Showing posts with label christians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christians. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2019

Learn The Truth in order to See The Truth

My Facebook friend's list just got smaller. Mrs. A unfriended me after a 'discussion' I have copied and pasted here to share as another study.

I love her. Both she and her husband have studied the Word but like many before them have followed the rabbit trail into Judaism, which I am beginning to see as the Wide Gate for all religious beliefs to enter. She and I have had several good discussions in the past but I guess me pointing out the facts about the role of Jerusalem as capital of Israel was the last straw.

Mrs. A posted:
The six day war of 1967 led to Israel getting Jerusalem back after 2000 years. Fifty years later Trump becomes President. Could he symbolize a trump being blown? For another Jubilee? "You shall count seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, so that the time of the seven weeks of years shall give you forty-nine years. Then you shall sound the loud trumpet on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the Day of Atonement you shall sound the trumpet throughout all your land." Leviticus 25:8-9

On December 6, 2017, US President Donald Trump announced the United States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and ordered the planning of the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

My Reply:
Spiritually, Jerusalem is the center of the world according to our Creator. Historically, Jerusalem was capital of the State of Israel beginning again in 1948 although became divided with the western section being the capital. The Six Day War reunited the city. In 1980 the Knesset passed the Basic Law - Jerusalem, which restated Israel's rights and obligations concerning the capital.

All Trump did was acknowledge the existing fact and decide to relocate the American Embassy. Two years later and from what I understand, the ambassador and his staff have moved to the US Consulate in Jerusalem but the main branch is still in Tel Aviv.

(Basically, I pointed out it didn't take 2000 years for Israel to get Jerusalem back. Her reply switches from Israel to the world's opinion of Jerusalem)

Mrs. A:
The world never recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and even today its divided. (seems she copied and pasted the following - I deleted the number references.)
After 1948, since the old walled city in its entirety was to the east of the armistice line, Jordan was able to take control of all the holy places therein. While Muslim holy sites were maintained and renovated, contrary to the terms of the armistice agreement, Jews were denied access to Jewish holy sites, many of which were destroyed or desecrated. Jordan allowed only very limited access to Christian holy sites, and restrictions were imposed on the Christian population that led many to leave the city. Of the 58 synagogues in the Old City, half were either razed or converted to stables and hen-houses over the course of the next 19 years, including the Hurva and the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue. The 3,000-year-old Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery was desecrated, with gravestones used to build roads, latrines and Jordanian army fortifications. 38,000 graves in the Jewish Cemetery were destroyed, and Jews were forbidden from being buried there. The Western Wall was transformed into an exclusively Muslim holy site associated with al-Buraq. Israeli authorities neglected to protect the tombs in the Muslim Mamilla Cemetery in West Jerusalem, which contains the remains of figures from the early Islamic period, facilitating the creation of a parking lot and public lavatories in 1964. Many other historic and religiously significant buildings were demolished and replaced by modern structures during the Jordanian occupation. During this period, the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque underwent major renovations.
To me all that information didn't explain anything about the Jubilee or Trump or really apply to what we were talking about. Mostly it highlights 'holy sites'. After she posted the above she unfriended me and this is the reply I wasn't allowed to post:
Yes, I mentioned it was divided and you have ignored the fact the Trump really hasn't moved the embassy to Jerusalem. The Jubilee Year is a year of release, not one of making Jerusalem the modern day capital of the nation state of Israel.  We are called to come out of the world system (Babylon) so if the world does not recognize Jerusalem then it is no big deal. We who are Set Apart and follow Y'shua do recognize the importance of Jerusalem as we have been told the end from the beginning.
Since I couldn't post any more I messaged her and asked if she closed comments on this thread. Mrs. A sent me a private message telling me why she unfriended me:
The vast majority of the people on my Facebook are Baptist, Christians, and they don’t get any of this. I don’t want them just blowing everything off. It’s not going to help them if someone is making comments that sound like they disagree with what I am saying. It’s important they start reading the Bible for themselves and not just following the path that has taken them away from God. They are going to have to turn back and return to the roots of the Christian faith as what was taught in the very beginning before evil men came in and corrupted it. Act chapter 11 talks about when the Church in Antioch disciples were first called Christians. It was when Peter first went to talk to them after the dream he had to not call what God called clean unclean. It was the beginning of the ministry to the non Jews. So because of where most of these people are if any of them are even reading anything I post I felt I needed to take you off, sorry, I hope you understand the reason behind it.
I was quietly amazed at her choice to take me out of the picture and I responded as such, including: .... but after seeing your Jonathan Cahn promo posted on your timeline I see the time was right. Maybe if I ranted all the time I could understand you not wanting me to be around and disrupting your space - I could understand that. I sound like I disagree because you sometimes cause me to 'raise an eyebrow', which is good because I always take what you reference right back to Scriptures, and that is when I can see where you're coming from and/or offer up comments to help shine the light a little brighter - we all need it from time to time because we are all still learning. Many times you and I are in agreement but sometimes you go a little too deep into the realm of Jewish tradition. You are not going to save your 'christian' friends all by yourself, or by censoring comments that you don't agree with. I thought that we have always had fair discussions, even when we don't see eye to eye on some topics. We both know not everyone is going to 'get it'. Thanks for the time we did have because I love being in conversation about Scriptures and so few take the time.
(sent this message to her 9/13/2019)

