Showing posts with label games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label games. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Follow the Trail

I began this research in Jan. 2021; composed this post in June; published in November 2021
I have learned that Fort Detrick was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program from 1943 to 1969. Since the supposed discontinuation of that program, it has hosted most elements of the United States biological defense program. It was recently shut down in July 2019 and resumed operations in November 2019.    

I have read that in the months leading up to the outbreak of 'the virus' in China, US media reported an outbreak of a fatal respiratory disease of unknown cause near Fort Detrick. Fort Detrick, being America’s main biological warfare lab, had been ordered to shut down after an inspection because of fears that 'contaminated waste' could leak out of the facility. This was just before the onset of an unknown infectious disease. This is not the first time the lab has been temporarily shut down due to failures in handling the dangerous pathogens inside. In 2009, research at Fort Detrick was suspended because it was discovered it was storing pathogens which were not listed on its inventory.

An anonymous ex-employee of the bio-weapon lab at Fort Detrick testified that Professor Ralph Baric is the creator of "the virus".

Is it a coincident that the 2019 Military World Games began in Wuhan the same day as Event 201 took place at the Pierre Hotel in New York in October? The Event 201 'pandemic exercise' demonstrated a number of important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that would be needed to fill them. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly proposed the recommendations.
(If you recall, this same sort of coincidental timing happened prior to the take down of the World Trade towers, the bombing of the Pentagon and alleged plane crash in Shanksville.  Those events were preplanned and staged in order for the US to wage war against 'terrorism' and, more importantly, sign the Patriot Act into law. Today's situation might be the staged event for war against China. Just a thought to ponder).

Dec. 30, 2019: The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issues an “urgent notice” to medical institutions in Wuhan, saying that cases of pneumonia of unknown cause have emerged from the city’s Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.

Chinese virologists discovered conclusively that the original source of the virus was not China, nor Wuhan, nor the seafood market, but had been traced to the US, a possible scenario being that the virus might have originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July, because of outbreaks), and brought to China during the World Military Games in October 2019. (This is what I have suspected all along which is why Biden suddenly shut down the virus investigation May 2021 = it leads back to the US).

Quote: Americans did their best to deflect culpability by crafting tales of bats, snakes, pangolins, the seafood market, the Wuhan University being a bio-weapons facility (which it is not), and the CIA tale leaked through the VOA and Radio Free Asia that the virus leaked from that university. They stated (factually) that Chinese researchers had participated (7 years ago) in similar virus research funded by the US NIH, thus somehow insinuating Chinese culpability, ignoring that the prior research was irrelevant to current events. (end quote)

Moving On....
I just read an article by Mr. Adams about TDS (the deep state) planning another false flag attack which will blame "antivaxxers" and "gun owners". 

""It was suggested that the false flag operation is "perhaps just weeks away" and the ATF will be in charge, and at the same time the vaccine industry is looking for a way to "criminalize and shut down all anti-vaxxer content online".  TDS figures they can “kill two birds with one stone” and stage a false flag attack of some type that will "depict anti-vaxxers as violent gun owners pursuing murder and mayhem". With the obedient media ready to push whatever narrative they’re handed, this story can be told with tremendous effectiveness, resulting in a nationwide outcry to criminalize and shut down both “anti-vaxxer” speech and to confiscate all AR-15s nationwide.

If you don’t think they’ll try this, you have no clue how desperate they are to reach their milestone of 70% vaccine uptake by U.S. adults. That was explained to me as the other key point, that world leaders are being ordered to achieve vaccine milestones in their countries, and that these milestones must be achieved by any means necessary. Just today, rumor is that Italy is now pushing a covid vaccine mandate into law, forcing every citizen of Italy to take the shot. And California just rolled out a new statewide vaccine lottery to encourage low-IQ people to take the vaccine death shot there. These incentives are all part of the effort to reach their vaccine milestones as easily as possible.
Government waging all-out war to silence and disrupt anti-vaxxers

In this call, I was told that if I continue to talk about war crimes tribunals, Natural News would be completely taken down and removed from the internet. My guess is that the people involved in gain-of-function research have come to realize they will really face war crimes prosecutions as more truth unfolds, and they are using every tactic possible to threaten those who might remind fellow human beings that running mass medical experiments on humanity is a crime against humanity.

Right on time, the NY Times is pushing out tweets that state anyone talking about the covid lab leak theory is “racist.”

