Saturday, April 9, 2016

Just for You

Lets say Yahweh Elohim wrote Scriptures just for you.

He is the Beginning and the End and knows everything that will happen to you, all the trials and tribulation, all the good times and the bad.

He loves and cares about you so much that He will not let you go through your life alone. He has established Himself as a living entity, all powerful and all knowing and asks you to trust Him and follow His Plan. In doing so He keeps His Promise to bless you that things will go well with you right up until the time of His earthy kingdom, and beyond to the time He restores everything!

You know of these things because you read what He had written - you can feel His Words in your heart - no matter what is happening in the world around you you feel His Love and Peace within and there you stand strong in Faith trusting His Plan that has been there before you were born.

Live according to His Instructions and become a Light to others who are struggling in darkness as you once were.

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