Showing posts with label disabled euthanasia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disabled euthanasia. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Holocaust wasn't just about the Jews

Quotes from Ariel's Exegesis

"The Nazi persecution of the physically and mentally disabled was their first step in their quest for racial purity."

The Nazi attempt to eliminate the disabled population began with the introduction of two laws on 14th July 1933:
The Law for Prevention of Progeny With Hereditary Disorders, and the Law for Prevention of Genetically Disabled Offspring. These two laws enforced sterilization for those deemed to be disabled resulting in up to 300,000 sterilizations being performed in the 1930s.
The second major step, for both the disabled community and the Nazi eugenic program, came with the ‘euthanasia’ of the Knauer child in 1939.  This case became the pretext for the development of the child euthanasia program. This program involved the recording of all births which displayed deformity or disease. These reports were sent to a centralized board which decided whether or not the child, under the age of three, shall live or be “cleaned.” Initially, the termination of chosen children was carried out by the local hospital.
The T4 “euthanasia” program predated what is referred to as the Holocaust by two years, but continued informally during it and disabled people were later sent to concentration camps with other groups.

The Gypsies were another group singled out for persecution, and then extermination, under the Nazi eugenic program. The Gypsies, as with the Jews and the disabled, were considered to be a threat to Nazi racial purity.

Thus, the Gypsies were sterilized under the Law for Genetically Diseased Offspring of July 14th 1933. Subsequently, the Gypsies were detained and had their citizenship revoked upon the basis of being defined as “aliens”. From 1936-1939 the Nazies ‘registered’ the Gypsy population resulting in deportation, incarceration, or to be left alone. The Gypsies were among the first to be exterminated after the commencement of the Second World War, whilst in many cases Gypsy deportation preceded Jewish deportation.  They were victims of the Holocaust, selected for sterilization, deportation and extermination on the basis of their racial threat to Aryan blood.

The Nazi attack on homosexuality began in July 14th 1933 with the introduction of the Law for Prevention of Hereditary Diseases and in November 1933 with the introduction of the Law Against Dangerous Habitual Criminals and Sexual Offenders. This situation was augmented in 1935 with the introduced sub-clause A to Paragraph 175, making homosexuality illegal. 
Victims of this 'ethnic cleansing' also included priests as well as communists, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Poles and other Slavic peoples, blacks and resistance fighters.  Some historians claim there were 5 million besides Jewish people who were killed by the Nazi's attempt at racial purification.
Besides that ....
"Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor at Auschwitz, was fascinated by identical twins and tortured them for horrific experiments, under the precept of furthering his research into genetics.  His procedures included unnecessary amputations, injecting chemicals into eyes to try to change eye color, and intentionally infecting one twin with disease then transfusing blood into the other to see if the second twin survived. A pathologist who worked with him has recalled Mengele personally killing 14 twins in one night, with chloroform injections to their hearts."

I agree with many that this was a time of pure evil — systematic evil, state-sponsored evil, industrialized killing, mass murders — the death camps and the people who served in these camps.  We were shown how evil man can be.

Just for comparison:
Stalin was responsible for over 40 million deaths
Mao Zedong = over 45 million deaths
HIrohito = 6 million
Lenin = 4 million
Saddam Hussein = 2 million