Showing posts with label shavuot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shavuot. Show all posts

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Acts Chapters One and Two

In regards to whom was "speaking in tongues during Pentecost" I have learned from reading Scriptures that Acts Chapters 1 and 2 are two separate events: 
  • Chapter 1 relates to the 40th day after the resurrection of Yahshua and the remaining nine days until Shavuot
  • Chapter 2 relates to the 50th day, Shavuot (Pentecost) after the resurrection of  Yahshua and the events of that day

Y'shua and his followers did live according to Yah's Instructions (Torah) and would have observed the celebration of Shavuot per His Instructions:
Exodus 34:22- "Feast of Weeks" is one of the three set times Yahweh commanded His people to observe, coming from their homes to Jerusalem. This is the time of the counting of days (49 days = 7 weeks) from the barley harvest. Day 50 is Shavuot.
Exodus 34:23- He specifies that those three times a year only all the men gather in Jerusalem bringing the appropriate first fruit offerings from the wheat harvest to the priest at the temple.

Leviticus 23:15- gives more detail on procedures, pointing out that on day 50 was when the new grain offering was made.
Deuteronomy 16:9- offers a recap.
This clears up a misconception and shows that only the men gathered at the temple on this day- there were no women in or around the temple during Shavuot, in obedience to the Instructions of Yahweh.  Maryam, the mother of Y'shua, was not there and did not speak a foreign language.  She was, however, gathered with the Apostles and other women in an upper room, according to Acts Chapter 1 a few days before Shavuot.

Chapter 1 is the account of Y'shua giving his final instructions to his Apostles. He tells them not to leave Jerusalem, to wait there for the promise of the Father.  He lets them know that in a few days they would be immersed by the Ruach haKodesh, and when it does they would receive power and be witnesses for Y'shua in Jerusalem, and in all of Judah, also among the Samaritans and to the ends of the earth.  It was after these things he spoke of that they, the Apostles - the men from Galilee - watched him as he was taken up and concealed in a cloud. They were standing there, looking up, when 2 men (angels?) asked, "Galilean men, why are you standing and staring into heaven? This Y'shua who was taken up from you to heaven, likewise he will come just as you have seen him who ascended into heaven."

They, the 11 Apostles, return to Jerusalem and went up into an upper room where they were in steadfast prayer. There were also the women who were with Maryam the mother of Y'shua, and his brothers.  In those days (the 10 day span from when they saw Y'shua taken up and not yet Shavuot, the 50th day) about 120 men had gathered and Simon Peter stands up to speak. He realizes that Scriptures were fulfilled in regards to Judas and also Matthias is chosen as the 12th Apostle.  This ends Chapter 1 of Acts.
  • Matthew 13:55 (the brothers of Yahshua: James, Joseph, Simon and Jude)
Note: It makes sense that during this time that there would be a gathering of Set Apart believers seeking out the Apostles, as men were making the trip to Jerusalem from throughout the territories to bring offerings to the priest at the temple. They were hearing about the death and resurrection of Yahshua.
Chapter 2 Verse 1 begins with the fifty days of Shavuot fulfilled (it is now the 50th day), all were assembled as one in the Father's House = the temple in Jerusalem. A sound from heaven like a roaring wind was heard and the entire House was filled. And it appeared to them like tongues divided and fire sat upon everyone of them, the Apostles, who were then filled with the Ruach haKodesh and were compelled to speak in different languages - just as the Spirit had given them to speak.
This was the promised fulfilled, the one Yahshua had told the Apostles to wait for, written in Chapter 1.
How do we know at this time is was just the 12 Apostles that were being filled with the Set Apart Spirit from Yahweh?  Because those who were hearing them speak in different languages referred to them as Galileans.  (They were also referred to as Galileans in Chapt. 1.) Act 2 verse 7- "... these, all of them who are speaking, are Galileans." It was an astonishing event! Although there were those who were mocking them, and once again Simon Peter stands up to speak and gives testimony. (Verse 14 through 36). Some readily received his word and believed and were immersed - about 3,000 souls that day.  We do not read of anyone else speaking in tongues that day.

From that day onward they were all steadfast in their teaching of the Apostles and were in fellowship in prayer and breaking of bread.  Signs and mighty deeds were performed by the Apostles in Jerusalem.  And all those who had believed shared everything they owned with one another. Those who had a possession would sell it and divide evenly to each according to their needs. Every day they were steadfast in the temple as one soul.  While they received food and rejoiced in the simplicity of their hearts, they were praising Elohim and finding favor with the people. Everyday Master Yahshua would add to those who lived among the congregation.  That ends Acts Chapter 2.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Feast of Weeks = Shavuot

The passover offering was at a specific time: 14th day of the first month, at twilight.  Thus began the seven days of Unleavened Bread and together commemorate Yah's Set Apart People being freed from bondage in Egypt to Pharaoh.  Some 40 years later, after the Israelites settled in the promised land of Canaan and were able to plant fields and harvest crops, we learn of Elohim's next appointed time.
Leviticus 23:10- When you enter the land which I am giving to you and you reap its harvest, you shall bring the first sheaf of your harvest to the priest.  He shall wave the sheaf before YHWH for acceptance in your behalf (on the day after the weekly sabbath).  :14 Until that very day, until you have brought the offering, you shall eat no bread or parched grain or fresh ears, it is a law for all time throughout the ages in all your settlements. :15 from that day after the sabbath you shall count off seven weeks; until the day after the seventh week - fifty days (total) - then you shall bring an offering of new grain to YHWH - two loaves of bread (of the first fruits) as a wave offering, as first fruits to YHWH.  :20 The priest shall offer these- they shall be set apart to YHWH, for the priest. :21 On that same day hold a celebration, a sacred occasion - do no work at your occupations. This is a law for all time in all your settlements, throughout the ages.