I am sorry to see how comfortable she and her husband have become with the tradition ladened  religion of Judaism. Some day, hopefully, they will 'get it', too. It seems she wants folks to just read and accept her opinion without question. Our Heavenly Father has never been about Christianity or the Church nor did Set Apart believers call themselves Christians - it is about Faith, which Y'shua asked if there would be any when he returns.

How can anyone think they are teaching their 'christian' friends about the Hebrew origins of Scriptures while still promoting the church?  I do understand a gentle approach toward Gentiles when trying to introduce them to YHWH but if you can't get them to ask questions, or get their genuine interest, then what is the use other than spreading seeds and letting them fall where they may.  Trying to tie a Jubilee year in with Trump is really far-fetched.

Please Note:
Acts Chapter 11 verse 26 from the Aramaic English New Testament:
When he found him (Paul), he brought him with him to Antiochia. And they gathered as one, a whole year, and they taught many people in the congregation. From that time the disciples in Antioch were first called Kristianay. (The Apostles do not call themselves Kristianay. They are members of The Way, referred to as Netzarim. It was the Gentiles in Antioch who coined the term 'Kristyane' a greek term for "Messianics").
Romans 11:25 ~For I want to let you know about this secret, brothers, so that you will not claim to be wiser than you are: Stubbornness has come to part of Israel until the full number of the Gentiles comes to faith.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Religious Confusion

Christians have been Hoodwinked...

.... and so have all the other folks who claim to be 'religious' no matter which religion they follow or which 'god' they believe in. It started a very long time ago, back in the Garden when Satan used a very successful tactic that caused Eve to doubt the Word of YHWH Elohim.

This is what I have come to realize as I continue to read and study Scriptures:
"Our Creator" was never about religion or churches or denominations. It was man who turned His perfect system of government into a money making sideshow; a power trip, holding sway over many who, innocently enough, are taken in. 

Once we get in that comfort zone it's hard to come back out. 

I'm not accusing anyone of doing wrong, but I am speaking out against those who knowingly lead others astray. Many of us 'follow the leader' because we grew up trusting people. Many of those leaders have no idea they've missed the mark. Keep in mind that a couple of thousand years have passed since the time of Y'shua our Messiah. Much has been tampered with since then. It is my heart felt obligation to help shine His Light brightly on these falsehoods and encourage everyone to read Scriptures for themselves. It is the Set Apart Spirit of YHWH, His Spirit Wind called the Ruach haKodesh in the Hebrew language, which comforts us with the truth in all matters.

According to Scriptures, faith is not about religion or the doctrines of man. Faith is much more than saying "In God We Trust", going to church and reciting prayers. Faith is our commitment to the Living Elohim who provided an Owner's Manual to go with His Creation which includes all humanity. As we read, study, research, discuss and learn about His ways, the Ruach haKodesh reveals the truth of all things, and it becomes a harmonious relationship in which we gain understanding. It is His Path of Righteousness we continue to move along towards the land of our inheritance. Satan, with his various devices which cause division, tries to stop us from moving along this path, and succeeds in turning many people away from YHWH Elohim our heavenly Father.
John 20:29 - Y'shua said to him, "Now that you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who do not see me and believe."
Followers of Y'shua were called 'Fearers of Elohim' and 'Followers of The Way'. It was the Romans inparticular who used the term "Kristanay" when referring to the Apostles and disciples as a sect, but they never referred to themselves as such. 

