to stare at. By the greatness of your guilt, through the dishonesty of your trading, you desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made a fire issue from you, and it has devoured you; I have reduced you to ashes on the ground, in the sight of all who behold you. 
Satan's pride caused him to fall from his estate in the heavenly realm - ego, self-love and envy all played their part. He let 'earthly desires' cloud his decision-making and he used his position with Almighty Yahweh to convince others to follow him. He caused them to 'doubt' Yahweh.


  • something contrived such as a plan, procedure, technique
  • a scheme to deceive 
  • something fanciful, elaborate, or intricate in design
  • something in a literary work designed to achieve a particular artistic effect 
  • a conventional means used to achieve a particular dramatic effect
  • a piece of equipment or a mechanism designed to serve a special purpose or perform a special function 
  • desire or inclination
  • an emblematic design used especially as a heraldic bearing: design or image depicted on a shield
The Apostle Paul left us a general description of some of the “devices” that Set Apart believers should be aware of.
2 Timothy 4:3- For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
1 Timothy 4:1- Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.
Ephesians 4:14- That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive
1 Timothy 6:20- O Timothy, keep that which is committed to your trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called
We are to beware of:
PHILOSOPHY (including Psychiatry and Psychology); the TRADITION of men and the RUDIMENTS of the world (i.e. the elements and essentials of a culture); FABLES (i.e. imaginary tales); DOCTRINES of devils and men (i.e. ALL FALSE DOCTRINE contrary to the Holy Scriptures); and SCIENCE – FALSELY SO CALLED (i.e. Humanistic: Biological Evolution; Geological Origins and Cosmology, etc.).

Acts 20:26- Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of Yahweh. Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Ruach haKodesh has made you overseers, to feed the assembly of Yahweh, which he has purchased with his own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.  Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.
Romans 16:17- Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Master Y'shua, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Satan has devised many distractions to keep us from our Creator. Become aware of them all. Resist temptations and the devil will flee from you.


  • the act of distracting or the state of being distracted
  • mental confusion
  • something that distracts
  • an object that directs one's attention away from something else
  • amusement
Some forms of Distraction:
Sports (pagan origins)
Amusement Parks
Movies (mental conditioning)
Actors (paid professional liars)
Various Games
Cell Phones
Fashion Trends
Commercials (subliminal manipulation)
Most Music (including Christian Rock)
Most Dancing (click here)
Celebrating Birthdays and other 'holidays'
All forms of Entertainment

Monday, May 7, 2012

To Infinity and Beyond

All the deceptions going on in America these days will divert everyone's attention from what is happening behind the scenes as well as right before their eyes. There is a much bigger picture to be realized. Currently, if everyone is occupied with electronic devices (texting, etc...), meaningless entertainment (TV), finding a cause for imagined justice, digging up dirt on potential candidates, or blaming the rich for being successful, or believing what main stream media feeds them, creating a mental atmosphere of chaos, lies and deceit, then it will be very easy for them to believe the next set of lies coming their way.

Remember, Satan is the Father of Lies and Distractions, and wants to be god. He was slowed down once by a flood that wiped away almost all his evil. He is spiritually defeated by the shed blood of Y'Shua Mashiyach, and yet, he still has a little time left! He will be allowed one more attempt to steal us away from our Creator so it is very important that we are paying attention.

Update 11/2017::: We may be seeing folks lining up behind Francis, the possible false prophet (religious leader) of Revelation who will convince everyone to support the coming world leader.... Satan is the Father of Lies and Distractions, and wants to be god. He could be waving the Vatican over here in one hand distracting us to the government he is in the process of reviving. The covenant Yah made with Abraham continues through his descendants Isaac and Jacob. Ishmael (born of Hagar the Egyptian) was 14 yrs. old when Isaac was born. Yah promised to make a great nation of him, too, but kept His covenant through Isaac. And then Esau and Jacob are born and the ever lasting hatred begins. Esau sells his birthright to Jacob and ends up rebelling against his father Jacob/Israel. He goes to Ishmael and adds to his wives the daughter of Ishmael. ~~ If Yah loves Jacob but hates Esau it makes sense that Satan would choose the descendants of Esau to bring his short lived 'kingdom' to life during the end time scenario. Who are the descendants (the Edomites) of Esau in today's world? We can say Arabs in general but the spirit of Esau's descendants are forever angry at Yahweh, angry at Israel, and and angry with themselves. They never repent and their doom is certain.

Update 6/10/2018: The above link is broken... but I am leaving it here because You Tube removed the video claiming it was 'hate speech'.  If you know me, you would know I would not promote hate, but am strongly involved in bringing truth to the forefront.