Showing posts with label seed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seed. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Prepare for the Kingdom to Come

Matthew 13:10
Then the disciples came to Y'shua and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” He replied, “The knowledge of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven has been given to you, but not to them."

What are those mysteries wrapped up in parables for us to discover? Could this be part of what it means to seek Yahweh as if searching for treasure?  We shall not be destroyed for lack of knowledge as we continue our study of His Word.

Mark 4:26

The Kingdom of Elohim is like a man who scatters seed on the ground.

Matthew 13:31
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed that a man planted in his field.

Matthew 13:33
The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into three measures of flour, until all of it was leavened."

Matthew 13:44
The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and in his joy he went and sold all he had and bought that field.

Matthew 13:45
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls.

Matthew 18:23
the Kingdom of Heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.

Matthew 20:1
For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard.

Matthew 22:2 
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 

Matthew 25:1
At that time the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom
Part of Seeking Elohim is trying to understand the parables told by His Son. They are not mysteries and can be solved. Yahshua wants us to 'think', use our brains as we seek truth and understanding. I've been told that Scriptures interpret themselves and have found this to be true, which is why we each need to read and study them for ourselves. Not everyone will recognize the Good Shepherd's voice because they lack understanding.  We gain understanding by putting Yahweh first in all things, every day.  We read His Word every day so that the Spirit within us has something to work with!  None of this is by ourselves, but through the will of the Father.

Luke 17:20
Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of Elohim would come, Yshua replied, "The coming of the kingdom of Elohim is not something that can be observed."

Romans 14:17
For The Kingdom of Elohim is not eating and drinking, but the righteousness and the peace and the joy in the Ruach haKodesh.

The Ruach haKodesh is the Spirit of Elohim. It is this same Spirit Y'shua gave to his disciples after he ascended to heaven. It is this same Spirit that comes to life within us as we continue to read and study the Word of Elohim, Yahweh, our Creator.

So, lets break down the above verses into the action noted in each:

Scattering of Seed

Share the teachings of Yahshua and Yah's Instructions for righteous living. Spread the Good News of the nearness of the Kingdom of Yahweh, the earthly Kingdom of Yahshua. Sow them seeds! Let them fall where they may and pray they take hold, but also know when its time to move on.

Mustard Seed
If we had Faith as small as a mustard seed we could command a tree to be uprooted.  It is to our benefit to grow in the Faith once delivered, no matter how little of it we have to start with.

Just a little goes a long way. One person's testimony can affect three other people, and on and on.

Search for Hidden Treasure
The Good News is the Kingdom to come, after the return of Y'shua, we who have been gathered, shall be placed upon our soil - the Promised Land. Yahweh is our treasure. Once we find His Son, we also will find the Creator.

Fine Pearls
Revelation 21:21 describes the 'gates' of the New Jerusalem, which is the Bride of the Lamb.  The 12 gates are twelve pearls, each pearl was one gate. The New Jerusalem event occurs after the thousand years of Y'shua's earthly kingdom, at the time when Yahweh restores all things.  This is indeed a treasure worth seeking!  This is our reward, the life of our souls, life eternal.

Settling Accounts
Get your own house in order before Judgment Day. Get rid of all ungodliness in your life. Forgive those who have done you wrong and don't forget to forgive yourself. 

Workers for the Harvest
Isaiah 5:7 "For the vineyard of Elohim is the house of Israel and the seedlings He lovingly tended are the men of Judah."  Teach one another the Word of Yahweh. Share your testimony and the truth of Yahshua. Help one another prepare for the harvest, when Set Apart believers are gathered together at his return.

Wedding Banquet
We have been invited to this banquet, the one prepared by the Father for His Son. We've been given plenty of time to get ready to attend.

Meet the Bridegroom
Let us be properly prepared - full of the Ruach haKodesh = The Spirit of Truth, prior to the return of Y'shua.  If we are full of His Spirit (pure olive oil) we will not fall for whatever deceptions come our way, nor shall we wander off still searching.  We will enter into the banquet hall before the door is shut and locked. 

We have been told beforehand all these things that will take place somewhere in the future, whether near or far.  The rules and regulations apply to each and everyone of us and it is our choice to take heed and act accordingly, for our well being; or we choose not to pay attention and go on living, drinking, eating and letting ourselves be distracted by daily life, until its too late. Just as the door to the ark was closed in the days of Noah, and no one could enter afterward, so shall the door to the banquet hall be closed and locked.  It will be too late for those who ignored all the signs and wonders, who did not study and learn His Instructions in Righteousness, who did not recognize the Good Shepherd's voice.