Showing posts with label groups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label groups. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2016

:::`` <^> Weapons of Mass Distraction <^> ``:::

Over the past year I have visited several groups on Facebook covering topics from being Torah Observant to the Fallen Angel Alien agenda, with many of them including 'end time' scenarios. In each group I have found there are many people who can discuss topics using Scriptures as a foundation and post comments back and forth about its implication on current events, and there are those who are actually open to learning what is written in Scriptures.  I have also found that there is a great many more who base their beliefs on hearsay and speculation while picking and choosing bits of Scripture to justify their stance or simply choose to deny His Word altogether. Those folks become very defensive when gently challenged or shown evidence for the error of their way. Many people have just as many various ideas of 'what God means' to them. One of the differences among them is that those few who are aware of current events search Scriptures to see where we are in Yah's time line while others try to force His Words to fit their imagination.

One thing is for certain... if you don't trust that Yahweh Elohim created the universe, gave us an Instruction Manual (Scriptures) and then provided us an escape plan by following His Son's example of obeying those same Instructions... if you don't have Faith in the Good News of His Kingdom to come and life eternal, it becomes very difficult to see the big picture of what is happening in the world today - and the imaginings of man have become very entertaining and enticing. 

I share this study because of what I have learned to be true, from my observations, studies and research - I am not a scholar, nor a Hebrew linguist or a member of any religious organization - but I have been reading Scriptures for over 15 years and have read about, studied and compared common misconceptions as to what the Creator put forth and how man's imagination ran off with them, guided by the many deceptions devised by Satan.  It's not a mystery, it just takes time and desire to know the Truth.

Some of the topics folks cannot agree upon, not only in these Facebook groups but for most, are:

  • "The Rapture" = the timing of the gathering of His Chosen People
  • Who the Chosen are
  • "The Law" = claiming the 'new testament' did away with the old
  • Fallen angels, Nephilim and their descendants
  • Knowing the signs of Messiah's return
  • "Going to Heaven" = the idea that we die and immediately go to heaven
  • "Christianity"
These are all worthy topics and can be understood if one has a heart to do so. Yah says to seek Him as if we are seeking treasure - He is our reward, His glory perfects us.  By reading Genesis through Revelation and back again (and again) our knowledge is increased.  His Instructions are clear, not a burden, but a Light shining in what seems to be  the darkness of these days.  He has told us the end from the beginning, He has told us everything we need to know,  so that when these things happen we shall not perish.  He wants us to read it for ourselves in order to give the Ruach haKodesh something to work with within us.  When His Son, Y'shua, died and was resurrected he proceeded to anoint his 12 apostles with the Spirit of Elohim.  He called this Spirit the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth.  We all have it - just need to choose to read Scripture so it can respond in like.

Those of us who choose to follow the path Y'shua walked will come to learn that not everyone will understand, not everyone hears the Master's Voice. This became so evident to me as I entered into heavy discussions in these various groups.  I was butting heads with some who were so embedded in their version of Scriptures it became obvious I had to just 'knock the dust off my sandals' and move on.  Deceptions have been passed down, innocently enough in most cases, through the generations as folks cling to church rituals unaware they are steeped in pagan origins that have nothing to do with Yahweh or Y'shua.  From there we become divided as evidenced in the hundreds of denominations and thousands of religious beliefs.  There is only One Elohim, One Faith and we become One People - His People - when we figure this out.

Jude 1:3... while I take all pains to write to you of our common life, it is needful for me to write to you, encouraging you to maintain a conflict for the faith which was once delivered to the Set Apart believers.

Here are links to a few of my studies that relate to some of the above mentioned topics of contention:

As I mentioned earlier, everything we need to know is written in Scriptures.  It is from there we can study out all things as we are firmly footed in His foundation of Truth. From this foundation we gain clarity and discernment. Many topics share the same 'core of truth' but become items of 'Mass Distraction' intended to take our focus off Yahweh, just as Satan tempted Eve, causing her to 'doubt' what the Creator said.