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Showing posts with label choice. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2008

Traditions of Men - Hard habits to break

I think one of the hardest things for any professing Christian is to give up the traditional holiday festivities. 

We are raised believing in Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Ghosts and Goblins, sunrise service and other distractions put in our way by Satan. We don't know any better because that's what mom and dad have done and their folks and their folks before them. Innocently enough, little white lies and fairy tales have kept us off His Path.

That's how it was for me until I started asking questions, and I only started asking those questions a handful of years ago. What, why, who and when.... 

None of it will make sense unless you are pointed in the direction of life on a straight path that leads to a narrow gate. It ain't easy but we do it out of love and gratitude for our heavenly Father and His Son. We must choose to participate in His plan else we get nothing out of it. 

I think the main reason we look forward to the holidays is because they are so festive with all the lights and colors and good food and drink. Families get together, make time for one another and no doubt there is love there, too, but it's all performed beneath the pagan decorations of another lifetime. To YHWH it has the outward appearance of pagan worship. It smacks of Babylonian ways which He warned us to stay away from more than once. 

Some facts are: 
There is plenty available for historical research about the origins of what we think are American, Christian holidays. We have been lead astray and by that I mean Satan has taken us by the hand and walked us in the opposite direction from which YHWH desires us to go. It would be wise to choose to remain on that straight path that leads to the narrow gate. That means turning our backs on these pagan festivals. We do so with the help of His son, Y'shua, because with out him, we are fair game for the Adversary- Satan.

This is just one of many steps in the spiritual journey that returns us to the King of the Universe, YHWH, our Creator.