Showing posts with label ask. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ask. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Study and Learn

I desire to share the knowledge contained in Scriptures in regards to giving up the traditions of man which have been handed down through the generations. In Scriptures this is referred to "inheriting the lies of our fathers". This is a touchy subject for Christians who think they are doing the 'right thing' by keeping holidays "in the name of Christ". It has also become a stumbling block for those who believe they are keeping Torah. Many have substituted one religion for another.

If we take up the practice of Bible Study, we must study the whole thing and not just what pleases us. I had a friend who got tired of my perceptions of Elohim because she said I was part of the 'doom and gloom' club. She told me she was born again at a young age. I think she became too comfortable with that claim and ignored Yah's warnings, like many others, by sweeping them under the 'doom and gloom' rug.

It most certainly is doom and gloom for sinners and we were all born of sin which is why Yahweh gave us His Only Son, that we may choose Life and realize we can leave doom and gloom behind us! The study of Scriptures is a Learning Process. While we learn His truth, our eyes become opened and we recognize His Voice in all things. As we learn we continue to grow spiritually and more understanding is given us. There were things He said 'back in the day' that couldn't be understood because it was for a future time. We are that Future Time.

I think it is absolutely wonderful that our Father is so loving and caring that He gives everyone every single possible chance to return to Him. Soon, there will be no more time - and it's not that He has run out of patience, rather, He always keeps His promises and the end of this world shall come.

If you have a hard time accepting truth once you've found it, don't hesitate to ask me about it, or others in the Faith in Yahweh group. I will do my best to help shed His light towards a better understanding. We are on His Path together, helping one another along. This challenges me to continue to seek Yahweh our Elohim as if He were treasure!

It is a learning processes - we ask - we learn - we gain an ounce of understanding and keep going! It is the most important lesson of our life.