The message is clear: Don’t you dare look into the origins of "the virus" because that would lead directly to incriminating evidence against Fauci and his cohorts. It will also expose the truth about the vaccines, since they are using the spike protein particles that serve as the payload for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. If those spike proteins turn out to be enhanced or engineered in part through gain-of-function research — which they obviously were — then it means billions of human beings are being injected with genetically engineered bioweapons.

The “lab theory” very quickly morphs into a “bioweapons” explanation, which then exposes the vaccines as depopulation weapons.

And that’s the essence of the global vaccine depopulation plan: Inject billions now, before the truth comes out, knowing that by the time people realize what has happened, they’re already in the process of dying from the vaccine effects. Since you can’t undo a spike protein injection, most of those who took the vaccine will be beyond recovery.

The global depopulation goal is somewhere around six billion people, and according to a recent Gallup poll, there are at least a billion people worldwide who refuse to take the vaccine. That same poll found that a little over two-thirds of people around the world are currently willing to get the vaccine. This means the vaccine is going to have to be forced onto many people in order to reach the 70% global goal. And that’s the low end of their global goal. They really want a global population reduction of 90%.

Thus, the vaccine push is going through five phases:

Phase 1: Vaccinate the easy people who can’t wait to get the shot. (done)
Phase 2: Offer incentives and rewards to convince those on the fence. (Free donuts, free beer, lottery tickets, etc.) This is happening now.
Phase 3: Punish those who refuse to get vaccinated by taking away their rights (no entry, no travel, etc.). This is happening now.
Phase 4: Criminalize vaccine resisters by passing mandatory vaccine laws. (this is in progress)
Phase 5: Gunpoint medicine: Launch door-to-door vaccine squads to forcibly vaccinate people at gunpoint, against their will. (door to door has been reported but not at gunpoint..... yet)""

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Forwarded Email that's one of my Favorites

The way things were... do you remember these things?

A little house with three bedrooms, 
One bathroom and one car on the street.
A mower that you had to push 
To make the grass look neat.

In the kitchen on the wall We only had one phone,
And no need for recording things, Someone was always home.

We only had a living room Where we would congregate,
Unless it was at meal time- In the kitchen's where we ate.

We had no need for family rooms Or extra rooms to dine.
When meeting as a family, Those two rooms worked out fine.

We only had one TV set And channels maybe two,
But always there was one of them With something worth the view.

For snacks we had potato chips That tasted like a chip.
And if you wanted flavor, There was Lipton's onion dip.
Store-bought snacks were rare because My mother liked to cook
And nothing can compare to snacks In Betty Crocker's book.

Weekends were for family trips- Or staying home to play.
We all did things together -Even went to church to pray.
When we did our weekend trips, Depending on the weather,
No one stayed at home because We liked to be together.
Sometimes we would separate, To do things on our own,
But we knew where the others were Without a cell phone.

Then there were the movies With your favorite movie star,
And nothing can compare To watching movies in your car.

Then there were the picnics At the peak of summer season,
Pack a lunch and find some trees And never need a reason.
Get a baseball game together With all the friends you know,
Have real action playing ball --And no game playing video.

Remember when the doctor Used to be the family friend,
And didn't need insurance Or a lawyer to defend?
The way that he took care of you Or what he had to do,
Because he took an oath and strived To do the best for you.

Remember going to the store And shopping casually,
And when you went to pay for it You used your own money?
Nothing that you had to swipe Or punch in some amount,
And remember when the cashier person Had to really count?

The milkman used to go From door to door,
And it was just a few cents more Than going to the store.

There was a time when mailed letters Came right to your door,
Without a lot of junk mail ads Sent out by every store.
The mailman knew each house by name And knew where it was sent;
There were not loads of mail addressed To "present occupant."

There was a time when just one glance Was all that it would take,
And you would know the kind of car, The model and the make.
They didn't look like turtles Trying to squeeze out every mile; 
They were streamlined, white walls, fins And really had some style.

One time the music that you played Whenever you would jive,
Was from a vinyl, big-holed record Called a forty-five.
The record player had a post To keep them all in line
And then the records would drop down And play one at a time.

Oh sure, we had our problems then, Just like we do today
And always we were striving,Trying for a better way.
Oh, the simple life we lived Still seems like so much fun,
How can you explain a game, Just kick the can and run?

And why would boys put baseball cards Between bicycle spokes
And for a nickel, red machines had little bottled Cokes?

This life seemed so much easier and slower in some ways. 
I love the new technology but I sure do miss those days. 
So time moves on and so do we and nothing stays the same,
but I sure love to reminisce and walk down memory lane.