Showing posts with label govt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label govt. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Failed System

Our Entire Governmental System has failed - it is no longer Democrats vs Republicans or any other liberal independent socialist parties on the sidelines. If you're willing to bring God into the picture all you need to do is read Scriptures from the beginning a few times and you will see the pieces come together revealing what we see going on in today's world. 

Superpowers need to be taken down so the final world govt can take over - it is prophecy we are a witness to. Praying for America is not going to change anything, but praying for fellow Set Apart believers will help us understand what's going on = we must get our own house in order first if we think we are going to endure the changes coming our way. Once we stand firm in our Faith in God (Yahweh) we can affect those around us, and so on. The American Dream was a trap that kept us brainwashed all these years and now we see the nightmare it really is.