Showing posts with label CE4 study link. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CE4 study link. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2017

The List - for Your further Research and Study

I will now share many of the sites I have bookmarked throughout the years that I used in my studies.  If you are searching out the Truth and desire to live by Yahweh's Instructions, these sites will be of useful insight to both sides of the story.  As you know, I do not belong to any religion as our Creator was never about division. Some of the links below use 'traditional' Christian or Jewish terminology and man made doctrine, so please overlook the religious aspects while digging out those nuggets of truth 👀 

We need to know our enemy as we make use of Yah's survival manual.

I will manage this post from time to time to insure all links still take you to the intended subject matter, but if you run across a broken link, please message me using the comment section at the end of this post.

As Always Scripture is the base upon which to stand while researching sources outside of 'church approved' writings. For example, understanding Hebrew idioms is very helpful in understanding the meaning of many things written of in Scriptures. Reading from Jasher fills in some time lines not written of in Scriptures, but hinted at.  Not all versions of the Bible have the proper interpretations and some are so subtle as to go unnoticed, yet are taught as 'God's gospel truth'. Whichever version of the Bible you have, read it every day and the His Spirit will reveal the truth.  Trust Yahweh and by Faith let His Set Apart Spirit give you discernment in all things.

Oh.... one more thing- I do not promote the buying from or donating to any of these sites. I do not agree with much of the advertisements found on these sites.  These links are for learning, and will help you understand the bigger picture of where we are today and how we got here.

Carry on!

Babylon Defined
The Tower of....

The Creator's Calendar:
New Moon Reckoning
Moon Sighting Study

Those who Mislead His People
False Teachings
Jesuits Explained
A Longer List of...

Jewish Mysticism:

Alien Abductions Explained:
ET or a Demon?

A few links to study Pagan Origins:
Praying for the dead
Names of the Months
Tammuz and Ishtar
The Cross
Bad Dancing
Sun god Worship
Baal and Asherah
Star/Shield of David
Occult Beginnings

Online Bible Study Tools and Reading Materials:
Bible Hub
Bible Study
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Yahweh's Word
Book of Jasher

Highly Recommended:
Authority Research
Corporation USA

And the rest (for now):