Showing posts with label near. Show all posts
Showing posts with label near. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Kingdom is at Hand

We know what the Kingdom of Heaven is like, but what does Yahshua mean when he says it is near - at hand?  Is this the spiritual realm of our Creator? 

Luke 17:20
Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of Elohim would come, Yahshua replied, "The coming of the kingdom of Elohim is not something that can be observed."

Romans 14:17
For The Kingdom of Elohim is not eating and drinking (physical), but the righteousness and the peace and the joy in Yah's Set Apart Spirit (spiritual).

The Ruach haKodesh is the Spirit of Yahweh who spoke creation into existence. It is this same Spirit that caused His Son to be born. It is the same Spirit Yahshua gave to his Apostles ten days after he ascended to heaven. It is this same Spirit that becomes apparent within us as we continue to read and study the Word of Yahweh our Creator. His Kingdom is the righteousness, the peace and the joy in the Ruach haKodesh.  When we become aware of those spiritual emotions, then we experience the nearness of His Kingdom. It is His Spirit that connects us.  

We won't find The Kingdom of Heaven by performing traditional rituals, eating and drinking and partaking of pagan holidays.  It is not a physical manifestation that can be seen in this world. Yet the Ruach haKodesh, who comforts us revealing the Truth of all things, teaches us just how close we truly are to the Kingdom of Heaven. By faith we shall find our reward- the righteousness, peace and joy -in our hope of the Good News in the Kingdom to Come.