Showing posts with label lamentations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lamentations. Show all posts

Sunday, October 6, 2019


For all who claim to 'stand with Israel' should read the chapter from your copy of Scriptures titled Lamentations to gain a better understanding of the relationship our Creator has with His people.
The Book of Lamentations may not be the most popular book in the Bible but it is an essential ingredient for helping humans to understand an important aspect of their relationship with The Creator – the expression of grief and distress. This special book is a collection of five lament poems recounting the tragic fall of Jerusalem to Babylon.
I provide a paraphrased (shortened) version here and ask that you read from your copy of Scriptures for the full length version.

A city once great among nations sits lonely.
All of her friends and allies have betrayed her and become her foes.
Judah has gone into exile because of misery and harsh oppression.
Zion's roads are empty of festival pilgrims and her gates are deserted.
Her enemies are now the masters and her foes are at ease because
YHWH has afflicted her for her many transgressions.

Gone from fair Zion are all that were to her glory; her leaders were like stags that found no pasture, they could only walk feebly before the pursuer.

Jerusalem recalled all the precious things she once had and in her days of woe and sorrow there was no one to help her.  Jerusalem had greatly sinned and became a mockery and those who once admired her have seen her disgrace.  She has seen her Sanctuary invaded by nations which Yah had once denied entry.  He has afflicted her on His Day of Wrath.  He delivers her into the hands of those she cannot withstand and sets a time against her to crush her young men. Jerusalem has become an unclean thing.

YHWH is right and Jerusalem acknowledges that she has disobeyed Him and sees how wrong she's been to rebel against Him. In His Wrath Yah shames Fair Zion and casts down the majesty of Israel, in blazing anger.  He destroyed His Tabernacle bringing to end festival and sabbath; spurning king and priest; He resolved to destroy the wall of Fair Zion.

Jerusalem's seers prophesied to her in both delusion and folly.  They did not expose her iniquities so as to restore her fortunes. Instead they prophesied oracles of delusion and deception (lies).  She was once called Perfect in Beauty, Joy of All the Earth but now her enemies jeer at her and cry "We've ruined her!"

Yahweh has done what He purposed, that which He ordained long ago.
In all that happens, under His rod of wrath; leaving us numb as we become the laughingstock to all people, the butt of their gibes every day and we begin to feel bitterness as if sated with wormwood.  We feel bereft of peace and forget what happiness is.  But this do I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The kindness of YHWH has not ended, His mercies have not run out - they are renewed every morning - how ample is His Grace! He is my portion I say with a full heart; therefore I hope in Him.  He is good to those who trust in Him. To those who seek Him it is good to wait patiently for rescue.  We bear the yoke, sit alone and be patient.  YHWH does not reject forever, but first afflicts then pardons in His abundant kindness for He does not willfully bring grief or affliction to man, crushing prisoners of the earth. He does not deny us our rights. Of what shall a living man complain? Each his own sins!
Let us search and examine our ways and turn back to our Father; let us lift up our hearts with our hands to our Father in Heaven:
We have transgressed and rebelled, and You have not forgiven. You have clothed Yourself in anger and pursued us, You have slain without pity. You have screened Yourself off with a cloud that no prayer may pass through. You have made us filth and refuse in the midst of the peoples.  My eyes shed streams of water over the ruin of my poor people.
I have called on Your Name O Yahweh, hear my plea; do not shut Your ear to my cry! You have told us not to fear and have redeemed our lives. You see the wrongs that are done.

Those who were once valued as gold are now earthen pots and have turned cruel.  Those who feasted on dainties lie famished in the streets; those who were reared in purple have embraced refuse heaps. The guilt of my poor people exceeds the iniquity of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment without a hand striking it.  With their own hands tenderhearted women cook their children; such has become their fate.  His cup of wrath will also be passed to Fair Edom who dwell in the land of Uz.

O Yahweh, remember us. Our ancestors have sinned and we bear their guilt.  Gone is the joy from our hearts as we mourn; woe to us that we have sinned.  But You are enthroned forever, through the ages. Take us back! Let us come back; renew our days of old for truly You have rejected us, we have made you bitter.