Showing posts with label messianic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label messianic. Show all posts

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Nothing Has Changed

Right off the bat we are told it is Satan 
who causes us to doubt the Word of Yah. 
This doubt causes division among His People. 
If we aren't of one mind how can we be a Light unto others?
If we won't accept the written word as truth, 
if we doubt that Yahweh says what He means 
and does what He says, 
then we fall into that same trap Satan 
set in the Garden of long ago.

Nothing has changed. 
The rules are the same and the consequences are the same.

It is up to us to seek Him as if looking for treasure. 
By seeking YHWH we follow the trail 
and avoid those stumbling blocks
of bad translations, doctrines of man 
and those wolves in sheep's clothing.

Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, 
is our road map out of the world system
that we may find our way back home 
returning to our Creator.

We know God speaks to His People as it is written in Scriptures. We also know even those who witnessed His Works first hand eventually fell away from following His Teachings.

In the beginning Yahweh established Himself as the Creator of: Light; Sky; Earth; Lights in the Sky; Sea Creatures; Birds that Fly; Animals, insects and man. Then He blesses the 7th day and rests. Many years later He tells us to remember the 7th day, to rest and do no work on that day (commandment #4 of the 10.) We obey this instruction as a 'sign' that we have chosen to be Set Apart because our Creator is Set Apart.

YHWH has told us the end from the beginning so we will recognize that when these events occur, it was He, the Living Elohim, who told us beforehand. We can trust that Yah is the One True God. 

YHWH Elohim provides the instructions needed that all will be well for us. His Instructions are recorded in Genesis through Deuteronomy.  If we read Scriptures every day His Spirit will begin to reveal the Truth of His Word and we shall gain understanding. This is the path of righteousness we choose to travel.

God placed man in the Garden to tend it. He put us in His Creation to take care of things until the Time of the End (of life as we know it.)   The Adversary, Satan, has been corrupting the system ever since he caused Eve to doubt the Word of God by asking: Did God really say...? Doubt causes division and Satan uses that same tactic against us in this day and age.

If we continue to read and study Scriptures our understanding will increase and give way to wisdom that we may discern the times we are in and not fall victim to Satan's deceits. Satan has a counterfeit for everything God put in place.

We can say anything, profess to be believers, but it is the intentions of our heart that will be eventually revealed. YHWH's People are recognized as Set Apart because not only do they 'talk the talk' by they 'walk the walk'.

Our lifestyle becomes Set Apart by our choice to obey YHWH and live according to His rules. This is what it means to be a Light unto the Nations (other peoples).

If we love Elohim the Creator whose name is YHWH, then we obey His Instructions. He, in turn, keeps His promise made to Abraham so many years ago: Yah will gather us from the corners of the earth, from the places we have been scattered and set us on the Promised Land of Canaan.

We trust our Heavenly Father that we will find ourselves back in that Garden.

Friday, May 10, 2013

To Dance or Not to Dance

Several months ago the topic of dance came up within the Torah Study Group I was attending.  A sister came across a website which went into the pagan origins of what some today refer to as Hebraic Dance, or Davidic Dance, or praise and worship dance = Circle Dance.  I followed up this topic with my own study, both within scripture and via resources on the web.  Bottom line - Acceptable dance, whirling and twirling (dancing) is Spontaneous Reaction to Joy, not something planned, choreographed and taught to others.

Examples of Joyful Dancing in Scriptures:
Exodus 15:20,
1 Samuel 18:6-7. 2 Samuel 6:14-23,
Jeremiah 31:4,
Psalm 30:12, Psalm 149, 150:4,
Judges 11:34 (mixed emotions here)
Judges 21:21-23
In a rush to embrace the Hebraic Roots/Messianic movement, some good hearted gentiles are overlooking some facts.  Just as we have learned about the origins of the holidays and have quit partaking in them, learned dance steps have pagan origins, too.  We cannot tolerate what is wrong in an attempt to make things right.  We cannot mimic pagan ways and think we are honoring our Creator as He Himself said we cannot take something unholy and make it holy.

Here are some links that delve into the origins of what is being passed off as praise and worship:
Is Dancing Biblical?

What does Scripture Say?

Mayim Mayim
this site (Israeli folk dance) has a pdf showing the particular steps called the 'grapevine'
which is what ties in with paganism...

Grapevine Step
same style as the Hebrew Folk Dance
Spiral-Grapevine-Weaver's Dance defined
There is so much deception in our life which is a tool used by Satan to keep us from gaining knowledge, to keep us from YHWH our Elohim.  I am thankful for Jamie who brought this topic to my attention to begin with!  Time to take the blinders off!  Be Set Apart because He Is Set Apart :-)