In Deuteronomy 16 He names this time the Feast of Weeks. The fiftieth day (Shavuot) is a sacred occasion, a day of 'new grain' offering. As instructed in Leviticus, seven weeks are counted off from when the sickle is first put to standing grain.  As I have learned, both wheat and barley are planted at the same time but barley ripens earlier than the wheat, so this Feast of Weeks begins the day of the barley harvest.  The first fruits of this harvest (sheaf) are taken to the priest as an offering to YHWH.  On the day after those seven weeks, the 50th day, is when a celebration is held commemorating the blessings of YHWH shown in the bounty of the wheat harvest.  This is not a 'date specific' event but hinges on the harvesting of barley, the day the first sheaf is cut.

Three times a year all males went to the place where Yah chose to place His Name: Feast of Unleavened Bread for the passover offering; Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) for the offering of first fruit of the harvest; Feast of Booths (Sukkot) for the offering from the ingathering of the threshing floor and vats (grape harvest).

Deuteronomy 31 points out that every 7th year is set for remission and that every 7th year during the Feast of Booths is when all Israel (all Hebrews and Set Apart believers) come together before YHWH (in His place of choosing).  Torah is read aloud during this time in the presence of all the men, women, children and strangers that they may hear and so learn to revere YHWH our Elohim and to observe faithfully every word of this Teaching = Torah = YHWH's Instructions for His People.
These appointed times are to be observed that we may rejoice in the blessings from YHWH - He blesses our all our undertakings that we may have nothing but joy.  We obey and receive the blessing - Life Eternal.
YHWH appeared to the people at Mount Sinai.  When they had been at the mountain long enough, YHWH instructed the building of the Tabernacle and He traveled with them in the wilderness. Years later, Solomon built the House of Elohim in Jerusalem, the last known place for the priesthood, their duties, and where YHWH attached His Name.  Jerusalem still exists but the temple and priesthood no longer exist.  YHWH's set apart times did not cease to exist. He put them in place, as He said, for all time, throughout the generations and all ages - a command not to be ignored.  There is no excuse for substituting other behavior in place of His Teaching.

We can't make things up and believe that we are truly pleasing YHWH Elohim.  Satan has a counterfeit for almost everything put forth by our Creator; let us not fall into this same patternA similar example given is what happened in 1 Kings 25 when Jeroboam (out of fear of losing his position of power) convinced the Israelites (who had chosen him as king) that they did not need to go to Jerusalem to worship YHWH anymore.  Jeroboam had built 2 temples, one in Bethel and the other in Dan, in which he had a golden calf placed in each, telling them 'this is your god'.  He convinced them that 'God was Everywhere' and it was okay to worship Him anywhere. This is not what Yah taught!  Jeroboam also made cult places and appointed priests from the ranks of people who were not descendants of Levi.  This same example applies to religious traditions of today when teachers and leaders and preachers convince folks of things that just aren't correct according to what is written in Scriptures.

During this time called the Feast of Weeks we are thankful for His bounty in our lives.  We give Him our best every day and are content with what we haveWe are grateful for how He has provided for our needs as we see to the needs of others.  We will not substitute vain imaginings to replace His Instructions.  If you can't take the first sheaf of the harvest to the priest to make an offering in your behalf, don't fake it with anything else.  Jeroboam was 'faking it' and  did not turn back from his evil way whereby the House of Jeroboam incurred guilt.

We must abide by the Creator's Instructions and follow Him with all our heart, doing what is right in His sight.  Lets not be displeasing or provoke YHWH and incur guiltContinue to read Scriptures and let the Ruach haKodesh reveal His Truth.

Monday, October 8, 2012

More about Pagan Holidays

Halloween, christmas, easter, and others... even though I took part in these festivities (from my birth through the mid 90's) I have learned the difference the study of Scriptures.

My friends and family say any time is a good time to praise (Jesus)... but even by unknowingly taking part in pagan rituals, one is NOT bringing praise to YHWH nor His Son, but you make Satan feel pretty good. He loves deception as he is the father of lies.

This 'keep christ in christmas' and believe 'jesus is the reason for the season' are just wrong. Not because I don't believe in Y'shua, but because I DO believe AND understand what YHWH is telling us, as it is written in the Original script - Leviticus in particular.  YHWH gave His people specific times to keep and observe forever, to remember Him, His power and glory and how He has brought us to where we are today. These appointed times (moedim) are:
  • Pesach/Passover
  • Chag HaMatzah/Unleavened Bread
  • Yom HaBikkurim/First Fruits
  • Shavuot/Pentecost
  • Yom Teruah/Feast of Trumpets
  • Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement
  • Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles and then the 8th Day which is
  • The Last Great Day
All other man-made traditional holidays we've been taught and celebrated since birth are not of our Creator but are of pagan origins - Satan inspired to lead us away from our Elohim YHWH.