Netzarim (Nazareans) refers to the Netzer = little shoot of Isaiah 11:1 that describes the sprouting of the Kingdom of Elohim in Y'shua. Netzarim Assemblies existed as a recognized people group up until 400 AD, however heavy opposition from both Christian and Rabbinical sources forced them underground. Discovering one's Hebrew heritage is a stepping stone in returning to the Netzari Faith, but can also become a snare for those coming out of traditional backgrounds yet still holding onto familiar old ways.
The Hebrew word 'yirah' means 'fear' as in 'awesome and/or terrifying' contrary to the Christian teachings that the "Fear of God" is not really fear but love and respect. Isaiah 29:13 reveals how the Fear of YHWH is taught by the commandment of men, in other words, man's religious theology and tradition has made void the Fear of YHWH. Many Christians prefer the word 'reverence' instead of fear, they also use the title of Reverend for their clergymen and ministers; first negating the term 'Fear of YHWH' then giving it a theological twist to apply it to their own leadership.

Our God = YHWH Elohim
is Awesome and Terrifying
The point I am making is that 'Christianity' is not part of His plan, nor is any other 'religion' as  none of them correctly line up with His original set of instructions found in the first 'five books' of Scriptures. All the world's churches and denominations are spin-offs created by man's own imagination and colorful interpretation of Scriptures, aka: mixing and mingling, an old trick used by Constantine when bringing pagans into the 'church'. 

It is important for us to know a little about the original texts and the words which lost their meaning in translations so as not to be taken in by false teachers. Claiming to be a Christian and belonging to one of its many divisions (denominations) is actually meaningless. I know that's going to hurt some feelings, but please stop and think about it. Are you reading and studying Scriptures for yourself, or are you being taught by someone you trust, without question?

"Trust me..."

Again, let me emphasize, this is not an assault on all 'believers' because, many times, we do what we do because that's the way it's always been. Just because Ma and Pa lived this way doesn't make it right in the eyes of our Creator. And our parents did things because they learned it from their folks, which are traditions passed on through the generations and not all of them adhere to His Instructions or please our Creator YHWH Elohim. 

I share this information for your benefit; something to refer to when making future decisions concerning your walk as you follow after the Messiah. If we are to return to YHWH and the Faith once delivered, then we need to come out of the world system we've been so comfortable with. When we rediscover the Truth of His Word how could we want to continue in those old pagan ways any longer? 

Second Thessalonians 2:9 ~ 
For the coming of that Evil One is the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all the deceptiveness of iniquity in them that perish; because they did not receive the love of the truth by which they might have life. Therefore Elohim will send upon them the strength of a deception that they may believe a lie.
Quote: The price for not receiving the 'love of the truth' is to become overly self-confident in false religion. The 'love of the truth' is the Spirit of Truth which must be sanctified by thought and action. One cannot love the truth and at the same time break the Commandments and teach others to do the same. -- Andrew G. Roth

If you call yourself a 'believer', then it's time to quit feeding the anti-Christ beast. Those who want to sincerely follow Y'shua must wean themselves from worldly governments, churches and religion. Why would a Christian want to support the very institutions which are destroying his relationship with YHWH? Those who support man-made religious systems are living in a world of deception. Abiding by Yah's Instructions in Righteous Living frees us from the bondage of religion. Freedom awaits all those who break away from the religious slavery of church and become a humble servant of Y'shua the Anointed One. 

Let us strive to do the same thing the apostles did and form ourselves into actual communities under the guidance of Yah's anointed and appointed leaders, called out and separated from the world, with none other than Y'shua haMashiyach as our High Priest and King, in the order of Melchizedek. (yeah, I know... it's the trying to find those Yah approved leaders that keeps us scattered)

As a whole, "Christians" have departed from the pattern given by YHWH throughout Scriptures and have built, according to their own wisdom, an artificial religious mess called "church" with all its various denominations. Our Creator wants us to be One, not many.  Satan uses division along with doubt to throw us off His Path of Righteousness. 

It's time to get back to the truth and wisdom of YHWH.